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Using marshmallows to catch steelhead....
aniceguy replied to Billy - Curtiss's topic in General Discussion
man I sure could post a pile...Let me make this really simple........and blunt using a marshmellow rig in an estuary, is lining a salmon/rainbow, no they arent hitting it out of agression, or do they desire the wonderful taste that confectionary sugar even when loaded with great garlic scent as a meal. Its lining, flossing, and beyond its immoral illegal ( please ask a CO ) any credible angler looks at someone with this rig as an utter and complete idiot who's aim is to hook a beast at all costs, in many cases they dont know better and thats where some simple education comes into place....where did someone post blah blah blah.....lets go find some musky's and walleye and fish for them with some marshmellows now -
Using marshmallows to catch steelhead....
aniceguy replied to Billy - Curtiss's topic in General Discussion
The purpose to a marshmellow is to raise the hook off bottom. Salmon and Rainbows when in a river face up stream and open and shut thier mouth to pass water and O2 over the gills to breath. What the marshmellow rig does is take advantage of this life process and allow the line to pass through its mouth, tension is felt and an angler ( I use that word loosely) sets the hook. Regardless of its sale it is beyond immoral and in fact is illegal...You run the potential of being charged.... Hope that answers you question and I think a moderator should lock and delete this thread -
good report on the club and the lifts at streetsville dam tonight at 11 thanks to those that have helped so far lots more to do
ok this is getting dumb now the creek is 10 feet wide at the most, in order to fish the only real pool on it you pretty much need to tresspass in order to fish it....fishing 10 ft wide creeks isnt steelheading LOL its an utter joke and to trespass to boot well I think q107 had something called tool of the day.....re read my post why tresspassing isnt a good thing
Im aware of a pile of these issues but I guess as both you and I are only members its up to a moderator or beyond to lock the thread down if its content crosses the line and turns personal......we can all try and steer it back on course hope I did with my posting never know these days..... We all have an opinion sadly I dont have a delete button on this site, some days though wish i did......
Wayne no I got the entire context of the thread, know the poster and was told of the exact situation that lead to it and thats why I put the post up.........these internet boards should also serve the purpose of educating new anglers, something I have seen you 2 countless times with ppl and the reason I typed it out tonight glad you agree..
AHH the good of tresspassing on Private property to access a section of water Well let me quantify that entire thing, anyone and I do mean anyone who chooses to tresspass on private property for the express purpose of targetting fish should be arrested, fined and hauled off. That sort of action is disgusting... Other then a few specific sections of rivers and a few extremely small drainage ditches on the North Shore of Lake O there is no need but of course some just feel the need to find unpressured fish at any cost to boost the hero factor. Here is what it does It destroys relationships either potential, or existing with conservation groups, and the conservation authorities.....and the stakeholder/ landowner in proper context, a group might have worked for decades to develop a relationship with a landowner to plant his property and reduce thermal stress, or do hydrology work there to stabalize a bank that is causing habitat loss for 2km down stream, maybe it might be the future site of a bladder dam or electrobarrier thats there to assist these fish to access habitat...on and on and on...but a simple act of tresspass can ruin it all... I cant tell you how many scenerio's I know of that important conservation work has been cancelled or tossed out the window because a land owner had a tresspass issue and now has cold feet. Tresspassing also brings potential garbage, maybe some habitat destruction or even worse a few hundred tree saplings trampled and a property owner who I might add took ten yrs to get the trust to plant now all gone....why because some complete and utter idiot wanted to tresspass so he can get dialed in on some unpressured fish... Several years ago I watched someone tresspass to only walk across a piece of stream bed and maybe 8 redds of fish, how many were lost well 8x6000 eggs can equal quite a few fish. Here is where it all goes.. There is more then enough water on the North shore for all to fish....other then 5 pieces of property that do in fact own land and stream bed your free to do as you want within the legal limits of things, but when you hap hazardly walk across a stream bed killing a few redds ( maybe because you dont have a clue what they look like )and do they realize that pretty much 25 days those eggs need cant be disturbed or they DIE!!! or walk across a field that was worked on to restore a sensitive plant species or even better post reconizable locations of rivers so guys can dial in and go spear and gill net( yes I said spear and gill net ) these rainbows now, believe it or not every time you put a location or such hundreds of guys have been known to converge there, and all that while tresspassing on someones property to access a few unpressured fish.........well that person is a complete and utter idiot plain and simple. If your ok with it please please post your GPS co ordinates for all those 6lb smallies and 50 inch muskies please See guys that steelhead fish are a unique breed of anglers but in the end no different that the many....they fish rivers where yes these fish are more sensitive then other species, maybe they dont explain it as it should but hey thats what a PM or email is about.... I ll leave you with the best example I can think of for tresspassing and its consequences In the 70's someone chose to tresspass on the up river pond of a dam, sadly a child drown and as a result the property owner was completely against any single human accessing it ever..as a result this impassable dam was never worked on, this rivers steelhead run was supressed and dependant on stocking from the OMNR..a river capable of 20 000 rainbows a year had a mere thousand or so in it....so a bunch of conservation guys spent millions of bucks tree planting and close to 20 years of developing relationships with landowners and finally after years of developing this trust finally a passage is being designed as we speak......in the interm hundreds of thousands of man hours are spent because someone choose to tresspass on private property close to 35 yrs ago.... Plain and simple tresspassing on Private property to access a river by anyone is a crime and one that only an utter and complete idiot would do so personally when you see someone crossing a river, or tresspassing tell them so....and any one posting or creating a thread shouldnt be scolded of chastised but instead should be thanked because if the thread stops 1 idiot from tresspassing then the thread did its job
