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About docknocker

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    cambridge ontario

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  1. I had the Honor of meeting him and shaking his hand several times While working/volounteering for the OFAH in the '80's We were right across from him at the Sportsman show.(he remembered my name) maybe because it was on my shirt... ? It was the thrill of my life! Glad I finally found an audience to tell this story to, Because the "Kids" at work just look at me like I'm from another planet. I think I'll go look for my Binoculars now,,, Might be something left,,, Oh, Yes I still have my Zebco Cardinal 4 'Cause Red said they were the best!
  2. Thanks South Paw, having a beer for both of us(sorry you weren't here so I had yours too) Dogs are Gods gift to us, We just need to accept and realize it! All the Best to you and your inlaws, Enjoy your furry "Kids" SteveO
  3. Thanks Ive seen this story several times(always sent to me) YES I am a Dog lover!!!(and it always brings a tear to my eye EVERY TIME dammit) have an Old Golden retriever that I attained as the owner left him in the store. It went like this The guy comes in with this dog(shaking and scared)thought he was going to crap on the floor, Dog runs in crawls under my desk(I hadn't had the pleasure of a dogs company in many years) and missed it so... This is a New Car dealership. Guy yells at dog Dog shakes some more.. Guy says to dog, Fine you stay here then!! and leaves What to do??? Take Dog home? Old guy has been the best pal we ever had Gotta lift him into bed every night(his hips are hurting)but I don't mind Mine are too! Wifes Best Friend, she's at home all day too. He doesn't retrieve, he don't like to go for walks Wants no part of getting in a car for a ride(never went back where he came from) so the car means (to him) he's going away again! poor old guy is getting old, as am I. Brought us more joy in life than we could ever hope for! Guess things have a way of working out. We needed him and he decided he would be happy with us,,, Been about 7 years now Sorry to be so long winded.... But other Dog Lovers would understand... Thanks Again SteveO
  4. Hi Gavin, Glad you are back!! Regards SteveO
  5. I sell Fords!! No F.A.C. required! LOL
  6. You have been Blessed by Mother Nature! Enjoy and (fortunatly we have the technology) take lots of pictures! Life is short, the kids will never forget this,. The Goose will be gone as quick as it appeared. If not, then embrace your new friend(He/She chose you!) It is rare if ever in ones lifetime that they can experience what you have now!! Geese make excelent(guard dogs) and are quite protective. Best Regards SteveO P.S. Please let us know how this turns out.
  7. Smelled something burning at work on tuesday afternoon, Like plastic Here in Kitchener Glad someone else smelled it. The "Kids" (they are all in thier 30s) that work for me all said I was having a stroke!
  8. Get a measuring Cup Pour in 50oz Gas Then pour in 1 oz oil Or 25oz gas 1oz oil then 25 oz gas This helps mix iit up a bit Put it all in a 1 gal. gas can Give it a good shake And you are done! Regards SteveO
  9. BPS, Browning Siliflex 6'6" 2 pc Impressive Check it out and only $39.95............ Could sell for twice the price well built! SteveO
  10. Welcome Jigs! Glad to know you! Great video!!Loved It. I release only 20% of my catch The other 80% release themselves ............ Signed Hungry fisherman..... LOL Regards SteveO
  11. There he is I knew he could load it once I woke him up....
  12. Triumph 650 Always COOL!!! Awe wait, You are too young to know what that is.... To Bad they were Great!!
  13. Just get one of these guys They love everybody Edited Sorry I thought I attached a Picture of my Golden Retriever but appearantly I can't figure out how? I'll let him try next, He's better at the computer than me!
  14. Trilene XL on spinning reel
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