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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. was just at wallmart they have green and white in ten to 40 for 18 99
  2. Heres a bucktail for yal to check out just finished it for a customer.. Sorry for the poor quality pic it will get larger if u click just a bit pixelled
  3. This got enough blades for ya I shud have added something to show size of the first bait that last blade is about a size 12/14 thats why there is only two on the bait
  4. the weights behind the tail bud thats why u cant see it.. there is an oz n a half bell sinker infront of the hook>>>
  5. hey guys check this out been fiddling with custom spinner baits and heres what i have came up with so far.. "musky sized of course
  6. Thanks all This one wont hit the water because of its purpose but i will surely build another... Thats awesome that you like the colors i just went with what i felt looked good lol.. I wasn't going for a specific pattern when i tied this one just eye catching was all i wanted..
  7. Just finished this one what do you all think? The Blades are over sized because the bait was made for a good friend of mine as a memorial not to be fished but i'm sure it would catch Thanks for letting me show off hehe have a great day all!
  8. There is a picture of one of my baits bellow if you wish to see and hear more about what i can build for you contact me. Great prices on multiple baits, actual prices will be figured based on supplies used in the building of a bait and worked out before deal has been made with customer. Feel free to message me with any questions and wants if i don't have the colors you wish for or the blade style you want i will find them! Pm me with any questions or email at [email protected]
  9. Sure can I have it all in stock hehe
  10. Thanks guys!
  11. hey all been making a lot of baits lately and i guess u could say i wanna show off, here is a bait i made tonight.. What does everyone think? IT weighs in at around 2.5oz i put a toonie in the pic to give u an idea of size.. thats a 6/0 salt water hook and those are heavy duty "extra" thick blades not positive on exact size.. Black and red maribou with bucktail at each end for neatness... Thanks all Curtis...
  12. I think one of the biggest things they nail hunters with well using the robotic moose is shooting out the window of there truck or shooting off a rd way...
  13. Yea i wouldn't be to sure about bigger water i have about a 100acre lake behind my house and she is frozen enough to fish. although u wont see me venturing across it anytime soon just to the edges where i fish. I tend to drill a lot of holes as i walk out to my spot just for safety, you can never be to safe on the ice..
  14. He isn't kidding about them coming up through the hole I have never seen it happen but have been told stories by numours anglers while ice fishing
  15. I wouldn't think it would be much more than three or four inches. I live close by and my private lake has about five inches I plan on heading out on her today
  16. I was expecting a deer rofl nice fish tho
  17. I have a Quantum Accurist works pretty good also has a flipping switch..
  18. thats a great story!
  19. that boats a sweet ride! i would like to get my hands on one of her siblings
  20. good going! nice gobbler and story to boot
  21. very nice, i'm not much into steelheading but those bigger brookies were very nice too see..
  22. "wow" is all i have to say
  23. very nice.. those are some big smallmouth i think its safe to say that five of those fish would have weighed in at over 20Lbs!
  24. I really wish my crappie fishing was going as well as yours is this winter! Anyways the only experiance i have in water that shallow is fishing for brookies with my head down the whole lol watching them strike lots of fun! Im thinking the pike will be there at some point in the day pushing baitfish but this is just a hunch NO personal experiance. Im also thinking that panfish would move up into these areas on rele warm days to sun themselves if there is as little snow where your fishing as there is here. Also in the late late season the perch should be stacked on the inside of the weedline well the ice is still over their heads. If its safe enough to walk on this is when perch fishing is at its best. In certain conditions perch will start spawning or at least act like they are before ice out. They will eat anything presented to them when they act this way.. I have found especially with bass that every fish has its own personality. I can catch a four lb bass in a ft of water and in the same day catch an identical fish in over 12ft of water. So maybe some pike will be inside the weedline and also on the outside edge no matter the difference in water depth?? It never hurts to try new things and sometimes hunches pay off big time.
  25. Jim i think this is probably true with 75% of the hunters on the board. We grew up doing it and its like a family tradition that our fathers, fathers showed them. It comes natural too me i have been shooting guns since i was 9 years old and hunting since i was 12. As for hunting accidents SOME ppl shouldn't even be allowed to own a firearm thats my view on any hunting accident... I love both sports just waiting on a buddy right now to go chase yotes..
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