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Everything posted by edmichit

  1. Radnine, those links did not work...sorry
  2. South Wind i'm sure helped clear the bay. This warm south wind is to continue through the weekend, along with rain showers, my guess is the south end of the lake will be clear by monday
  3. my guess is he didnt allow enough time for braking....the road looks damp and cool, no trailer brakes, crappy dodge front brake system. The boat pushed him straight into the pole. Or he nearly missed his right hand turn....tried to turn and got pushed into the pole.
  4. i've used (and keep in the boat) a pair of umprella's that came with a clamp and bend able section, that i use to attach to my console. This gives me some shade when re-tying or lunching(mmmmmm lunch!). They quickly remove as well when changing fishing locations. I've also seen some that attach to your fishing seat.....but i always wondered about the casting and setting of the hook..what a nightmare.
  5. Sometimes it's their tolerance of us, and being part of it, that make them special to my family. This is Tippy, the kids love (and she likes the attention...to a point) to play dress up.
  6. Welcome, have fun.....
  7. Nice report, keep them coming
  8. Nice Ride, i've also run a crestliner cv182 for a few years, love it. btw dont get caught up in horsepower......gas in barrie today 1.12/ltr, should be 1.20 by the long weekend in May.
  9. Well the proof is in the reality some times. Note the name of the boats
  10. Welcome, i also grew up in Niagara, well actually Chippawa....i think i know where the LM bass were caught. Have fun with the board.
  11. Drove over the bridge in Bradford today. Open water under the bridge, but still ice in areas. Still early for the crappie by maybe a week yet.
  12. Hey Azulaspooked how did you fasten the mounting bracket to the boat? is it just bolted to the wooden piece?
  13. I should have looked at the Scotty website, they do offer the mounting system that may work, (and not one of those clamp on types' that you wonder if the whole works will end up at the bottom of the lake....with fish attached) Thanks also for the thoughts about the height of the rigger, and position for crankin it up. thanks
  14. Hey folks, just looking for some suggestions on how best to install a scotty manual rigger that i have. Where and How. Transom, or port side, either way the mounting plate is wider then either. any suggestions? hopefully you can see the pictures and understand the problem. boat is crestliner cv182, i don't plan to add kicker motor either.(i can go maintain under 2mph with 90 merc) if you cant see these photo's i won't be surprised, as it's the first time for me. http://picasaweb.google.com/edmichit/Rigge...443530494937730 thanks web album
  15. thanks superdad, i just noticed a post discussing Bay View Inn Motel, i see what you mean on how to post a request like this. i've been out there before on the long weekend, we usually have success, but that was many years ago. With any luck we can pattern them, and with a little luck, have some fun. thanks
  16. thanks for the input. Good luck on the opener....let us know how you do.
  17. Looks like i will be in Deseronto for a family get together on the long weekend in May. I'm taking the boat to do some Walleye fishing. Can anyone make recommondations on a hotel or motel in Napanee or area, that is suitable for a family? i would consider renting at a lodge as well. thanks
  18. welcome, i'm also new, and so far so good. see ya around
  19. Hey members, i've been lurkin for some time, and found this board to be informative and a pleasure to read. I hope to fish more this softwater season and get the opportunity to post a few pics. I mostly fish Simcoe, Couch, Erie, and Rice Lakes, targeting perch, walleye, and bass. i love hunting as well as fishn and plan on a perch and turkey hunting weekend very soon! fried turkey and perch yum. my current rig is a 02 crestliner cv182 and i'm looking for good price to find a spare trailer tire. BPS claimed to have a sale, but they were all small tires. Anybody know of a good place to find one/set of ST205/75D14 with galv rim? thanks in advance
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