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Ashbridges Bay


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"D" Inside the bay is your best bet.. Personally, I haven't had any success there, but I've only been a couple times, and only had short outings.. I saw a post where a fellow OFC'er caught a nice looking trout there, and I've seen trout jumping, so might as well try your hand at it, and let us know how it turned out..

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The point where a+b meet (lake side ) for Browns - When the winds are right in the summer and fall and all winter, some of the best brown trout fishing anywhere at night and early morn , have seen browns chase schools of alewifes up agaist the rocks and its raining trout.

at "C" have caught salmon and bows off both points when the winds are blowing the colder water in got to time this right but if things are right your gonna have some fun .

As others have said "D" for pike in the spring can be great , all summer fish move in and out of d (Browns ,sheephead ,carp, pike, salmon , even got some pink salmon there) ,and the chinnys show up looking for a river i guess in the fall .

also try in the bay itself for huge carp in the spring , bass ,the odd pike , perch , large cats

you didnt mark the area off the boat launch, its just like area d and I have caught my largest carp there and lots of bass.


You need to get the right winds but when things are right one of my fav spots , fish off all for of the large rock points .

Edited by capt bruce
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I fish Ashbridges all the time, I can safely say at least 10 times a year for the past 4 or 5 years and with the exception of one outing with DSN have caught jack squat. But I keep at it, I know when I finally get my fish it will be that much sweeter. Keeps me humble I suppose. I go down there chasing pike while everybody else is after Salmon and Trout too. Probably be down there this weekend, either Saturday or Sunday morning. Maybe see you there. Good Luck.

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