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Everything posted by umKthxbye

  1. I was looking over the regulation for zone 20 for walleye and it says Open season from Jan 1 to March 1 & 1st Sat in may to dec 31. In the exceptions it says the St-Lawrence River has no size limits around the sections listed but does that mean i can only fish it during the dates listed or when ever i want? I live in Kingston and since the ice is virtually all gone id like some good fish to fish for as soon as possible. Thanks.
  2. As a PC builder and repair guy i can attest to most anti virus/malware software are scams. The best antivirus/malware protection is common sense. The biggest and most used virus is an antivirus, Norton has been invading and taking control of peoples computers for years not to mention the huge resource hog that it is. If you use Internet explorer stop and install firefox. Its faster, safer, more stable and is more user friendly. It even come with built in virus scanner and malware protection. It will tell you when you use google search which sites are safe and not. Its not 100% reliable but a nice feature none the less. Stay away from free trial antivirus/malware software, panda comes to mind. There is one also advertised on the TV that i don't recall the name but is a scam. Use common sens when browsing and downloading. You can also get peerblocker to help against malware. But this program tends to block allot of site IPs. So the safe ones need to be allowed by right clicking the IP in the program and selecting allow. For those who use torrent I HIGHLY recommend this to block unwanted IPs to track you like government and law enforcement, Disney, pixar and anothers.
  3. True, I'm just making it known to people that they should add those words to possibly prevent it in the future. SPREAD THE WORD!
  4. As I mentioned in another post on page 3, customs can't charge duties on something you already paid for and was sent in for warranty repairs. You must ALWAYS write above the address or somewhere around it saying "Warranty repair" or something indicating its a repair. I'd also make it in big bold letters, and include the same thing inside the packaged box. It's also the responsibility of the company repairing the item to mark the package are return for warranty when they ship it back. Never have I paid duties on repairs and warranty products because I make damn sure they write it when they ship it back. It's never happened to me before that I had to pay fees, but if it did I would call the company and have them refund me ASAP for their negligence. Duties are only owed on products that you purchase and import from another country. This also depends on the size and what the item is. If it's not available in Canada they may not charge duties on it. It's the Canadian government that charges these fees for not "Shopping Canada". Another option is trying to deal with the Canadian Duties Offices and try and get your money back. Like I said, I've never had to go through this and hope to never have to **knocks on wood**.
  5. I can 100% tell you its not aliens. Just watched them all a while back and I'm alien, predator and alien versus predator freak. The face sucker doesn't come out from under the guys suit. It launches at his helmet when the guy looks down into the egg and melts threw the glass and attaches to his face. They also come out of the chest not the face or head. Sorry for double post. iPhone did that by itself :S
  6. I can 100% tell you its not aliens. Just watched them all a while back and I'm alien, pretator
  7. That customs fee should never have happened. They cant charge customs fees on repairs. The shipper never labeled it as a return from repair. When i send return for repairs/warranty i mark it in the address field. Some companies that have to pay custom fees will ship it the same way they got it to "compensate" for them having to pay the fees. General rule of thumb is to alway mark "Warranty/repair/return" in the address area on the package and inside the package. Ive sent out an abundance of computer parts back for replacement and never had to pay customs fees.
  8. See, I knew they would after a little while of being pestered. As for your friend, if he doesn't wanna do what you did, then he can A- Sell it himself, B- Ship it, C- Cry in a corner. Shipping is the second best option next to pestering LeBaron.
  9. @Snidley So your saying that if a product goes defective to never buy from that company again? That's a little much don't you think? I mean if a company only delivers garbage after garbage after garbage, then yeah stop buying from them. But if one bad product come out but they have great everything else, why stop based on a single poorly designed or manufactured product? If I shopped like that I would never be buying computer parts ever again. If the greatest product manufacturer in the world delivered a few poor products you would stop buying from them just because, a few things haven't worked out? Just doesn't make sense to me.
  10. Just ordered the Silver Shad and the Classic Perch. Can't wait to get them and give them a try, steering will for sure catch more fish. Was awesome in the video when the guy was going around the rocks and under the dock. I cant wait to get that and my Sufix 832 in Neon Lime. Will be a nasty good combo.
