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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Mr Bailey you sound like me . Next time out switch the handle to the other side of the reel and start using your other hand to reel it in , you just might find this will work for you from now on . Good luck .
  2. If after you read this and you don't like what you read here or the spelling was not good enough for you , stay quit , keep your fingers off the printing keys and move on to some thing you like better . I need to deal with some thing here , its a free forum and i will do my best to be tacful yet get a point across from one guy who will never be able to stand up to most . WHO WOULD YOU TURN OUT TO BE IF: . No Symphathy is need any where here in what i am about to write as its coming from expereinces that made me who i am and i like who i am as well as those who realy know me , for the rest its your lost . The only reason i want to defend my self here is so the many others who PM me yesterday wont have stay speachless and be afraid to come forward and be apart of this forum out in the open instead of on the side lines . SO i got off to a bad start , at 6 rears old and from then on other people raised me , it had its good and bads . Yes i was a french kid , but they sent me to english schools for my education , got off on a real slow start at that and in so ways never caught up , school was boaring as hell , most of the things they taught did not interest me , and so i was labled as some one you could not teach and gave up on . Ha but i did learn in other ways that you can't if your paying atention to them . But you know when they gave up on me and i was young and did'nt know better , i beleived what they said about me , so i went thru school thnik i was dum and i gave up trying as well . Funny thing tho i realized later in life that back then if there was some thing that caught my interest and i payed atention it was'nt long i was better at it then any one close . I leaned about life perhapes in a hard way but i also had some good gideance along the way from a few to which i never forgoten . One lady who helped raise me once told me after i asked her what did she think i could be when i grew up and said , i think you can be a person who could set a good example for others to fallow and that interest me god bless her soul and for her i've tryed to do that every day in everthing i do . Yesterday i was only trying to show every one how i was trying to stand up for us all and combat one little problem we all have when it come to receiving junk mail we don't like . I will never leave it at that if it not good for me or you just so you know , thats who i am . Trust me when i say i am here to learn about fishing from you and i will always try to share what little i know about the thread i am on . No harm was done to me yesterday that i hav'nt already went thru in my life , but a word of warning , i can go thru it better then most and you will never win at it . Rock the boat ??? Why not ..Instein did . Thanks every one , your a great bunch , some even with atidude ....... lol .O' yes P.S. to day i own my own home and a well known upstanding business in my community that reachs thru out all of Ontario and nothing was handed to me nothing , here will be no differant when it comes to fishing .
  3. It has'nt been decided yet ,but i am shure for most of next week yet as the event takes place next Saturday . You still have time .
  4. Fourth and final picture , i beleive the space i need to build my fishing boat is complete , just have to wait a bit in order to take the boat out of storage and bring it in , i am excited to get working on it next andi look forward to the ones here on the board to help me along with all their good ideas and incorperate as many as i can aford into the boat ..
  5. third picture
  6. second picture
  7. Here's a few pictures , only because you asked . Looks like i'll have to post one picture at a time .
  8. Thats great , feel free to post some pictures here and show all of us what you made , it sounds interesting and i am shure others would like to get a look at it as well .
  9. After some PM's recieved today showing interest in how things are coming along i am bumping this up . Later tomorrow morning when i am on the other computer where the pictures are i'll post a few for an update to whats happening .
  10. He was the last one to visit my profile page a few days back , besides just getting to know him a bit i know we lost a good person . Smooth sailing to you on the other side Tony .
  11. Could be as simple as bidding on a package of red solo cups , if we had some ... lol
  12. Would be nice if we had more bidders up on the auction board for the Fishing for Tyler event . Plus more things to bid on . I challenge other OFC members to out do Cliff and i at this worth while cause and I say thank you to any one who does here in advance .
  13. Welcome to the board Steel&Crome , come on in and have fun with us , sure hope you sp sp spell better then me ...... lol
  14. funny stuff ......
  15. In society you have to have a certain amount of chicken livers other wise you would never get rescued ..........
  16. Funny , do they all want fish on V day ...lol ,we just got back from going out for fish & chips ... her choice .
  17. I aranged the frige magnets today in the shape of a heart . Now she wants me to take her out for dinner , i should have left the frige magnets a lone...........
  18. Yes, you out did your self ....lol
  19. The V word
  20. Ok swat team to nights the night and its gona go down big , big i tell ya , the boss says he wants all the fish porn cleaned up on OFC and he's not fooling this time , thease people are going down !
  21. I read this the other day and just wanted to come back and remind every one its all about Xstream Sports thease days , you know where that leaves you and me ... lol .
  22. There's lots of good read here ...lol . I met Red a few times thru out the early 90's when i was delivering loads of wood stoves for Napoleon to Mason Place in Keswick . Back then if you remember he was doing the commercials for them . I would always look forward to delivering there and running into him , like most here i grew up watching him on tv as well . When Red was'nt in front of the camera he would always come over and say Hi when i was there , i considered my self lucky to have had a few good chats with Red weather they were about the product i was delivering or which epasode of his fishing i liked the best . So ya i remember The Red Fisher Show and lucky to have gotten to know the man a bit behind the seens .
  23. So you did it hu , now you can thro the needle away ? ..... .
  24. Every one has their preferance , the Artic cat Prowler just happens to be mine . I would hate to buy one then find out you were'nt aloud on the ontario atv trail system with one . I bought a new 400 eiger in 06 to try the trail ridding thing and never fell in love with the machine , our son was around at the time and was also wanting to get out on some thing . I made the mistake of taking him shopping to buy a machine , i wanted the prowler at the time and he wanted no part of a machine with a steering wheel and said he would'nt ride it unless it had handle bars , so i guess i bought it more for him then of me that day . Shortly after since it was papa's money that paid for it and only papa was doing the carring if you know what i mean , its been sitting in the barn doing nothing since the fall of 06 . I was hopeing to trade it off this spring on a new prowler . ihave property i can play around on and i would'nt think twice taking it with me on holidays in Qc as they have 3500 km of trail for them to explore.
  25. They look like you just painted them , they look pretty cool .
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