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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. who is whats his name lol
  2. nice beard aaron....sweet lakers too
  3. lol see stoty how the ranger guys get when the sled gets talked about ( INSERT DR EVILS LAUGH) Smallie is right maybe 3-5 miles but it will cost the JP and a new prop as your going to have to change that with the plate more then likely, seeing the boat and hearing the great report from your mechanic on it my opinion. . . . . run it . . gun it and enjoy the boat while its not a toon its the next best thing
  4. ya made me chuckle. . . . . . . now wait till us triton guys start flippin a jig off the bow and you need to get away the weight of the hull makes it tough in cpomparision to a triton akin to a tank and a svelt swimmer
  5. now that waas a good one!!!!!
  6. Marcus I posted in your announcements section. The tournament exists to teach, expand your knowledge and bring some awareness to the watershed. Of couse some bragging rights and some great prizes. You wont be left out in the cold you ll be paired with an experienced angler who's role is also to teach and help with your learning curve. I see your an avid up and coming fly angler and as such Im sure you could be paired with someone who is experienced in that aspect. There are many many members of the club who are avid and in some cases decades long fly anglers. Will you learn..... at an exponential rate feel free to Pm me or Justin Elia if you want more info or vist the club site www.craa.on.ca
  7. he will love the boat until his first clubbie and he sees a triton stream past him
  8. lmao someone has been reading up on things
  9. most of the ram mounts will work I suggest though that you go to a 2" ball as it provides more tension and holds the unit a bit better GPS city is decent in price
  10. I didnt know if dave's show would be something to watch but I gotta tell you the guy hit a home run with it....one of the best shows on WFN in my opinion...that kackle laugh is over the top lots of new stuff coming up for sure all welcome to take the winter cabin fever away . . . .
  11. lol PC will open in a few weeks . . .
  12. This is a good thing once again.....For those that dont know JP is a top tier tournament angler, and one of the most helpful and knowledgable bass anglers around. I saw a new show coming from him and knowing his style and his outward helpfulness it should be a hit. I ll bet his and Mercer's show will be 1 and 2 for canadian content on WFN
  13. wicked deal Justin I emailed the broker just now
  14. LMAO Like I said B O A T = bring out another thousand lol
  15. I remember seeing that boat on thier website I guess it wasnt a good seller but it was a neat looking boat
  16. in looking at them closer it seems they are moving away from the typical jon boat and to a more traditional dead rise and mod v bottom. I gues with aluminum sooner or later someone is going to make the stamps to press out a traditional bass boat hull design, I cant see how a 20 footer will differ from a light hull like a bullet or allison in weight, but I could imagine a stringer connecting the transom to the bow for a honkin huge engine.. Saw on BBC that one was pushing 80 on the speedo Some good merit too smallie on the thumps of stumps on it.....
  17. pulled this off the site....it looks like a viable alternative More speed with less horsepower unless you are coming out of something like an Allison or Bullet...higher profile hull with less draft makes it blow around in the wind a little more when you're on the trolling motor...a little more noise from water slapping the hull when you are in the rough stuff but still as good a ride or better than most of the glass boats...paint will scratch but easy to repair and hull is a lot easier to maintain than a glass boat...other than that not much difference that I can think of...they are good riding, driving and handling boats and you can get an Xpress with just about anything on it that you can get on a glass boat...
  18. never thought about that hirk im used to going to the triton one only lol
  19. cudz thanks will call some point today......
  20. sorry roy its not going down that road and have no interest in it. . . . . . . Im actually curious about the xpress they claim that its the fastest production aluminum boat but thats all they say
  21. I had a long conversation with a friend the other day, saw a lot of them at the boat show are these modified aluminum boats a viable alternative to the high hp glass bass boats, would they be safe in rough water, what sorts of speed etc anyone have 1 Interesting boat or are we talking a no waves small lake boat thats a modified duck boat Im talking a boat like this http://www.xpressboats.com/view/131 or this http://www.g3boats.com/EagleSeries/190/
  22. I would be happy to field test all those jerk and crank baits for you lol great selection
  23. some boat porn I think is in the mix tonight
  24. that was funny..Since you have been here another 5 have made it in the rack!! its not mine Im just joshing
  25. good on you for returning it now it was a grey rod with bland wraps with a silver to black sort of reel.....when can I pick it up
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