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Everything posted by coreyhkh

  1. Sorry for your loss, He looks like he had a long and very happy life you guy will always have him in your thoughts.
  2. This is a great topic and I am always very confused and frustrated when I go fish, in a good way though because I never know what to use. So on bright days I should use Dark lures? and on overcast darker days I should use crazy colors?
  3. Awesome Gar are these from Ontario? I have never seen them that big.
  4. Yes its a fair size lake but fish are everywhere pretty much, if you have a fish finder you should have know problem finding them, getting them to bite that another story lol.
  5. O I didn't know Musky where not in season. Did you find one color that worked better then another.
  6. I was out there for the past week, its a great lake to fish it has some of the best Small-mouth fishing in Ontario and good pike and walleye fishing if you know where to go. For pike tips I have found they love fire tiger colors at least when it was really sunny.
  7. Hows the fishing there thinking of trying a new spot instead of Muskoka.
  8. Wow those are beautiful fish.
  9. Thanks guys I got some 1 and 3oz sinkers today at BPS I will try again in a few weeks. Also another question how do you guys decided on water colour to use especially fishing deep? I have around 60 lures and I can never decide what to use.
  10. Hey guys I have been on vacation and fishing Lake muskoka all weekend and I did pretty good around 30 fish largest was about 30" and a number of nice small mouth I got trolling for pike. Anyway today I went out and a cold front came through I know that the fish go deep so I started looking for them and sure enough there was fish galore off the bays drop off around 30-45'. I tried trolling and adding weight but I could not seem to get down that deep. What would you guys recommend to target these fish,I am gussing they where walleye and pike and probably small-mouth too. Thanks for the help Happy fishing:D
  11. Nice fish, I have been out all weekend on muskoka lake I have had pretty good luck no large jumbos though largest was 30". How deep where you getting them? and did you catch them near Gravenhurst by any chance. o and where is the musky pic?
  12. Hey I fished this lake a few years back its max depth is only around 10-14 feet but average depth is only 5 to 6. I didn't have much luck mostly sunfish and small bass.
  13. I think I have decided on this I am just wondering can you customize your views and have different presets.For example Can I have normal sonar / down scan side by side? and or GPS with 2d sonar? Also Just wondering is the gold version worth getting or should I just get a map card? Thanks
  14. 35" I am happy with that. thanks for the info.
  15. Hey all I am in need of a fish finder I mostly for the gps I have narrowed it down to two and would like advice. Wading through all the fanboys from what I have read and found is that the Down scan image is a lot better on the hummingbird and it has a high res screen. Another thing I notice is on the Lowrance it seems to take more then a few button clicks to get to the page you want. That being said Lowrance is cheaper the gold model with the mapping is about the same price as the 788. Another thing is if I dont buy a mapping info what does the gps show? I am mostly interested in 4 lakes those being Lake muskoka, Joseph, Rosseau and Kahshe. Will I get any depth info with out Navionics chip? thanks for any help. Corey
  16. Nice at least you saw the fish I don't mind loosing fish if I at least get to see it. But yeah I have been crappie fishing a few times and have had pike try and get a free meal super fun because you never know its going to happen. Good times:thumbsup_anim:
  17. Aww that too bad I had Alaskan malamute that was the same they hate small animals and small dogs, I wish you the best on finding a good home.
  18. Nice Pike! I hope I can catch a few that size.
  19. Hey everyone I need help I am going home on the long weekend for 5 days to vit my Dad and do some fishing, we just got a new boat I would like to target pike. I grew up in Gravenhurst but I only ever fished bass and I don't really know any spots for pike any help would be appreciated. Also does anyone no a site that gives the water temp for lake Muskoka.
  20. South Western Ontario around London.
  21. I have always been told this but I have never fish for them at night always during the day, Just wondering if it makes much of a difference during spring early summer months?
  22. We spent thousands on my dog when I was younger I hate vets I feel they really take advantage. On another note everyone should get pet insurance it could save you a small fortune.
  23. The guy that wanted free stuff was funny, next show I will crap right up front and be the loudest one Everyone though seemed to have a good time.On another note its great that Dave is so in touch with his fans and gives back so much, its refreshing even if he gives you a hard time.
  24. Just wondering before I spend a boat load on gas.
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