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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. As others have said, no problems unless it's a complete infestation. I find it funny how the perch have them but the walleye don't. Maybe because the walleye travel and keep moving, while perch will somtimes stay stationary?


    I've found them in walleye, as well as tape worms.


    But to your point, I'd say yes. That and walleye will typically be in deeper water, or faster moving water. I'd think the more stationary the water, the warmer and increase infestation. Not 100% sure about that though.


    I must say I was pretty creeped out be the tapeworms, but removed them and continued on eating them. No issues yet, but if it grows to be 30ft long inside of me and pops outta my mouth while trying to eat a steak, I'll be sure to let everyone know :sarcasm:

  2. Why is it that those who have a licence to do something always want to make it harder for everyone else to get one too? We weren't born smart, we learned by trail and error. Lighten-up on the newbies, most of them are voters and we need them on our side if we want the government to listen to us.


    I read that for the last 20 years or more, in North America, there have been less fishing licences sold each year. The fact is the Game-Boy and Play Station crowd don't know anything about fishing and have little or no interest.


    I think a large part of the problem is the cost. If a guy recalls the fun he had as a kid fishing, and wants to take the kids out on Saturday morning, he has to buy $20-$30 worth of paper before he can go to the conservation area...Want to bet he opts for a Disney movie instead?


    If we want the government to spend money on fish related issues, we need more voters involved. Therefore, we need to make it easier for folks to go fishing, not make it harder.


    As for the bucket brigade, we all started somewhere!

    Personally, I think these folks do more to improve the fishing than to hurt it. Who really cares about a couple of OOS bass when they are taking hundreds of hungry pan-fish out of the lake every weekend?


    What about doing a way with the fishing licence all together? Some of you must be old enough to remember that back in about 1973 Premier Bill Davis scrapped the Ontario Resident fishing licence, calling it a nuisance tax. As I recall the cost of printing and selling licences ate all the revenue.


    Today, in my area, it's hard to buy a fishing licence. Many small places say there are too many headaches involved and it isn't worth their time.


    Lots of good points there, and I agree on alot of them.


    No offence to anyone, but I find the OOS bass and nesting issue quite ridiculous, and mainly for the simple fact that only one part of a large chain is being discussed.


    Big fish, small fish etc all forage on eggs, minnows etc, thats nature. If I made the same argument for crawfish, I'd be laughed at, yet, it is the EXACT same thing.


    One thing to ponder specifically for bass, is that although many target them, how many anglers actually keep bass to eat? I'd be willing to bet not many, at least not frequently. Now reverse that with walleye. Seems the populations are fine, even though these fish are kept much more frequently than bass, correct?


    Should I also target pike mainly to keep another fishes populations "under control", in a completely non scientific aspect? The fact is, there probably isn't one of us on this board that actually knows these things about a certain body of water. It's all speculation, all of it.


    If I keep a female walleye tomorrow, that alot of eggs that won't get made next year, correct? It's really not the case at all.


    Seem to me that an argument, whether right or wrong, needs to take all species into account to make a sound decision.

  3. If you put your smoke down it would be easier to smile:D . Nice walleye. Lampreay are a nucience but I don't think the kill the fish?



    lol, I'm horrible when it comes to smoking. I focus too hard when I'm fishing, so I don't smoke. Then when I land a fish, it's a race to get a smoke in before wetting a line once again.


    I'll try my best to take some smiley pics next time without that horrible habit wrecking the pics:thumbsup_anim:


    As for the lamprey, I'm not sure if they actually damage anything??? But, its odd to never see them, them BOOM! They are everywhere.


    I've also seen some other minnow size creatures taking nips at the fish near the boat, or near shore when landing a fish??? No idea what they are, but I've never seen those either??? They take tiny little bites out of the fish, and seem to target the gills. They dash in, take a chomp then swim away. I'd be curious to see if anyone knows what those are??? I guess there about 3 inches long, and appear to be silver sided with a darker top, but they swim in and out so fast it's hard to even tell???

  4. I put some 832 on my main reel this spring and am impressed with how it casts, and how sensitive it is.i also rec'd a reel of Elite and a reel of Siege monofiliment by Suffix. Anyone ever tried these 2 lines?




    Are you talking about Suffix Elite? If so I didn't really care for it too much. It's better than Spiderwire and camo braid, but not as good as PP or 832.


    I still have lots of it around, and only really use it in desperation for a day or two.

  5. This might sound like a horrible idea, but maybe on larger bodies of water and at public access landing, there should be shacks, employing summer students or the likes, where anglers are required to check their catch before leaving the lake/river etc. This could be employed by a government agency in certain places, and maybe by resort/landing owners etc in other locations. Insentives could be given to those that choose to employ this method? Things like that might help


    We all know there can't be enough CO's on the water to stop over fishing or illegal fishing practices

  6. They hand out fishing regulations or have then for free for those that need them on the counter of most places I have bought a license some people never take one or open it up.


    Fishing at an area pond I had a dude walk up to me and show me the Rainbow trout he had caught, they were sunfish.


    On vacation at the Georgian Bay one time and a couple guys show me and my buddy the huge Largemouth bass they had caught and asked if it was good to eat, Ya go for it! It was a bowfin.


    At local lakes here I have seen people fishing from shore put what ever they catch in their bucket, " if it`s big enough to bite? it`s big enough to eat? " and species was no concern to them.


    A former friend of my dad`s tried to come back here one time with 27 northern pike between him and his friend, he got busted and whined about it, we laughed at him.


    With the increase in population in a lot of areas the fishery becomes more fragile, some one needs to do something to protect it?


    Perhaps warning signs? " a fishing rod is not a license to be stupid ".


    I shouldn't laugh, but a similar thing happened to me yesterday with an older fellow who had caught a sucker and thought it was a lake trout.


