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Everything posted by hawg_hauler

  1. 50:1 is fine with todays oils.
  2. As said before the sport of fishing here in Ontario is thriving and doing well. I have to assume that Frank is referring to generating more interest in the competitive side of sport fishing. In my opinion Canada will never achieve what the U.S. has shown us in competitive fishing tournaments. For starters, Canada has to cram all (lets use Bass for arguments sake) of it's seasons tourneys in a few months, compared to 12 months that the U.S. can. Second, you have to generate interest with the public, without spectators it would be very hard to move forward and honestly it is very hard to get crowds to wait all day just to see a couple of guys hold up fish for twenty seconds(in fact, it is hard enough to keep the contestants interested to stay if they know they wont be cashing a cheque and that in my opinion is poor sportsmanship). This is especially true in Canada where our summers are short enough to try to enjoy. This is also why sponsorship in Canada is much more difficult to attain, no spectators=no one there to advertise too=poor marketing decision. As a tournament director myself, I am for the most part content with the scene in Canadian competitive fishing, as the most I can hope for anyone is the ability to have fun and enjoy the decisions that they have made, whether it be competitive or not. Later, Jamie Busby
  3. You sold 90 Rotax equipped ski doos without a single engine warranty claim, I think your fibbing. Oils may be getting better but Rotax hasn't (Okay, maybe a tiny bit). You should contact BRP they might have a reward for your dealership.LOL
  4. Two stroke that has been fogged, change every year. Direct injection outboards, I would say it would be safe to change every three to five years as long as it hasn't been fogged (the old fashion way). Four stroke engines would probably permit the same three to five year stretch to keep with routine maintenance. One thing that really gets overlooked during spring start ups is replacing the water pump. This little piece of rubber is the heart of your engine and is really inexpensive. Impellars run about $45 and most marinas can change them in a hour. It can make for enjoyable boating season or end it really early and leave you with a very expensive anchor. Sorry didn't mean to get off topic.
  5. I heard Scott Martin (The Scott Martin Challenge) does guiding in that area and he is really reasonable. Looks like he might be a fun guy to fish with. Might be worth investigating, after all he is the son of legend Roland Martin.
  6. Small leaks in aluminum boats are usually caused by stressed rivets. I have the same issue with my 16 ft Alumacraft and have tried many times to reseal rivets. This year I think i will invest in some good quality anti-fouling paint for the hull and see if that will seal it up.
  7. I used wood braces for the front and rear casting decks and overcame the weight problem by adding 10 more ponies to the back. Boats sits 3/8 of an inch lower in the water with the added weight, but that will be greatly decided by the length and width of your boat. Sorry I don't have pics. Jigger, awsome job on the framework.
  8. Years have gone by and I have gone through Quantum's, Abu's, Shimano's and even Zebco. The only Product that has survived is Shimano. I still have my original Curado from 10 to 12 years ago (used mainly Quantum up till then and replaced them about every two to three years) and it works as good as it did when I bought it. I am all Shimano now, (5 Curados, 2 Chronarchs, 2 Stradics, 1 Castiac and 1 Citica) why would I go to anything else. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" This is my 100% biased opinion.
  9. Stradic, hands down. You won't be disappointed.
  10. On the subject of lens colours, the mossback series from Solar Bat in my opinion is second to none. I tried many different glasses and when I put my Bats on I was blown away with what I couldn't see before!
  11. Just checked here at work, coming in loud and clear!
  12. One thing to consider with braid for flippin is that it sticks to wood like velcro.
  13. If you want opinions then mine is to stay away from express vu. I had Star Choice for nine years and never had a problem, I only ever called twice, once to activate and once to deactivate. Since switching to Express vu, I am constantly on the phone with problems, channels seem to disappear and reappear as they please. The bill is extremely hard to understand and the installer destroyed my house. I personally can not wait for my contract to expire so that I may return to Star Choice.
  14. Great bass lake. All kinds of different structure.
  15. Please don't judge all tournament anglers based on a few bad apples. Boaters in general can be ignorant and careless whether they are pleasure boating, towing skiers, riding jet skis, tournament angling or just plain fishing. It only takes an individual engaged in any of these activities to make the wrong decision and cause the "branding affect".
  16. Go KVD, the man is truly a god in the fishing world.
  17. Without question Elephant Lake Lodge should be your destination, great people, great area and great fishing.
  18. No need for a welcome, I can assure you I have been a member of this board for a long time. Under the same name to boot. But, thanks anyways.
  19. Does it matter? Bass Pro sponsored Bass Talk, so a better question might be is Bass Talk a sponsor here? Even if it isn't I do appreciate Dave letting us know of a event that is fishing related. It's fishing related content on a fishing related website. Imagine that.
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