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Posts posted by huntervasili

  1. Good report Kemper... Thanks for sharing, sorry for your jealousy Nater, loving the contributions you always have :thumbsup_anim: Glad I have someone to look up to :worthy: Ohh and Kemper... that log sticking out of the water over your left shoulder gives away the spot ;) and I think I have seen that colour water better change that up too... I look forward to the east trib reports and that includes you man, keep up the good work and get some more fish!

  2. Action is where the flex in the rod is... Slow means it will bend basically all the way down to the handle whereas fast flexes only at the very tip... Walleye rods generally are fast that way ya have some backbone and can see the strike/avoid loss of hook through head shake, steelie noodle rods are way slower so that you can use the lighter line and so the rod takes the force rather than the line

  3. Lookin good Bernie! Good job on the fix-it-up... I know what you mean about trying to keep the board up while nailing... I tried doing that with a tree stand Hmmm hold the platform, now grab the nail, now grab the hammer, woops there goes the nail, try again and oops theres the plank falling down...

  4. Some really good walleye fishing. I have been a few times at West Lake Willows... only good things to say about Scott and his family. For walleye we did really well with worm harnesses and spinners. Pike and walleye can also be had on crankbaits but we caught anywhere from 10-20 walleye a day there between my self and my brother as well as some pike, and the odd bass... Jigging also produces pretty well in there. West lake is one place I also plan on heading this spring, mmm mmm Walleye!

  5. Just take the spool of line, put it on the floor with the label side up, and reel it on your SPINNING reel. Shouldn't have a problem,unless you put too much on.


    Doesn't always work... many spool them up differently and the label has to be face down... I have bought line from the same company same lb test and all (not cheap-o line) and one came off clockwise the other was counter...

  6. Andrew, try this. For Mono, take your reel and put it in hot water for 3 minutes. The memory of the line will change to suit your reel. Make sure the water is hot enough to soften up the line. It does nothing to the strength of the line, it only basically reshapes the line to your reel.


    Have a go.


    I think this tip is on the Facts of Fishing Website too.


    Hope this helps,




    This does work to make the line stay on your spool but will NOT get rid of line twist. if you put your line on backwards, your not gonna have a fun day on the water. Good tip though Mike, forgot to mention that.

  7. yup... is it spinning or is it casting.

    If casting it comes off with a pencil through it... Spinning has to come off the spool of line and continue to go on your spool the same way... so if your reel spools clockwise which basically all of them do, you want to have the line come off counterclockwise... if that still twists then flip the spool over and try that way. Some lines are just spooled really poorly and will twist, this is when you basically deal with it or chuck it.

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