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Everything posted by Broker

  1. Yeah I need easily removable because most of my transportation is done by carrying or hauling the canoe on trail to different spot on the river nearby, anyone have any suggestions on fish finders?
  2. They're there, right beside the seats
  3. Okay Chris! Want something that is easily taken off / put back on for transportation
  4. I like to use musky meat for bait while cat fishing
  5. Personally I didn't notice the difference with the motor on it or off, however my canoe is more stable than others usually are. If I do end up finding it unstable I would look into outriggers, but I have no idea how to go about making those.
  6. No worries fellas I already have the card! You can actually get some speed going too when your alone in the canoe haha.
  7. Hey, so as some of you may know I have been working to get a small fish able boat this year to get into the lakes with and a creek nearby aswell. I've had the canoe for almost a month and I've been waiting to buy a trolling motor. I made a motor mount for it that's been sitting around waiting for when they go on sale, and today was the day! $95! So off I went and picked it up, I think a fish finder will be next! Any suggestions?
  8. Hey guys, In July I will be headed up to sandbanks PP and hoping to get into some fish. I will be only fishing close shoreline as I'm in a canoe and early morning and calm nights, just wondering if you guys have any fishing advice and what's in there anyway! Thanks guys
  9. Yes I do I was wondering about the stadium seats for Walmart instead of a boat seat because I don't want to go to the trouble of lowering the seats down
  10. Have you found the boat seats make the canoe less stable because you sit higher up? Just wondering! Also the trolling motor sounds like a great idea for me, will look into it
  11. So I've got a 16 foot canoe with fishing rod holders on it and I'm looking to upgrade it to be an ultimate fishing canoe haha. Just wondering what you guys think are some good things to have in the canoe, whether it be store bought, or even better I'd love to see your DIY projects, thanks!
  12. Okay thanks
  13. Hey guys, doing some research and can't find the name to the creek that runs into lake niapenco. Just wondering if anyone knows the name of it thanks !
  14. Great colours on them!
  15. Got out to lake Niapenco today, ice conditions were good 6 inches was the thinnest, most places around 8. Although didn't have great luck with fishing, tried microjigs in just about every depth possible with no takers. Fun day nonetheless
  16. Ill wait till tommorow night to give them a call, hopefully shes ready for the weekend!
  17. Suppose they'll open up for the weekend?
  18. Hey guys, looking for hardwater this weekend.. any one have an ice report for lake Niapenco? still 2 more nights of cold weather to freeze her too...
  19. I catch bowfin when fishing for LM bass in the shallows in weedy area.. quite alot of them in G-Bay
  20. I'd like to figure out the pike in the lower grand, 25" walleye, any size steelhead, also would npt mind a a brookie
  21. Possibly a good day for me tommorow, might finally get this cast off of my leg thats been keeping me indoors these past 10 weeks! fingers crossed!

    1. misfish


      Oh,so it,s like that eh?????LOL


      Good job J.

  22. Thanks, That looks like a great campground, with some nice fish in the area too! But I forgot to mention one of the requirements is we need hydro!
  23. Hey guys, So my family has decided that this year instead of travelling to the different provincial parks, we would like a seasonal spot that we can just leave our trailer at. Although we are having a hard time finding one because theres so many! This park has to be withing 2-5 hours from hamilton, must be on a good fishing lake, must have water sites that you can have your own dock etc. Any of you had expierence with seasonal sites ? Any reccomendations?
  24. On Iphone using the safari browser.. Everytime I click on a topic then a box pops up that says "loading.." so after a while my whole screen is these loading boxes.
  25. Looks like your having a great time! My uncles been having a very difficult time on G-Bay with walleye. He is a scuba diver so when he does his dives he always sees them, and there right infront of his channel. He's had that cottage for many many year and can't get them on a hook. Only seen one actually hooked by his cottage and it wasnt his haha.
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