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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Ill have the same deal going onhere shortly with a boat i am doing , replacing the floor tho , it now has 1/2" plywood and i am going to up it to 5/8 so i have lots of wood to achor my seat base's to for the pedestal swivel seats , not to worried about extra weight as i gutted the boat and none of the old style seats or upolstering is going back in , i'll seal it both sides before i put it in then cover it with boat vinyl instead of carpet ................
  2. X2.. and you can use a peice of wooden dowling , drill the screw holes to fit the dowl size and weldbond clue them in , be sure to drill the hole a bit smaller so you have to hammer in the dowling .......
  3. Welcome aboard SFN
  4. Thanks for the intro and Welcome to the front lines .........
  5. On Simcoe yet ? Seen a few boats out , mine one of them but nothing to write home about .
  6. I think that comes next ... lol . Awsome photo Congrats
  7. I beleive he's some where ......
  8. When you eye up the bottom of the boat , Who low should the prop sit below the bottom of the boat ? The top of the blade on my prop lines up with the bottom of the boat , maybe an inch lower at most , sound right ??
  9. Is it true the only way into the wedding persesion is to be decorated up and pulling a fishing boat ? Congats to you Mike & Marissa both and many happy years ahead .
  10. I have no trim gage on mine , when i leave the dock and my trim is all the way down and i am at full throtle , the splash will say is coming out the sides in line with me , then i keep picking it up til i see the splash coming out half way between me and the back of the boat , thats where mine seems to be the fastes .
  11. I don't know any thing about jack plates but for 115 hp it sounds like its right at where it should be when i compare it to where my 115 runs , only dif is i am running a 19 pt prop which is faster out of the hole with a bit less top end , wounder if your jack plates are slowing you down a bit ?
  12. Heres how i see it from the other side of the fence wearing the other guys shoes , i'am only writing this so ill know that every one here did take a look at the both sides of this story , i wont be sticking around to defend it either . I once worked for a guy like this and because of his wealth and for what all he owned i was never comfortable in letting any one know who i worked for , besides him not being to well liked by the less fortunates around . Some here will know who am talking about when i say Cold Spring Farms with Harvey Beatty as its owner . I did grow up on a small famiily farm and real enjoyed the oppertunity Cold Springs gave but i was still shy to say so till one day they did an interveiw with Harvey on national tv . Because of who he now was , they atacted him pretty good , and their main consern was how big he had become and how he might be hurting others . What they did'nt talk about was the four hundred or more people he employed and how he was considered to be a god send to his community . When Harvey was asked the question about weather or not he thought he was hurtting the smallers guys around who were trying to make a living doing the same things farming , his answer ........... Harvey said he did'nt think he was hurting any one because he had started off as just a small family farm him self . So for me when i put the shoe on the other foot so to speak and if i was either lucky or worked my butt off , in most case's its worked your butt off and some of us do that a bit better then others i'd have to say . Amagin if this was you and you managed to buy land up with your hard earn money like we all do because thats how we get to keep it ............ then have a group come one day and tell you they have rights to part of it ? When i read the above post i could'nt help but think how i might have aproched this land owner with a commity of buisness men with a buisness proposition that might have been a win win for every one on sharing this body of water ....... but first , dose any one know if the fishing is any good there ? Have fun with it gentlmen and thank you for letting me add my twist to it .
  13. POT HOLES wanted . Hi , did you know grading season is in full swing . I travel most of central Ontario spring and fall with my grinder grader removing Pot holes from drive ways , parking lots , and trails . If you are in need of this service please check out my web site at www.landscapebarrie.ca . In the grading section get more details plus my contac information or feel free to send me a PM here as well , i'd be glad to talk with you and provide you with a free quote . Thank you R.J Depatie Up date March 24th 2015 , if you need this service I still can be contacted , Thank you ...... Ron
  14. . *Customer* i can't get on the internet . *Tech support* Are you sure you used the right password ? *Customer* Yes am sure , I saw my colleaque do it . *Tech support* Can you tell me the password ? *Customer * Yes , five dots .
  15. I should have taken out the map .... lol, Last time thru there it was at Fassett where we stayed , not an easy place to fine a motel at 1:00 in the morning when you don't want to pay the starting rate of 695.00 a night at CM . How ever the 300.00 VIP suite at Fassett had us sleeping well in no time . Sorry bout the pic's from inside CM, very dim lighting in there and hard to take pictures if you don't bring extra lighting with you .
  16. Glad yous enjoyed your selfs , Half way between there and Papineauville Roy i beleive there is a public launch where the ferry cross's to Cumberland , i watch folks launch their boats there from our motel room balcony in the mornings . A second one is not far from there as well .
  17. Happy April first Roy & J and thank you's for sharing brunch with all of us back here at OFC .
  18. But hold on , we think we may have spoted Roy hidding in the back ground here trying not to be noticed ........ APRIL FOOLS ....
  19. LOL ... Well folks we've checked up in the attic as well as the two upper floors and as nap time is about to start here we beleive Roy & J have left the building ................. O'
  20. We are now live from just one of the many dinning rooms here in the south wing at the Chateau Montebello and still no Roy or J , and still no sign of them down in the loby at the fire place
  21. Yes , thats just one of the attractions why so many come here for brunch this time of the year .
  22. We just noticed they are starting to set this morning tables for brunch and we have seen no sign of Roy & J coming thry the front gates as of yet . Its possible that we may have missed them but more likely there were brought in thru the V.I.P entrance . I just checked with security up on the roof and they enform that a group of people were escorted in thru the side of the building . Stay tuned as we move inside .
  23. You are so right , and for our readers this morning we do have a camera set up pointing towards the river to see if Roy will be out there trying his luck after brunch .
  24. Earlyer this morning my wife Beverley and i snuck in side to get a look at the preprations that were being made for todays event , we had a chance to look around and sit for a bit before going back out side .
  25. Hi , i am here this morning at the Chateau Montebello coming to you live , the red carpet has just been rolled out in anticipation of the arrival of OFC's one and only Mod Roy and his wife as they come to enjoy their morning brunch . We are now gathered out at the main entrance to the Chateau , awaiting to catch a glimpse of their arrival .
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