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Everything posted by adolson

  1. To successfully deter theft, my advice would be to tape a photo of Celine Dion to the boat. I do this with my house, car, and all of my valuables, and it hasn't failed me yet.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3bdZWrIMdM
  3. Not in this guy's case, for sure. But I'm surprised at a few people I know who think the limit on walleye is five in our zone, when it's actually 4, with size restrictions. I guess there was a change at some point and they don't bother keeping on top of it.
  4. Thanks, all. I hope this loaf of bread works... at 120 calories per slice... :\
  5. So, even though I was being careful, I think I still managed to get a pike y bone stuck in my throat. Has this happened to anyone else? Any advice to try before I go to the ER?
  6. Heh, cool, thanks for the invite. I'll keep it in mind, but in all honesty, I don't get out all that much. The last time I was even close was to see Iron Maiden in 2006 in Toronto.
  7. TONS of lightning here last night. Lots of rain, too. I love the rain, but I'll admit, it was kinda worrisome being out in it, up on a big hit, trying to get lightning photos. lol I love fishing in the rain, but when there's lightning, no thanks.
  8. Man, I wish I could find a place where I just keep pulling them out like that. This guy in the vid reminds me of one of my uncles, even his voice is similar in some ways. But my uncle doesn't say "Boo yah!," at least not that I've heard. Thanks for sharing anyhow, it was entertaining. I think I'd give that a shot, actually.
  9. There was a lot of lightning tonight, but nothing really nice like you guys shot. Mostly not visible, but some bolts were in my FOV. Only one pic even remotely turned out, but my camera doesn't go to 30 seconds, it only goes to 15, and my aperture only goes to 8.0.
  10. According to my grandpa, pike will hit an ANCHOR tied to anchor line!
  11. Heh, nice! It looks so new in the first pic. Might be just the sponsons or whatever they're called (side foam is my name for them), because of the round washers or whatever (mine has lengths of aluminum, curved. Hard to explain, I don't know the proper term. You could probably see in the pic anyhow). I wanna go out today but the wife isn't feeling good and my buddy is out of town. I need more friends. Might try off the shore, I guess.
  12. Yours looks too new to have rusty bolts letting water in. Also, in that pic, it's sitting much higher in the water than mine does. I took note today, and for sure the water level goes over the bolt holes when I'm in it. I may be sitting too far back... I also sit really low - I have to reach my arm up beside my head to steer, haha. I should try like you're doing in that pic. What are you sitting on, anyhow?
  13. Well, I pulled out all the old bolts, and some were super rusty and snapped in half when I was twisting off the nuts... They might've been the original bolts from 1968, heh. I put washers on the inside of each bolt, and then on the outside of the boat I put a gob of Marine Goop, then a washer, and then a nut. Then I put the side foam on, followed by another washer and nut. Now I have to trim the bolts and put something on them so they won't loosen. I did that a couple days ago, and today we took it out on Pike Lake for a few hours. No water came in the canoe, so that was definitely the problem. I'm pretty happy with it. Not too impressed with that lake, though. The water was warm and the boat launch area nice and sandy. We went up one end where it got really weedy and really shallow a lot, but not even a single fish bite. I tried a couple Lucky Strike lures, a Williams, Hula Popper, a frog, and some other stuff, no luck. LOTS of weeds, though, and almost every time I cast, too. Oh well, we had fun.
  14. adolson


    Welcome! Your grammar and spelling are better than a lot of people two and three times your age, if my Facebook experience tells me anything. It's nice to see. Almost as nice as your fish.
  15. I assume we're talking about just movies here, because I can think of tons of great comedy TV shows... And not standup comedy videos, right? Even so, for just movies, Top 10 is way, way, WAY too hard to think of... Instead, let me just say a few that immediately come to mind, in no particular order: The Princess Bride Monty Python & The Holy Grail Naked Gun 33 1/3 Space Balls UHF Strange Brew Fubar Robin Hood Men in Tights Happy Gilmour Super Troopers Saved Team America World Police And let me predict one that hasn't been released yet, but hopefully will be: Arrested Development
  16. I did post some of my P&S pics in another thread so I won't duplicate those here, but they turned out not too bad. But to contribute, here's one that I liked a lot and was my favorite pic of mine until recently. I took it long before I knew anything about photography, with an Epson PhotoPC 650 1MP, held in my hands. It was a lucky shot, really. I know there are benefits to both, but there are things I can't do with my P&S that I wish I could... Polarizing filters, high zoom, wide angle, gradients, etc.. But as I learned with my musical endeavors, sometimes working with limits can breed creativity. I'd kinda rather try (and hopefully succeed) to get good shots with a crappy (comparatively) camera, rather than get just decent shots with something that costs about as much as I paid for any of my vehicles over the years. My P&S that I use now is a Canon PowerShot SX130 IS, and I paid less than $200 for it last Christmas. It has a few features that my previous cameras did not have, such as manual, Av, and Tv modes, up to 15 seconds shutter time, 12x optical zoom, image stabilizer for when not shooting on a tripod, HD720p video recording, and more. It's enough for me for now, but my next camera I'd like it to have RAW capabilities. But this cam is a huge step up from the camera that took the above pic. Not only was there a decade difference between the two, but that Epson didn't even have zoom or flash or much of anything! But it did have threads for lenses. My previous P&S had a super macro mode which is curiously absent from my current one. I miss that mode... In all honesty, I will probably stick to P&S for the rest of my life. I don't have much money to split between my hobbies (music, gaming, fishing, photography) so if I limit myself to P&S, I think I will get by. And yeah, you can get nice shots with them. I guess I am just not too good a judge of my own work. There's also the fact that P&S are very portable. I could slip my cam into my pocket if I needed to. Oh yeah, and I know people who own DSLRs, they have only one lens that came with it, and they shoot in full auto the entire time. You'd never know they spent a couple grand on a camera. :\ Also, check this out (there are a few others in the series): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUkKtkEZNjs
