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Cold front report


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Like every weekend I went to my favoured lake. Boat launch was almost empty. It was cold. Around 9:00 am wind picked up little bit and my tin can started jumping like a red/white bobber. I’ve tried everything what has produced for me before, but no hits, not even a sniff, nada,. The wind was sometimes brutal, I think it was the first time I’ve noticed white caps on this lake.

Does it look like cold front for you?




After trying my “go to” lures without any success I’ve decided to try X – rap. After few casts wind blow it in to my jacket (on the side, elbow level).The gust was so strong that two pints of the rear treble went past the barb in to a fabric. Not a problem. I grabbed pliers and try to pull it out, but the fabric is strong and

treble even stronger. I grabbed the body of the X-rap to keep the other treble in the distance and decided to use little bit more force ( something has to give). Quick pull and OUCHHHHHHH, what the hell is this pain. When I took a look, it was not pleasant. :o

I was able to free one point of the back treble from the fabric and at the same time one of the point of front treble was embedded in my finger waaaaay past the barb to the bottom of “U” bend. The tip was visible about ¼ “ to the side. Now please do not ask for the picture, I was not in the mood. :stretcher: Wind has picked up again, waves are rolling and I’m sitting in the boat thinking how it looks from a distance. After few second I see the picture of a guy in the boat trying to deliver under his arm invisible piglet to a BBQ party. :w00t: Pulled bolt cutters to free my arm, then cut the treble so only one point left ( in my finger BTW ). I know that next step going to be painful. Looking for something to put in my mouth between my teethes, paddle looks good :thumbsup_anim: . First I’ve pushed the hook forward past the barb ( nice impression on the paddle ), then pulled out the hook from the other side ( second very good impression on the paddle). I’m thinking that I will give this paddle to my dentist, the impression will be ready in case I will need some remodelling in the future :thumbsup_anim: . O.K. lets go back to fishing. In anticipation of the skunk, I’ve opened my tackle box again. Desperate situation require desperate measures. I have few spoons for salmon, but I’ve never used them. One ( the ugliest) with silver side and the other????

I will spare you description :wacko: ( I could not go past censorship and I do not want you to give up on your dinner)


First cast hit – 25 “ pike , third cast another about 23” ( no pictures, my finger was still bleeding like a ……. whatever you ca imagine. Couple minutes later again, but this is not pike, at this moment I had to pull the camera and here it is





I’ve noticed that skunk was running away very fast :thumbsup_anim: . I all took about 7 min to catch this fish and then everything went back to normal ( no hit, no sniff, nada)


At 12:30 I have decided I had enough attraction for today. Until next weekend :thumbsup_anim:

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Excellent report and pics!!!... nice way to fight your way out of the Bermuda Triangle!!! :w00t::thumbsup_anim:


Been there done that with the hook thing... a treble thru the jeans and imbedded into the knee. I prefer to weave a Tapestry of cuss words than risk my dental work on anything... cussin' helps!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Edited by Greencoachdog
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Ouch your description of the embedded lure was too perfect that I almost felt your pain glad to hear after all that you caught some fish :stretcher: .Thanks to Roy I always keep cutters on board.


Hope it heels quickly be safe.



Did Roy stick you with a hook???


Ya gotta watch out for those dwarves, what they lack in height... they make up for in sneakiness!!!

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Doh! Been there with the whole lure thing. I got it right through the webbing between my thumb and index finger and I thought that was painful. I'm cringing just thinking about pulling out a little meat on the end of the barb as I'm sure you did. **shudders**


Good job on the fish though! :thumbsup:

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Guest Johnny Bass

Thats one of the lows of fishing. Getting a hook stuck in you. At least you had bolt cutters on board and didn't have to cut your trip short and end up catching a few fish. Thanks for the report.

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