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Everything posted by Bojangles
" In the U - S of A. "
Whoa a new Salmon pattern! Must be killer on those Chinnys!
I remember those days when you used to hook nice sized shakers every cast at most Georgian bay rivers.. now you gotta work you butt off to get one on a good day. I think it definately has to do with the baitfish numbers in the Bay... I have caught many Salmon over the years that have a case of 'anorexia'. The one below it smashed that bag like it was it's last meal. I wish it could be legit to shoot Cormorants anytime... Those things are eating everything up everywhere.
Coho Brown Coho Nook Sucker
Thornbury - Beaver River OPENING DAY Smallmouth
Bojangles replied to jdmls's topic in General Discussion
Some of my biggest 3.5-5lb smallies have come out of the Beaver river.. they do come in and its a spot that's good to hit for bass.. minnows are deadly there -
There's fish to be had there.. just don't fish too deep you'll snag up on a body...
A Steelhead so smart and quick no one could ever land. I'd love making people look stupid..
Ya there's some trout...
Kris @ Fishonline Canada has a good selectiion of carp gear.. he knows his stuff and I'm sure he'll tell you where the fish are...
10 Things NOT to Say When You are Pulled Over
Bojangles replied to 1Harringtona's topic in General Discussion
"Here officer... hold this beer while I find my licence." -
Not meaning to stir the pot or anything here... but isn't it illegal to fish within 25 yards of any structures (dams) that stop fish from migrating further upstream in Ontario? Sleded looks alittle too close in one of the pictures... Nice fish either way... Bojan
If you like your normal 5-6 foot ultralight rods or other specific jigging rods I don't see why it would hurt to stand 6 feet away from the hole... but this would only apply if you were fishing without a hut.
Morons Once again... These links were taken off another board... just thought I'd show you guys how negative they are towards our sport... Bojan
I'll second, third, fourth, fifth, whatever comment that was on the Islander. I wouldn't have two if they weren't solid reels.
Ahh what's going on brother... good to see you're still around... Holler if you and Mike are down to drift one of these days! Bojan..
Living in the area myself, I would say that there is alot and I mean ALOT of water to cover from Old Mill to Eglington... believe me... I've walked past Eglington from the Old Mill. I prefer the stretch above the Old Mill as it is very under-fished and it has some prime Steelhead structure. Right now there wouldn't be catchable numbers of Steelhead above the dam until they start to run in the spring. However, if you were to fish it a month or two earlier there could of been tons of Salmon, Browns, and perhaps the odd Steelie to be had in that stretch, but it's all about finding them. You're better off fishing the spots below the dam while they're still open. The Humber gets shut really fast and when it does blow out it takes weeks for it to get back to normal levels. Wait until the spring to fish the stretches above the Old Mill because right now it would not be worth all that time and footwork, unless you are scouting around for new spots. Hope this helps, Bojan
Hey Cliff! If you took the remaining plastic off the cork I'm sure that it will keep your hands much warmer, especially with the colder weather we've been having lately. Bojangles!