  17. I'm a little jealous. Good job.
  18. Well, I wasn't sure if I should keep it or let it go. I needed a sample to see how it'd taste.
  19. Thanks. The moon was nice. I want to go out tonight too, but the wife works late and she's got the car. And then she wants to watch videos when she gets home. :\ might be another 12am trip.
  20. Nice fish! But did I read that right? You caught a frog with a frog? heh
  21. Thanks guys!
  22. I was fishing off a dock at Gillies Lake tonight, and had 5 bites, had one on the hook but it swam at me and I couldn't reel fast enough and it got off somehow. Went home when the bugs got bad, but wasn't satisfied. I hadn't caught a fish in a while, and I needed to get one today. So, the wife went off to bed and I went off to fish at Sharp Lake at midnight. I did try Clear Lake first, but the only thing I ever caught there was smaller than the lure. Four casts into Sharp, I get one on the hook, reel it up almost to shore, and the damn thing gets off. I clearly need to sharpen or replace the hooks that came with this Hula-Popper, because I am trying to set that hook hard. It felt kinda small anyhow. So, that one got away, and I cast in again, and I get another one on right away. That one I landed! It fought harder than the other one for sure. He's not a monster, but he is my fifth bass this year (and ever), and my first landed fish at night, with a my new, yet trusty, Hula-Popper. That lure is worth every cent for me. I've not really fished at night before, only once last week and only had one strike. Anyhow, I'm not getting huge fish off the shore up here, but usually good eatin' sizes. Some day I hope to catch something wall-worthy, but I'm just happy to get anything, really. Time to go clean it.
  23. Oh man, I hated those things when I lived there. I remember one summer a few years ago it was insanely bad. Every year it's bad, but that year was really bad. We rolled down the windows and drove slowly and it sounded like a bowl of rice crispies. I took some pics (one is actually on wikipedia), as they were covering walls, vehicles, everything. Bleh. I don't miss that part of North Bay, at all!
  24. lmao you guys are not helping much, but you're funny. he doesn't believe in sasquatch, and doesn't think it was a moose because they wouldn't have had their antlers yet at that time of year. and there's only one door to the cottage.
  25. I was reading a variety of old posts on this forum, and from the knowledge and experience on display here, I thought I'd ask this question here. My friend owns a cottage on Mattagami Lake (near Timmins). Earlier this year, it was late at night, and he was in the back having a bonfire. His wife had gone to bed. It was dead silent. Then, he heard three knocks in the distance (straight back into the woods). Like someone took a baseball bat and hit a large tree trunk three times, about one second apart. Thwack.. thwack.. thwack... He thought it was weird, but didn't think much of it. About five minutes later, he hears the exact same thing: thwack.. thwack.. thwack... Only this time, it's closer. About half the distance of the first. He listened carefully, and heard nothing. No footsteps, no branches breaking, no animal sounds. Nothing. About five minutes go by. Thwack.. thwack.. thwack. This time, the sounds are right near him, but he can't see anything. He immediately stood up and went straight into the cottage. He turned out any light sources and sat in the rear-facing window and looked out for about an hour but didn't see anything. He's been in the bush all his life, and owned that cottage for about 20 years I think. He is familiar with all kinds of bush sounds, but can't figure out what it would be. It's nothing like anything he'd heard before. He went out the next day to look for footprints, but nothing. The only thing he thought it could be would be a woodpecker, but to make the volume he heard, it'd have to be gigantic. And they don't usually peck only three times, a second apart anyhow. It's haunting him (well, not really, but I mean, he's puzzled) and would love to figure it out. When I was visiting the cottage, he demonstrated for me. I sat at the fire, he walked back into the bush and smacked a tree three times with a bat. It was really loud, but I could hear every movement he made. It was still kinda freaky - no way I woulda sat at the fire through three sets of that! It is very quiet there, I mean, I could hear chipmunks in the bush even during the day, and they were loud like people. Then they pop out onto the grass and they're just these little things, heh. I think if it was people playing a trick on him, they would have revealed themselves by now (why make someone squirm for a few months? or whatever - maybe, I guess) - and it would have to be three people who stood there for hours and waited, so that there would be no travel sounds. But again, no footprints or anything that he could see. This cottage is only accessible by boat, too, so I don't know why someone would boat across to play a joke on someone. It is a mystery. Any ideas?
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