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Photo Help Needed Urgently!


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Moosebunk thank you for your reply... Yes my son has been diagnosed with eczema he is seeing both a Dermatologist and a doctor that specializes in adolescent allergies. My son has been prescribed more creams and more antibiotics then I can even begin to count... problem is they have little lasting effect.. and he too young for the majority of the drugs available to help him cope.. we all hope he will grow out of this and is just a stage but we have to be prepared that it just might not be temporary..


He also suffers from severe food allergies, Wheat, Eggs, Dairy Products, Soy, Legumes... and all the by products of the above... try and go to your Grocery store and purchase something without the above ingredients... it is difficult.. he carries around Epipen just incase...


He sees a nutritionist to make sure he is growing properly sand getting the nourishment he requires from the foods were are able to feed him. He is doing well in this regard as I am spend a small fortune on specialty foods from specialty shops to cater to his needs. he eats alot of Organic veggies and fruits.. and his protein comes in the form of certified organic Meats etc.. Turkey, Rabbit, Lamb and wild game are all considered less allergic compared to other meats


I never thought I would know as much as I do about foods and nutrition and food ingredients and that stuff you cant pronounce on food labels....but I had no choice but to receive a crash course :)


and the good thing.... I have lost 20lbs myself by eating better :)


Just a small synopsis on my little mans experiances in life



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