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Posts posted by huntervasili

  1. I'm not pushing one product over another. I'm just reporting that I've used Cabela's Guidewear (parka + bibs) for 4 years now and I am more than satisfied.


    Have heard good things about cabelas brand Gore-Tex as well, from several people including guides.

  2. Hey all Just wondering if anyone on the board plays the banjo. Been an idea I have wanted to entertain for a while and believe now's the time... I have some questions for yas if anyone does have any knowledge, especially Bluegrass stuff. Thanks

  3. Had a Captain who's best friend's Name Rank and name were: Major W H O R E. He instructed us not to laugh especially when he introduced us. Two weeks later, the week before we were to meet him he was promoted to Lt. Colonel. Would have been tough saying welcome to the SQN and using his name& rank


    Ahh if you write w hore it puts in checkout girl

  4. Eating fish from polluted waters doesn't make you sick right away. It's the stuff Cancers are made of later in your life!!!


    C&R is the best way to go in tainted waters, if you want a fish fry... do yourself a favor and find some clean water!



    There ya go... Thats exactly what I am trying to get to. Thanks Glen!

  5. I wouldn't eat the fish from in there... They are fun to catch but seriously guys the guide to eating Ontario sportfish says I can eat some stuff common sense would tell 99% of us otherwise. Say's you can eat sucker out of the Don river in Toronto. Also Suckers, Browns, and Bows out of the Humber. Ohh and anyone up to eat your fair share of Salmon, Browns, Bass, Bows, Pike and Perch out of HAMILTON HARBOR? Yea all straight from the guide guys. If ya take a peek at the grand you will see what runs off into it, lots of nice sludge down in dunnville, and all the way up. Its your choice of course but I would NEVER unless i was going to die of starvation and could risk dying prematurely eat fish out of the river that far down. Way upstream, sure you can find clean waters but caledonia and the like areas, you're eating a heck of alot of contaminants.

    Bon appetite!

  6. Spinners, spoons, looks good. The only thing I'd add is a crankbait like an X-Rap or Husky Jerk that you can twitch and retrieve erratically.


    Good luck, Mike



    Ditto. I'd also suggest grabbing a couple body baits... I like the X-Raps and have gotten many pike on em.

    Good luck to ya

  7. Honda's are pretty good from what I have seen... have friends with honda's 3 and 4 wheelers... still running the 3 wheeler is 89 I believe and my friends 4 wheeler which I get to ride a bunch since he has a bike now is a 92, going great. Some really good stuff on the market no doubt but it has a nice price tag too

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