I cant find the other threads but Im assuming it was about someone tresspassing on private property to access a section of river for the purpose of steelhead fishing am I correct
Fish lifts continue nightly at the streetsville fish ladder over 700 fish to date have been lifted over the dam, a great thing to see or even voenteer to help out. thanks Al for posting it Louis
still a bit early water is only in the low 40''s
thanks Wayne If your so inclined and have a trip planned come by and take a peek great site to see for sure
we go until all fish have been lifted....generally 3 weeks at the most
hd box and I believe its set to 1080 Honestly and not being a technophile the picute quality is pretty good.....Im sure there are ways to tweak it to the 10th degree...but @ 40 with 3 growing kids rather fish then sit and watch the tube..........of course unless shelly and Cortney are on
Lifts will be every night at 5 pm. However we will not lift in heavy rain and cold weather (below 7 C). The reason is fish will not come into the fish ladder. They will only come in when the water temp exceeds 6C in big numbers. Today we only had 3.5-4 C so only 6 fish. Sunny warm days are prime. If we have a warm, sunny day (as forecast for most of next week) we could be lifting over 100 fish a night. Or breaking last years record of 370 fish in one night. Then we will need tons of help!!!! We will be lifting steelhead Saturday and Sunday
Gerritt good old Rogers
what ever happened to the good ole days when cable was a box with 2 levels of buttons and a cable connecting it to the TV and man if you went past 30 you had it all.......545 channels of repeatative fluff these days Thast being said I have a 56 Sony bravia and find its picture quality pretty good...when I add the true HD signal not much better then that....Just remember to budget an additional 150 plus for the upgraded cables. Gone are the days of co axial to the illegal box then to the VCR and then the tv....and a 28 dollar cable bill
it must be springtime and cabin fever is at an altime high. Silt off a bank can lead to gill rot, infection on and on holding it by the gills can cause infection or worse a broken back, a fish left out of the water for extended time can do harm too. I think we can offer a lot of other reasons why mis handelling a fish is not a great thing.......... what the heck maybe we dont fish anymore, for fear of a P3TA groupie jumping from the bush. If the aim of the fish on the bank or in the boat is a picture and releasing the fish is the end result the least anyone can do is pay a bit of respect to the fish and compose a picture that shows off the fish, saved a memory of the day and in the end did the least amount of harm to the fish over all.. The internet is a great resource to learn how to compose a terrific picture and its always nicer to see an interestingly composed shot then one that leads to controversy and beyond. a pic from a while back from a high silt environment, a bit of time to land the fish and a few seconds more to think about the composite shot...
I had purchased a swing a way tongue, and after a few initial start up issues on the install I got to talking to Cliff. After that conversation I felt really comfortable in the install and went and did it. I was concerned on torquing it to 100lb but Cliff assured me not to worry and explained it to me again thanks.. Any how I havent towed so I cant confirm it wont fall off on the 401 or anything but it seems fine. One thing someone mentioned about the flexing, with the insert plates it looks very stable, and as for the 3/4 bolts being a bit tough to snug, a hint..Just have the flange nuts protrude in the tube as far as possible tip them downrards and with a bit of time you ll be able to sung them. I had 1 that was almost impossible but in the end managed. As for re routeing the wires I saw a flex coil attachment at Canadian Tire that looks sharp and seems to be able to do the job so I dont think I ll snip and extend the wiring but rather use this neat extension to run the wires Anyhow Cliff I appreciate your help big time!!!!
Its that time of year we will be beginning to start the lifts on the Credit in the next week or so...time to roll up the sleeves and put something back.... Great opportunity to see lots of steelhead, help with a major conservation project the craa message board will give the specifics www.craa.on.ca _________________
thanks Cliff.........that makes it easier............
I managed to get 1 part on the swing, its the cutting and some minor rewiring I dread doing... on the actual trailer Cliff sent ya a PM I have the wiring to add to the trailer if needed. Its the cut and such I need the help with given I got a broken foot its a otugh one..appreciate the offer As for the bow hapening in it...I cant see how that can happen unless he has some serious weight on it..Bolts seem to taper down from 3/4 by a bit to ensure a real snug fit...
Well an injury has me on some down time so I decided to install a swing away tongue. Appears like a very easy task at first glance...but man can looks be decieving...Pretty much got stopped in my tracks on trying to tighten up the bolts. Not a tool in my chest can clamp the inside bolts. Has anyone done this, is there a specific tool to help...even better Im in MIssissauga and if someone has done this before and wants to come help put it on Im happy to pay ya
skeeter Credit River Anglers puts 100% of monies raised into the projects full financials are avaliable on the internet your right thought not many not for profit groups that rasie ver a million plus do it, we are one of the exceptions but there are others make a wish also runs on a high cash to investment ratio IMO if your donating thats one well worth looking at
Dan C not only did OFAH kill the brook trout program up there they also had an instremental finger in Huron and GB Years ago PAC committee up on GB and Huron all came to a concencus that a 1 fish with a slot was the appropriate course of action to ensure a sustainable fishery for rainbows....All the science, user groups OMNR staff etc agreed on this proposal it was a done deal. A select few put such opposition on it( yes they were from OFAH ), that we now have a 2 fish limit which does nothing more then reduce exploitation by ohh 5% or nothing in the grand scale....I think I said it somewhere else the bonk and gut mentaility needs to change...sure its a great thing to enjoy a fresh meal of fish, personally nothing is better, but to take those fish from a supressed population, or one thats not capable of being sustainable in my opinion is an act of irrresponsibility as an angler, something OFAH still hasnt wrapped around yet....as for the glass house I have heard many a story on its construction some not very flattering but to go into the specifics without exact proof would be wrong to do.
Can someone provide me with some studies on C&R
aniceguy replied to KyleM's topic in General Discussion
I have dozens of peer reviewed papers on PDF fire me an email via M and I ll send a pile over