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Posts posted by huntervasili

  1. That said... we are really starting to become a policed "state". What's next.. no sex on picnic tables on hot summer nights? lol


    Yup, I agree with ya there Wayne... Although most people understand smoking in a car with a young'un is wrong and so don't do it the government keeps on taking one step closer to "the other side"

  2. I think tomorrow will be a day of fishing for me... Just wondering what everyone's plans are... I plan on being on the Upper Credit, anyone want to come along? Plans can change if someone wants to go elsewhere... I have two full outfits of flyfishing gear (except waders) if anyone wants to come... or I am willing to fish another location... anyone wanna fish! Post or msg me... I have a vehic and don't mind picking someone up'

  3. There's nothing to report. He didn't see them fishing. That's why he should have waited 2 minutes before taking off in his truck.


    And as was just pointed out, they may have decided to use barbless lures instead.


    Generally just having the worms there is against the law If I remember correctly...

  4. Report them, we all have a responsiblity to know the regs for the water we fish.


    'tis true but I'd rather the CO getting a guy who's keeping over his limit in a no kill than making a $50 fine for not breaking a barb. I think it all depends on circumstances and you have to make the considerations you're self

  5. I' would have stuck around, If I could that is... I also like to take lic. # and if I see the same guys do it after a warning I will call regardless... I regularly fish a No Kill, Single barbless, no bait river and have seen it all there, from roe, to worms to keeping trout and even ducks... its tough to get the ministry there but you have to try, again, Pics and Lic plates help alot

  6. Hey, there's this cat around our place that keeps spraying our house doors. This, in turn, causes our house cats (both fixed females) to pee by the door. This cat is owned buy the lowlife accross the street, but not cared for.


    I've thought of a few things. A 2x4 with nails in it... anti freeze... a bag of rocks. Anyways, as you can tell, no good ideas.


    So I called the SPCA. They said they won't get the cat. I said, can I live trap it. They said yes, BUT if the cat is hurt in any ways (and by hurt, they mean that even a stressed out cat is hurt), I could be charged.


    So, I said this, and I quote... "So you won't come get the cat, but if I trap the cat, and bring it to you, and its hurt or tramatized, you'll charge me?" They said yes. So I replied "So what you're telling me to do is trap the cat myself, put it in a bag with some rocks and throw it in the river at night?"


    They got a little annoyed.



    Now that there is funny. I am not a cat lover

  7. Anything by Eureka in that price range would be a safe bet.

    To me Eureka tents are like the Honda Civics of the tent world.

    Not overly expensive and last forever.

    I have a 15 year old 2 man Alpine Meadows tent made by Eureka that's been through the wringer and is still a great tent.

    If you tell me how many people you're looking to accomodate I can recommend some specific models in your price range.


    I have a Eureka Alpenlite and it has done me good in rain and snow and in the summer. They make a great quality product and can be found in you're price range. Although more than you're CTC or Walmart tent you will get many years of good use out of it. Goodluck in you're quest!

  8. Why'd ya want to do that? holding a 14' graphite float rod in a river during a thunderstorm is a great idea... make sure its a cork hadle and it will be ok... NOT. I have had some good luck before the storms, the pressure change seems to turn on the fish, and they can stay on throughout a storm

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