Well... If you're on the PC... get a coffee and a dozen doughnuts for this one... and if you have a laptop you might as well bring this one to the toilet with you! Anyways... for those of you who didn't know... I'm studying my first year of Fish & Wildlife Technology at Sandford Fleming and I'm living in residence. I never really saw myself being here until a year ago where I began to look down the road more, the road leading to my future. I love the school and I love being up here in Lindsay. It's quite a change up here compared to living in Toronto (Etobicoke) for the last fourteen years. I was happy that I was used to my new life from day one in residence. No more Mom to worry about (she still wakes me up every morning for class by phone ), no more little brothers to yell at... just me on my own for the very first time. Freedom never felt this good. The atmosphere and the people up here are great. I never really opened up my eyes this much when it came to the environment. I'm looking at every tree, every branch, every leaf, every bush, pretty much anything related to nature. What I love the most is that everyone here loves the great outdoors whether it's fishing, hunting, birdwatching, nature photography etc etc. I've made amazing lifelong friendships with several people and this is what keeps me going even more. I've gone back to the city several times over the last few months but the bonds I have made up here really make me want to leave the city quicker. I just miss my people back in Lindsay, it's pretty much family to me. The greatest part of my experience so far is knowing how much I have matured this year alone. Being away from my family isn't that easy, but I still kept in great touch with my folks. It's funny how I enjoy helping my brother's do their homework over msn, poop-chatting with my Mom over the phone with issues, and telling my Grandpa not to go Steelheading because the water is still dramatically low everywhere now. My eyes have now opened more and to be honest I have changed the way I see people and how I communicate with them. My judgements are much wiser compared to how I judged things throughout my four years of highschool. I've had crazy experiences up here such as fishing on a weekday morning (OH YA!), fishing after midnight (OH YA!), sharing tons of fishing and hunting stories with those who live in my building, tying roe at two in the morning, taking nature photography sessions, making wild game for dinner more often, etc etc. But I gotta say my craziest experience was biking from Lindsay to Toronto. Yes, biking from Lindsay to Toronto on a mountain bike. The bike ride was a life changing experience for myself and three other buddies in the same building as me. It took us 17.5 hours to do it over the course of two days. We slept on the cold forest floor overnight around a fire without a blanket, sleeping bag, pillow or anything... all out on the floor like a wild man. We had a 60lb bag holding an axe, food, clothes, laptops and other equipment which we rotated between the four of us every two hours. Along with that bag we each also carried a fairly heavy school bag which had other stuff we needed. We took sideroads for a while then we took the Trans-Canada Trail for a while until we got to Kingston Rd which we took all the way down through Downtown and out into Etobicoke. We finished at East Mall and Bloor Street. The worst feeling for me was when we got out of Pickering and into Scarborough. I thought I was going to die because my legs couldn't take it anymore. If we didn't take that 20 minute pizza break I don't think I could of went further. The funny part is my Mom had no clue I was biking from Lindsay to Toronto until I got to my buds house when I called her. Yes, she flipped at me but she was glad I was ok after yelling and telling me how crazy I was... ahahaha! Lindsay to Manilla to Uxbridge to Whitby to Ajax to Pickering to Scarborough to Toronto to Etobicoke... we covered it all... I got pulled over by the Cops for biking on the sidewalk for a split second to fix my chain. They let me off with a 'warning' even though I was telling the truth and I told them where I was biking from etc etc. A buddy of mine knocked down a vegetable stand umbrella with the tip of the axe coming out of the bag. The umbrella fell onto a barrel of fruits which ended up all over Danforth. My buddy didn't even feel the resistance but he learnt his lesson to not bike on the sidewalk after a drinking break. It was quite the trip going through downtown. I'll never forget almost scratching that brand new yellow Lambo... what a close call! Here are some pics from our ride, Mr. Marley might have inspired the trip if you think! I could of put up a pile of pictures but I'm sure you guys get the idea! It was a truly memorable bike ride. GOOD TIMES! Other then that... the fishing this fall has been quite lousy with the lack of water. The begginning of the year was a Coho-fest and I couldn't keep them off my line. I took up night fishing for Walleye and Crappie abit locally and I did beach my first Musky of the year on the third day of school. It was a decent thirty or so incher I didn't get a picture of. I haven't been fishing as much as I wanted though because I have no car and the dudes that drive and fish are very picky about the weather and times... I guess they aren't so 'hardcore'. Since the levels have been staying low the Steelheading hasn't been so great either. I haven't been taking my camera alot nor have I been going out often so I couldn't get too too many photo's after the Salmon were gone for good... I'm really waiting for a good blowout right now so I can get back to fishin'. Until then I think