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Everything posted by snag

  1. Hmmmmmm, Looks like Kempers hand!!!! That's a score for us!!!!!!
  2. Man, I have run out of positive adjectives for your posts. Please post something sub-standard
  3. Thanks for caring Red! Good Dawg!
  4. You've posted on the internet. You have no decision to make
  5. Yeaaaaah. What's the tourney rules on that? Good job Red! Tripod looks a tad heavy though??
  6. Well done!!! Sleep is soooo over rated!
  7. I'm lovin' your vids man! I admire the guts it takes to stick your hand down the hole to retrieve a toothy critter full of trebles.
  8. We just assume you're foul mouthed Because you're a pig. HEY NICE FISH MAN!!!!!! Me gusta pescado!!!!!!!
  9. Heyyyyy, Gb, that's not fair! One of these days you'll find me attached to your hull scouting musky locals.
  10. Oops! I forgot to ask and your wife gave me your GPS, While you were at work I owe you one (or 2)
  11. As stated above
  12. Sorry to hear Bernie. Hardest part might not be the loss, It will be training a new pup! Take care.
  13. I'd bring you my fridge on my back for a plane ride!! You need to eat more, runt
  14. Hey Look Glen! It's pre-set for you already! GENEROUSLY, I might add.......
  15. I'm intrigued, I was recently lured from my cave with sandwiches from the God dougolopogus. What kind of offering do you offer?
  16. Hey Joe, We could try this: read the description below! You love fishing so much that a fish as a belt buckle sounds like a good idea. And that is not all this belt buckle offers you. When you land that monster fish, you can just pull the tape measure that is tucked into this guys mouth. On the dowonside, some may suggest you measure other items that are in the general area of your waist. And that is not good for anyone. Yup, actual quote with poor grammar and spelling too! Only $9.99!!!! Sizing? I've got nothing to worry about
  17. Looks like you were alone out there guys. Good job!
  18. Thanks Joe, I think a heavy wind might be an issue though. I thought you created a tape that had the OFC stuff right on the tape?? Thanks again!
  19. Thanks All! Correction, I believe it is pronounced "Gweech" Pleasure to meet you Doug! I need more sandwiches. There is a monkey on my back.
  20. Yeah, This week might make a big dent on the ice. Get the rod and waders out!
  21. Sorry it took so long to reply Anton!! But... Look pal, I don't want to be a part of your shenanigans. Just because we share the same birthday (for real everyone!) and we both like to fish, Doesn't mean I want any part of your amazing story. I'm not worthy Anton. That was a great read! You totally brought me back to the excitement of my 1st T.O. pike! I was also surfing when I came across this site by accident and saw a report from FHR, LUCID and HIGHDRIFTER. The rest is downhill. I'm very happy for ya buddy!
  22. That fish needs to do more Tybo!
  23. At least you got out Cliff!! Did you try the nail polish trick? (nobody would've seen it with gloves on!) BTW, Re: Dwarf picture, Wasn't your team looking for a cute mascot?? Just an idea!
  24. and it starts....... You need a shave red. Did you lose another tripod to the depths? I second Cliff on you being a "pervo stalker"
  25. Another report that should be kept forever. Quality job!
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