    Unfortunately around here, alot of those people fishing from shore that keep everything, are status natives and can legally keep them fish. Even though I'm sure he had no idea how to prepare his "lake trout"


    That being said, I think anglers should follow good moral practices and worry more about how they treat the resource. If every responsible angler takes good measures to protect the fish, that's a healthy start.


    The problems that arise from new licensing practices etc usually don't work out to be any better than things are currently, and often times makes things worse.


    One thing I despise about society today is the blatant over complication on everyday things. And complicating this and that just compiles new issues.


    Just my two cents...

  7. June052011019.jpg





    Two more nice walleye from later yesterday. I love this time of year.The pics are horrible, but it's tough to get good pics fishing by yourself, lol. These fish were very healthy, and VERY fat. Almost every walleye I caught yesterday had visible signs of lamprey though, hopefully thats not a bad sign? Last year I seen three lamprey, first time in my life. This year, almost every fish has these latch on lamprey marks around the tail and gills. I'm guessing it's not gonna be a good thing?

  8. I like this picture of the Rainy River!


    It reminds me of when i was a boy going now and then for a couple of weeks to Stratton area. I had an aunt and uncle retired from the city and moved to place right on the river.

    Whenever i fished off their dock i was a scared little boy thinking i would catch a Sturgeon and lose my fishing rod.


    Great fish again and your boy is so lucky to be there. :Gonefishing:


    Thanks for the replies feelas! Much appreciated.


    ehg, thats just down the road from me. Some big, very big walleye there, we call it the long soue.


    and lol@the sturgeon comment, you had the right to be afraid. I'm sure many have lost rods to the almighty sturgeon, haha


    My sons and daughters all love it here, and love fishing. Hopefully this year they can upgrade some PB's! My oldest daughter has a 9lb walleye already that won her the local fishing derby two years ago. One son has a 40" pike under his belt, and my other son already has a 6lb smallmouth!


    I can't wait to see them when there a little older, there great little anglers!:thumbsup_anim:

  9. Thanks guys!


    I'm headin' back out early this am, great conditions once again. I feel obligated after losing that momma walleye, lol.


    Awesome news about Lac Seul Simon, thats an awesome lake to fish. I miss it. I used to get to fish there all the time when I worked in Ear Falls. Make sure you let us know how you make out.:clapping:

  10. Fishing has been real good lately, especially pike walleye and bass.


    Here is a few pics from the last 10 days, been getting out lots with the kids and catchin some fishies.


    View from morning coffee today. I knew it was gonna be a good morning for eyes.




    Lotsa teeth!




    Lost the big momma today, this was the next best walleye.




    My boys first smally of the season, he's lovin' it!




    Catchin these guys like crazy, nice healthy bass









    Thats it for now. Time to head back out for some more fishin' action!


    Hope all you musky guys are safe and boating some big toothies!!!!

  11. lol, this is too good!


    OFC sure has some great families that participate in angling!!!


    My kids are the same way, never want to leave and want to fish everyday. I love it too, but I must admit, some days we go just to satisfy their needs, lol.


    That kid of yours is gonna have alot of skills and a ton of pleasure in life, all because his Dad/Mom took the time to do things right.


    Good on ya.


    Now bring Jack this way I'm sure my kids would love to meet him! lol

  12. Sebile is great but I'll take the Storm Kickin' Stick at $10-12 any day for the same usage.


    not sure about their durability though?


    I have to agree with you here. I've used the Sebile for ice out pike and it is a nice bait, it was productive as well. But not more productive than the few kickin sticks I own. And at half the price, I'll pick the Storm lures.


    As far as durability, my Storm lures have held up very nicely for 2 seasons, still no need to replace them.


    I think I fish the Storm lure with more confidence as well, just not afraid to lose one, as compared to the Sebile lure.


    I won't be buying any more magic swimmers

  13. I always buy Yum salted grubs from Wal-Mart as our local store doesn't carry them, however last night I was unpacking them and noticed they went from 25 packs to 15 packs at the same price. OK, still not really anything to worry about. But I look closer, and out of the 3 colors I bought, 2 of them had no salt whatsover.


    Just a heads up if your buying these, take a closer look at them before you grab em

  14. Some of my best days of pike fishing have been on topwater lures.


    My favourite is the Scum Frog. Black, yellow, glow in the dark white and white/green combo work well for me.



    I also like Matzuo poppers and really big Jitter Bugs.


    The reason i love fishing the Scum Frog is that I can toss that baby in to the thickest mess on the water or the ugliest mess of trees that have fallen in the water. I have NEVER hung a scum frog up. :thumbsup_anim:


    The key is to feel the fish BEFORE setting the hook.


    I lost a ton of fish before I learned to count to about 3 or 4 before setting the hook. Thanks for all the tips from other OFC'ers.


    The EXPLOSION really gets the adrenaline pumping and it takes PATIENCE to NOT set the hook upon seeing the strike.


    Make sure u have the lightest wire leader that u can find. I like a 10lb wire leader and am going to be trying flourocarbon this year to see if I get even more action .



    Good luck.... it takes practice and patience... with patience being the biggest challenge.


    But once u get the hang of it and u are fishing with a friend that "hates top water " fishing and hooking fish and he isn't.... u will appreciate the practice time. ;)


    Great post! I love the scum frog as well. I'll start tossing top waters at about 60 degrees on the river, about 65 degrees on lakes. Sometimes (mainlydusk and dawn) the action can be great. I won't use top waters for pike in the afternoons very often though, just doens't seem to produce for me.


    As for the scum frogs, took me a good few days to "learn" the patience before setting the hook, now its just natural.


    I picked up some chatterbaits this weekend I'm looking forward to trying, never used em before

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