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Everything posted by ecxstriper

  1. Congrats family on your new boat. I guess I need to get up there now ,lol , and my offer to store it foe winter still stands.
  2. Beauty fish there aye !! You got snow already up there? lol
  3. Well for my 2 cents . I belong to another fishing board that is more locale to me and this board is much friendier, informative and well better.
  4. Well I got to the surf again this weekend. The water temp is coming down so the bait fish are coming out of the creeks and the stripers , blues and albies are coming in to feast on them. I have never caught an albie ( false albacore) . I did get two nice blues Saturday night. On sunday morning I hooked into an albie what a thrill . I wasn't able to landed it . This fish took off like a rocket it took 100 yrds off my reel in second. I was able to get all the line back but make no no further ground back until it went on anothter run almost as long as the first one. I can't wait till this weekend to try again. I saw a few fish landed but most of the anglers had the same experience as I did .
  5. That was really good .
  6. they can erect the first two dorsal spines, the first one locks and the second one unlocks. It keeps larger fish from swallowing them. GCD you are a fish tease!! That is a real nice jack you got there .
  7. Or you could bring it down here to my place. I would be happy to keep an eye on your baot for and make sure I start the motor once a week for you.
  8. Thanks for the replys . Yea the blues fight like carzy especially when they are on a lot of line. They will jump several times and take some really nice runs too. I'm heading out to night for some stripers.
  9. I have had a lot of time on my hands these past couple of weeks, so I have been surf fishing like a madman. #1 My friend Lago had related to me that he never catches anything. I decided to take him out for overnight surf fishing. We arrive around 9pm, walked 1/2 mile to my spot and set up 4 rods. Lago was inexperienced casting the longer rods, especially in the dark so I put him in charge of baiting. We got a lot of Skates (stopped counting when we hit double digits), 2 nice Blues (around 30 inches, pics did not turn out), 2 dog sharks (4 ft long...great fighters!) Here are the sharks... and this little fellow.....a stargazer You have to be careful when handling Stargazers because they will give you a mild electrical shock. Lago and I had a great time, so good in fact, that he asked me to take him to get his own surf setup..rod, reel, tackle box, line, lures and all the other cool stuff that will empty your savings account. #2 I went back out Saturday morning, arrived at daybreak, the weather was perfect but I only managed a few sea robins and one Blue........ can I enter this in the tourney?? As I was packing up the van to head home around 6:30pm, Lago called and wanted to know about going fishing to break in his new rod. Told him where to get bait and coffee while I unpacked the van. Lago arrived around 8pm. Along with the bait and coffee I should have asked Lago to bring me some warmer clothes..the weather had turned windy and cold. Fishing was slow, not even the Skates were biting. Left around 4am Sunday morning, no fish but had a great time. #3 Following Thursday Lago and I left my place at 2:30am, arrived at the beach at 4am. Perfect weather and plenty of bait and coffee. We began setting up the 6 rods (we can fish as many rods as we can handle in New Jersey). I like to set up 3 rods each in the surf with different baits cast out at varying distances. Action started right away, didn't even have all the rods setup. Skates started off the action until the sun started rising, then it was the slammer blues (larger blues 10lbs +). We fished about 12 hours. There have been no Stripers yet as the water is still too warm for them to show up in any real numbers or size. I went 15/19 slammer blues. Lago had several hits and broke in his new rod with the big fish of the day....32" Had one triple header but the blues crossed up the lines and we lost them all Lago is now reading everything he can get his hands on and calls me daily to see when we can go fishing again.....I've turned him into an addict, his new wife (got married a month ago) now hates me and is plotting my demise
  10. I don't fish musky but have found that I have a better hook up rate and hook penitration with single hooks.
  11. And you can always go out fishing if the leafs are losing . Looks like you being getting alot of night fishing in this year!!
  12. I was wondering when I was going to see you post some Reds . That one is very nice, GCD. Where are the Gouper pics?
  13. I'm working on my post just been to busy repacking my spool!! Lol
  14. I was wsn't all that upset after I saw the boater had more trouble than I did. It is actually pretty funny now. It wasn't a matter of legality if you want to get technical the boater illegally removed my fishing line from the water . It is a matter of being considerate and not putting others out because you can. Thanks for the show of support and replies
  15. That is a amazing !! well done
  16. I had a chance to get out and do some surf fishing Sunday, but with the warm weather there was nothing going on except for a few Sea Robins. I got tried of walking and throwing plugs and decided to drift some eels for a while. As it is every Sunday there wher quite a few boats but then again it is the Ocean with plenty of room for everyone. boats. I see these two guys trolling about 10 yrds off the beach which is a pretty good idea, but as they approach my postion they show no signs of going around my line. I yell out to them that I have a line in the water. Got a wave back for my effort and I think this will be the end of it but no!! Line starts peeling off my reel . Fourntaly I had set my drag real light. I lost 300 yrds of power pro(35$) and another 200 yrds of 12 Lb mono and eel and and my favorite rig. After much communicating of my displeaser with my hands the guys in the boat try and leave but no good . 300 yrds of braid and 200 yrds of mono will really mess up a prop. The best part for me was that they where about 8 miles from the nearest maraina with a busted boat and stuck .
  17. Nice fish Cliff. The water here is really low but the carp and Bass guys are loving it.
  18. nice fish there Cliff , way to go, that must have been cool . I'm putting my sruf report together now
  19. Congrats again Cliff beauty fish .Way to go 2 in one night there. I'm heading out at noon for the surf I call you when I get there. No salmon but the false ablacore are in so many. Skien is roe but in clumps , OO7.
  20. Well you know they say the camera adds 5 lbs. lol
  21. Wow way to go SIS. That is one impressive fish . Great job all the way around.
  22. I was thinking about catching that pike next week myself . We should probaly start a number system . We wouldn't want that pike to be caught twice in the same week or even the same day . The UPA (united pike association ) won't put up with that.
  23. DId I forget to mention Bly is very competive. I still have the scares to prove it , watch yourself Rick!
  24. I usally just lip the bigger cats like you do with bass and the smaller ones I use the "apluma method"
  25. beauty ski Fishnsled , looks like a great time spent on the water.
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