Yes, there is a law. You can't block traffic. This is blocking one lane of the trans canada highway. But there are others around town, on 2 lane streets, one each way, where people are lined down the street and you have to drive in the oncoming lane to get past them.
I would commend them for handing out tickets to the people blocking traffic. My point was it was the cop blocking traffic, breaking the law he is hired to enforce.
Hey, I knew the guy second from the end of the line when I went in. There was a car behind him on the street, really blocking traffic. I said something to him about it. I went in, got my coffee, and came out. He was still 3rd from being served. I waved goodbye and jumped into my truck. Thats when I saw the cop blocking traffic.
yep, It takes longer to sit in line that to walk inside, but everybody is in a hurry