  11. Ive shipped plenty of thing the same size as a reel box with insurance and have never paid $30 for shipping. I had my own computer business. If the company is based in US you wont get it fixed in Canada, it doesn't work like that. You have the right to be angry with the way it looks but they are trying to help you. Call them and ask for a prepaid shipping sticker. Not all companies are the same. Some will send you a new product with the shipping sticker to return the old one. Some don't. Complaining about what they ask you to do (which is very reasonable) is just delaying the process even more. Don't procrastinate when dealing with big companies. LeBaron should, to keep customers handle this for you but they are kinda bad for this since they seem to always have no tax weekends and weeks. It would be hard for them to accept returns on everything that goes out. Its also your responsibility as a customer to inspect the product first on a final sale, no return policy item. Id be angry too but either do what Quantum wants so they can help you or cry about it. Thats business.
  12. For those interested ive been talking to some suppliers and can get a discount on bulk orders of the sufix 832. I'm still checking inthe discount is for a mix order of size of spool/colour/poundage. Im currently ordering a 300yard spool of the 65pound hi-vis neon lime green to see what the total comes up to with the shipping and customs fees. Its $34.95US so thats not too bad. So if it worth it an people are interested then ill take orders. Just have to see what the discount it first. Never mind. The shipping cost for just 1 300yard spool cost $22. Thats a real joke considering the supplier is right near the Ontario border. Guess ill wait till it comes to bps.
  13. Yeah the low-vis green is available but is the hi-vis lime green available yet?
  14. Anyone know if the 832 is available in the lime green in Canada yet?
  15. Is it available inthe lime green in Canada yet? The bps website has it but only in dark green. I want the hi-vis not low-vis.
  16. This thread can be deleted now then since that once covers everything.
  17. Oh damn. I even used the search feature. For some reason search in forums always fails with me on every forum I'm on. I give that a read thanks.
  18. Let me know how the suffix works for you in comparison to the spiderwire braid since I've also used regular SW before. My spinner has the invisibraid on it although inprefer the berkley braid allot more then the SW stuff. I found the invisibraid flat and not rounded. But yeah le me know how suffix is to SW.
  19. Ok so lots of new lines came out at icast 2010. The 2 that cought my eye the most are the SpiderWire Ultracast Fluoro Braid and Suffix 832 Advanced Super lines. The only review for the fluro braid on BPS says its garbage but id like to hear more reviews of it if anyone has used it yet. I'm a really big on braided line and have been using berkley tracer braid but the Suffix 832 in lime green looks very tempting and the BPS reviews are good. From a test conducted in 2010 between a few braids (http://tinyurl.com/ye88fbk <--link to the article. Its by tackle tour and there testing of tackle is well done) suffix came out on top. I know there is a lie for every application but id like to hear reviews from people on these 2 new lines. I'm leaning more towards the suffix 832 for my next line to spool on my new baitcaster but i always like to see what other have to say and then weight in the options. Another thing i would like to get info on that I've never used before is Fluorocarbon lines since ill be using it for leaders and may end up using it instead of braid, who knows. Please give pros/cons, what applications and constructive info. Saying "buy such and such line cuz it rules" isn't useful info Thanks.
  20. I actually use host papa for my numerous sites. The service is great, prices are great. Although i have my 2nd .ca domain name registered under another company due to their prices being lower. I cant recall the name of the other one. Host papa also just did a big server upgrade recently which really helped with a few minor issues i was having with speed. I got there hosting when they were a small company and the prices were a bit lower. Give them a try i don't think you'll regret it.
  21. I have a 6'6 MH 2 piece baitcaster with a shimano caenan reel. The rod is very conferrable in my hands. I got in in December so haven't been able to use it yet. It's light and looks nice. Feels solidly built. Feel stiff enough to be good with pitching and flipping. I wish i had got the 7 footer though but it wasn't available in the 2 piece. It wasnt expensive either.
  22. Oh sweet. Ill check that out. Thanks.
  23. Exactly! Worded perfectly.
  24. My buddy cough a black sports sock just last fall in Manotick on the rideau river. I have pictures but ill have to post them once I'm at a pc. iPhone wont let me post pics.
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