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Posts posted by huntervasili

  1. Ohh well if we're talkin everything homemade shine or the like is the way to go, that or Crown :) No headache is good, just have to make sure whoever makes the stuff knows to throw out the bad alcohol, methanol, which will give ya a hangover or worse

  2. I'd say you'll want some of the following:

    -BH Wooley buggers

    -minnow imitation, lots to choose from here

    -wighted nymphs, my favorites are Prince nymphs and Pheasant tail's beaded and unbeaded.

    -Stonefly's Brown is likely the one to go with.

    Also check and see what hatches will be coming, likely BWO's will be the main one. Good luck to you!

  3. My livewell is functional and always full, if I hook a good fish I turn the pump on before he gets to the boat. Land the fish he goes straight to the livewell 'til everything is preped for the pic... maybe 2 mins. Everything ready, fish comes out, pic is taken and fish goes back in the water no worse for wear and tear. Not saying that everybody should do it that way, but it's my way and that's the way I'll be doing it!


    might not be doing worse for wear and tear but I feel bad for any fish that has a half nekkid alabananese guy caressing it and taking a photo for proof... that will be one messed up fish I tell ya what.

  4. Lol, it is gone thankfully... I hate how if I get on here I get suckered into reading and catching up. Lew, it sure seems like it will end up being a nice enough day, was mild all night, getting closer to worm pickin time :)

  5. If I'm out for more then 3-4 hours, my first stop (even before the tackle shop or gas) is to pick up a bag of chips (usually crunchy cheetos), a snickers bar, and a big bottle of gatorade....this keeps me happy for a full 8 hours if need be!!


    I cant tell you how many times I have thrown my handful of cheetos out of the boat cause I hook a fish and have no where to put em... I think they're good luck that way.

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