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Posts posted by huntervasili

  1. I got two 6501's for the sale price of 74.99 . These were the last two reels they had (they didnt have any righties ) thats why I bought them I had gone in to get the hut and came out with the auger in stead and when I saw the sign in the reel case I grabbed the two reels allso lol NO hut tho they didnt have any left lol Was wierd tho I had to have the manager walk the reels up to the cash ??? dont know why this , they let me carry the 265 dollar auger but not the reels , never bought a reel from CTC before the guy said this was store policy or something wierd????


    Yea it is funny... I they lock up anything in teh cases with padlocks and bags... funny how tehy have to lock a slingshot band and small multitools or knives but if you go down to the camping section or tools you can get a machete, or sledge hammer, axe with no problems... ohh well Store policy was their answer to me aswell...

  2. Right handed, spinning reels have ALWAYS have the handle on the left, I can cope with both right or left hand retrieve with baitcasters but can only do right retrieve when casting alot... As for fly fishing which was not asked, It is always cast with the right retrieve with the left...so left hand side has the handle...

  3. I can't believe I never saw an OFC shirt/hat in 2 days at the show + this afternoon at Bass Pro!


    Cory, try a weekday next year. I was there on Wed aft by myself, and again on Sat to show Hubby around...absolute night and day.


    Wed was beautiful - tons of room, everyone fresh and rested, nice clean water in the tank. Parking spots galore, got a great spot in the underground on my first pass - and nobody even near me. Enjoyed myself, left the event relaxed and smiling.


    Satuday was the complete opposite. Everybody seemed tired and frazzled. The tank looked like it was full of yellow vaseline. We spent a solid 1/2 hour in just ONE traffic jam. By the time we got outta there, Jeff looked about as happy and relaxed as a wet soapy cat.


    Weekdays. You may not get the "we'd rather sell it than pack it" deals, but you won't need therapy after, either. :thumbsup_anim:


    Yup, thats exactly the way I saw it I went Wed/Sunday and feel the same way although there were a few things that had up to $500 knocked off the price at the show, being the pontoon I wanted... guess I am still waiting though... Got teh contacts I think I need and lots of info and lures, so good to go!

  4. This here is a good "Club" some one else may be able to help ya more but if you are a contributing member, and respectful mosy people don't mind giving you pointers... To be honest though, on nearly every river you can find some good water farther up or in tributaries to the river... EXPLORE, its fun and its probably the best way to get info. Good luck on your quest

  5. With a welcoming like that I guess he won't be participating this forum anymore.


    I'll be honest... If someone just wants people to see their site and get advertising talk to TJ and become a sponsor of the board.. otherwise First posts shouldn't be plugs to your site... I agree with ya Wayne.... :spam: Maybe removing your link would be a good first step BTW...

  6. Mind you many of the creeks are closed North of Hwy 2, especially in around here... Don't know when the piers will, and surroundings will start getting busy. Like Cliff said, most of everything will be frozen... Cooks is a great option to sit throw your bait in and wait, by the way

  7. There aren't any! What would mak a good show? How about starting off the show with "It took 50 hrs. of hard fishing to make this 20 mins. worth of tape!" The show would also need to be taped on public water, not "no name" private lake with the fish stacked up like cord wood... "and today our guide is..." doesn't cut it either, get your ass out there and find your own fish for a change!!!


    How about a show that is aired in the same year it was shot in??? All the shows being aired now were shot in 07... old hat and boring if you ask me.


    Same as what Glen said but add in there one where fish were not snagged or illegally caught as well as sitting in a livewell all day or for a couple days

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