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Posts posted by huntervasili

  1. Nice toys there Carole... Hope ya get a chance to use em alot this year on the water, well except for the clock which can be a lasting reminder to ... ahh you know what I was going to say ;) Have a good one! and I think the book is missing a Zero after The "what do you need to know to hook over ...

  2. Glen, Thanks for starting this 2nd thread sorta on the same topic.

    I'll not apologize for my poor choice of words that were put out into the internet in response to somebody elses reply earlier. They were borne out of the lack of respect shown to a member here who has ENTERTAINED US ALL over the years.

    I'd rather see a pic of a fish straight from the water, dirtied or whatever knowing that is was freshly caught only to be quickly released and not overhandled and prepped for a photo.

    There has been many large fish Ive caught that spent too much time being brought in that simply had to be released immediately...NO TIME FOR A PIC, This is another great reason for the superBraids

    insert:(PowerPro), it still happens tho but, is greatly reduced.

    As you stated Bud....it takes alot of time and effort to post w/pics and to post as many as CC does

    is a big contribution to this board.

    I know Scott and this wont deter him from posting further....(someone reffered to his lack of real toughness...what a joke).

    But...someone new...may be deterred if happened to them and that is not good for us at OFC.

    Ive seen some here a tenth of the time Ive been here, with twice as many posts as me (and more)...but wheres the pics and or contribution.

    This board is great for many reasons and one of them is the mods for allowing a wide variety of topics and we have now become a community.......Most of us are great friends.

    Keep up the good work Scott.

    Glen, thanks for starting this thread.





    Its getting tiring listening to some folk complaining about CC's caps.

    Get over it will Ya's.

    We did along time ago.


    I dont think I could agree anymore... Thanks Glen and everyone who takes time to make a report

  3. Alot of their color depends on their habitat and lighting and all that, I have seen perch which are nearly colorless and those that are bright orange/greens and both specimens were healthy just a different environment. Same goes for the smallies I have gotten as well as walleye and come to think of it nearly all fish I have gotten. Not positive but I think that the colour cannot be a real determinant in their health

  4. well there is hardly even a need to cheat... I mean when you can write it at home on your computer with the book or at a show where you write till you pass, or if they give you the test and the handbook... Maybe if people actually had to know the stuff it would help...

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