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Everything posted by Ainsley

  1. Sinker, great pics there! I'll have to post a few of my Algonquin pictures when I'm not on my phone. The one pic looks like you have a Subaru forester XT, I'm in the market for one at the moment actually, how have you liked yours?
  2. I've never had luck with lakers on baptiste, I've fished that lake every year since I was a kid.
  3. I've never had luck with lakers on baptiste
  4. Gave your pics a good look and they do look very similar. I wish mine had a split windshield, I end up climbing around the side of the windshield to cast off the bow. I'm planning on getting some Teak or an alternative (Iroko or Ipe) and doing the trim around the interior as well as some other little accent pieces. I've contemplated putting an electric trolling motor on her but have yet to decide if it would be better with a foot control or 'tiller' style. It would definitely need to go on the stern and I would have to make up some kind of bracket or plate in aluminum. I ended up finding out that the transom had some rot around the motor mount bolt holes so after i removed as much of the punky wood as I could I injected epoxy to stabilize the remaining rot and then installed a stainless plate to strengthen the whole area.
  5. Here are a few of mine. Steelhead I caught this past spring on the Lower Niagara Good sized brown from a month or so ago Nice speck I caught in Algonquin, my first speck ever actually Obviously not a monster but my first muskie, and unfortunately still my PB I should dig out an old picture of the 14lb walleye I caught with my brother when I was young.
  6. A few pics of my 1971 Searay. Still a work in progress.
  7. I rebuilt a 1971 searay 180 this past spring. It was given to me and I decided to go in with 6 other buddies and fix it up. I rebuilt the engine (a 1968 merc SS1000), replaced all the wiring and fuel system while the other boys buffed, painted and cleaned. Still have some trim work to do this winter along with installing a fishfinder and radio but it's a sweet cruiser.
  8. I've been using Floro as a mainline and leader for a while now and really like it. I find it more abrasion resistant than mono and I never break off fish. You definitely need to pay close attention to your knots and lube it when tightening. It can tend to develop memory easier on the reel, but line conditioner helps. I'm a fan of the P-line and Seaguar stuff... pricey tho.
  9. Give it a try. I was out in the glen all afternoon and picked up four nice steelhead. Best fishing i've seen down there yet.
  10. I'm assuming you were on Erie. I've wanted to give perch a try out there but never got around to it. I had my boat in chippawa all summer but never got out to Erie.
  11. Two spots to get down: The whirlpool and the glen. The whirlpool is the classic fishing hole.
  12. I've been down in the glen four times in the last week and have picked up at least one steelhead or brown every time.
  13. I position my bench in the middle of the shop and use it for assembly and outfeed for my tables saw and planer.
  14. Made this one a few months ago out of MDF, some construction lumber and a bit of hard maple.
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