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About Vanselena

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  1. In the Detroit river with a 7mph current we use 5/8oz jigs
  2. If you go on ebay there are a bunch of iceducers for sale. Check the KHZ of your current model and if you have a spare transducer plug the you can rewire it to an iceducer.
  3. Definitely a nice Erie perch and the reason I don't fish Simcoe anymore.
  4. Well I could agree except on the way our we did a test and the reg tank ran at 22mph while the premium tank ran at 25mph. On the way in with the extra 120lbs of fish that is when we saw the big difference. I don't think it was because of water or plugged up because the next day on the way out we achieved the same performance as the day before. IMO definitely under load the premium shines.
  5. Have to strongly disagree with this statement. My boat goes 3mph faster using high octane under normal load. Last year was fishing erie with a friend and we limited on bows and eyes and we had reg gas in one tank and high octane in the other tank. The regular gas we could only get the boat to go 12mph while we went twice the speed when we switched to the high octane.
  6. I have fished the full moon and find that one hour before to one hour after the full moon is at it's midpoint is the best. As an example Feb 7 the moon rise was 6pm and moon set was 7am so midpoint was 12:30am. Best fishing would be between 11:30pm and 1:30am. Two days before and two days after works as well, just adjust times.
  7. Still fishing Kings from the boat.
  8. If he thinks he has no money now then wait until his insurance doubles is costs each year for the next 2 years.
  9. Nothing is perfect, I hate netting a fish alone with a dipsy or jet, total pain in the ass but if that is the presentation the fish want that particular day then that's what I'm using. To have my rod but against my foot and reach up and unclip a Torpedo is much easier then removing an inline board, that being said, inline boards are used every trip on my boat whether alone or with friends. Riggers are also a pain, especially setting them up on rough days alone but I have 3 riggers on my boat, even worse is I have 2 speed and temp units on my boat to define the thermocline plus a fishhawk TD to ensure my leadcore and Torpedo's are running where I want them, current can and does move baits deeper or higher, all a complete pain in the butt to use when alone, but necessary. After fishing with the best Charter Captains across the great lakes there is one thing they all have in common. Each one does whatever it takes to get fish in the box, most times there are challenges but again most times they return to port with full boxes. If my baits are working as a team and catching fish then I am a happy camper, the distance the baits are from the boat is not what is important, catching fish is. To get my baits further from the boat inline boards come to the front of the line. The directional feature of a Torpedo is close to a 1.5 to 2 setting on a dipsy, depending on the torpedo used.
  10. Try sandy areas with elm or hickory trees
  11. This is our second week picking morels. They are still popping, could be a bumper crop with all this rain.
  12. We get fed so much crap here. In Michigan the price of gas dropped today to = $1 per litre. So much for the flood.
  13. I voted Conservative because the thought of an NDP lead coalition was way to scaryyyy! The overall results were great. A stable Quebec = a stable country in the worlds eyes, meaning our economy should do better as more investment money flows into the country. Perhaps now Quebec will see an economic boost, it is a very pretty and historic province,,, oh and the food is awesome. Was glad to see TO finally come to their senses. Hopefully TO votes blue when the provincial elections happen in October.
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