I'll take up knitting... Here are some pics mixed up: My favourite shot above with the two pansize Walleye for midnight snack in the Pizza Pizza with the Pizza Pizza guy behind us. Classic! My buddy above still fished with a dislocated shoulder from playing Rugby. We always prayed to the "Fish Hook Tree God" above... It's been an amazing ride so far and we're almost into the Christmas break already... what a flash! The parties are good and the beer is good... here is our beer wall before it was taken down... We had a total of 1600+ cans of whatever beer comes to your head. I can't even count how many cans were not even added to this collection... We used our money to buy beer again... There are two layers of beer cans... so take what you see and multiply by two... The ladies? Well it gets alittle awkward when your guy to girl ratio in school is 10:1... but ya... the ladies are good... I could of put up tons of photo's but I'm alittle too tired to do that now... I'm ready to take on any challenges life has to offer now. This is just the begginning of a new chapter for me. Thanks to those who have been sending PM's and emails, I really appreciate it. The end of the semester is near and it's been quite busy for me lately with the studies. I'm really pumped for my second year of Fish & Wildlife Technology because of electrofishing and the other cool stuff we do... It's a three year program and I plan to do Natural Resource/Wildlife Law Enforcement for my fourth year... should be interesting. Who knows... after that I might end up at Trent for Biology or something... I still have alot of time ahead of me... but that'll all fly by fast, because it sure is flying by right now! Let the goodtimes roll! Yikes! I still haven't gone to bed? Good morning and good night folks! Thanks for reading if you did... Bojan Zivkovic
If you are a Steelheader or not... you should know what I call "THE ROUTINE". If guys are crowded up in a pool and they are 5' or so away from eachother it wouldn't be a bad situation at all. You just simply cast in order from the guy at the bottom of the run to the one who is at the top. I remember fishing in a crowded area with 7 experienced steelheaders along the rock wall at the icebreakers (guess the river) and none of us got into a tangle for 2 straight hours of fishing. I noticed that those who don't know 'the routine' and come into a crowd really screw up drifting time until they leave. Have respect for others. I normally go up to someone kindly and I ask if I could join them in fishing a pool or a run. When they do say yes we usually get caught up in a conversation and we just drift casually. Show some respect on the riverbank and you'll earn your spot on a drift.
re the threads on all the salmon river fishing
Bojangles replied to aniceguy's topic in General Discussion
Good reply Louis... I'm glad you took the time to shed more light on Salmon in rivers. Lol @ drifter24! -
I've schooled guys at that hole, twelve of my fish hooked LEGIT to their one in 20 minutes which was either snagged or legit luckily... what are you trying to prove here Milty? I never said I knew everything, but I fish alot to know exactly what I'm doing compared to the majority of others on the rivers. I'm pretty sure I could get a Raven sponsorship too, only if I had enough time to fish.. especially if I had a set of wheels.... Dave I never said they don't hit, read through my last post and you'll see what I said some do hit out of agression, but not all. Nine feet deep in there? I'd think twice about that. Legit hook up's 90% of the time? What about the other 10%... this is why I would rather fish steelhead because the hookup's are near 100% all the time, unless you do rip the hook at the end of your drift foul-hooking one. Salmon fishing up river is a joke in my opinion. I'll go to get my roe for the season and thats about it... but other then that you'll rarely see me target salmon other than those staging in the late summer. My 0.02 CDN.
Who would be envious of dirty half rotten salmon way upstream. Knowing Nater personally, he's an avid steelheader and everything he knows about salmon and steelhead comes from the years he has fishing for them on his belt. I could understand if you haven't caught a salmon ever in your life before.. but Im pretty sure that 'avid' steelheaders such as D Masse himself know that salmon mean nothing to them. Why do you think I spend over fifty bucks on hooks a month once the steelhead are in with the salmon? I hook a salmon and snap it right off. I sure wouldn't like to deal with a half deteriorated tail and milt all over my breathables, especially all the bonus hooks you get with landing a salmon. It could sure send you into the EM if you do happen to get caught up in that treble hook. Some say they hit out of agression and everything and I believe that because I have seen a salmon hit a shiny streamer before, but more than half the time you are 'flossing' them in the mouth, this is exactly like the pier marshmallowing technique. I have taken friends who have never caught salmon to that hole recently shown in the pictures above. They came out quite happy with the results, but they have understood what I was teaching them and they began to understand the concept of 'lining' or 'flossing' which makes tributary salmon fishing quite different, especially when you hook in the dorsals and other parts of the body more than half the time. Bring on the fish that actually take a roebag or a fly for a change. BRING ON THE STEELHEAD! Just my 0.02 cents, Bojangles
Officer: Have you ever been arrested for selling crack? Crack dealer: No. Officer: Have you ever been to jail for selling crack? Crack dealer: Yeah.