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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. If you need gloves to handle any freshwater fish, other than muskie, your revoked


    If you need anyone to land a fish for you, you are revoked


    If you have a tap tap at the end of your line and call for the net immediately, you are revoked.


    If you snag and think its a fish, and everyone else knows its a snag, and you say " but it WAS moving", you are revoked.


    If your afraid to swim in a lake, well, your revoked


    If you don't read fishing magazine on the crapper, well after your done, your revoked


    If you can't parallel park, your revoked


    If you panfish with braided line, your probably Red Green

  2. So, girlfriend wakes me up at 2am to let me know shes going to the hospital. Her cousin is about to have a baby! Woot woot! Awesome news.


    So this means I'm up with our 6 month old baby girl by 530am, no worries, well, until I go to give her a morning change.


    She's wearing some tights underneath a one piece pull over sleeper, Daddys favorite outfit on her, looks like the ultimate snuggie.


    Then I go to pull of her tights and pull a little too hard, it smacks me in the face/mouth. Then it hit it, literally.


    She soaked through with a massive runny poop.


    Just great:clapping:

  3. I have one memory of this thing.


    About 3 years ago my and a few buddies went up to his cottage for a few days. The plan was beer, beer and more beer. Didn't even bring any fishing gear (I know, I'm crazy). Anyhow, it was on this beautiful small lake, and me and a friend decided to canoe around the lake, all the sudden I got that urge. So we looked around his shed for something useable, and the Popeil was all there was that worked. So I threw on a a 1/8 oz. jig, dug up a worm, rigged it up and off we went. Dropped the line till it hit bottom, and paddled for about two hours all around the lake. Drank about 6 beers and headed back. No bites. We get close to shore and I reel in, low and behold, I had a fish on. It was a monster weighing in at about 1/3 of a lb. Never even felt it on the ultra sensitive Popeil.


    Hope this helps you put it back together :clapping:

  4. congrats! best thing that will ever happen to you, enjoy every minute.


    Soon you be wishin' for this :Gonefishing:


    But haven't had enough :sleeping_02:


    Some days, you'll be doing this :wallbash:


    When your cleaning alot of these :asshat:


    some days he'll be a lil' :devil:


    but will make you :rofl2:


    and 18 years from now, you'll both be :Gonefishing:

  5. nice stuff guys!


    I'm happy, I managed to slip in some new stuff on our to town trip today! Hey, it's too late for her to complain when she finds it at the check out line!


    Anyhow, I'm such a nerd. Totally psyched to get some more knuckle ball jigs and some high vis Sufix 832 today, oh, and some new polarized glasses since I dropped mine in the river a week ago.

  6. Congrats, thats musta been a great fight!


    I hear you on the excitement, when it's on and starts peeling line it's the best feeling in the world (almost).


    Great fish, I'd be happier for you if it was team 9, lol.


    Must be the loafers, I'm going to get some today :thumbsup_anim:

  7. What color works on one lake may not work on others. Colors do have an effect. I see they don't talk Chrome or Silver. Silver is allot brighter than chrome under water. Action is a big factor, certain movements trigger hits. I've seen on my under water camera just a gray sinker stirring up dirt on bottom will attract fish better than live bait, I've had Perch pick up my sinker off bottom. Some people think the red hooks they put on lures now are for attracting fish, not so. Red is not as visual under water. They install red hooks so fish can't see them like your standard hooks.

    Thanks for posting, good thread.


    Yep, I agree on the red hooks.


    One thing to mention is black, although low on the color chart, creates a more visible silhouette under murky water/deep water, so there are other factors to consider other than just plain sight.

  8. Fair enough. I was just curious as to why you said you'd NEVER use orange or white for walleye. Orange and white are no longer a part of a possible equation then. :)


    lol, I meant on Rainy River though. I have and do use them on other water bodies :thumbsup_anim:


    But it is good discussion though.

  9. Ok but what do you make of the fact that orange is the colour most easily seen by walleye?


    I think sight is only a portion of a more complicated equation, lol.


    You know that fish react different to many variables, size scent presentation etc.


    I can see orange pretty well also, doesn't mean I try to eat anything thats orange, lol. O.k., thats stretching it, but I'm sure you get my point.


    Again, I must say, it varies from lake to lake, river to river. Fishing is full of variables, and thats one of the things that makes fishing our passion.


    If only it were as easy as saying they see orange, they'll eat orange. On second thought, I'd rather have the variables

  10. Why would you say that?


    On that body of water they just don't produce, and thats why I said it varies from waterbody to waterbody. I've fished plenty of smaller lakes in northwestern ontario where white is a great color choice for walleye, it just isn't on Rainy River. and trust me, I'm one to tinker and try anything, and fish probably a good 40 hours per week. When you fish like that, you learn alot about what does and doesn't work

  11. interesting ...ever try a "wonder bread" walleydiver?


    nope, but I just looked it up and realized that this company should be given kudos on their name selections alone, lol.


    I'm guessing this is a big producer for you? If so, what body of water(s)


    That wouldn't be a very productive color pattern on rainy river. I'd like to order the green/black one though and give that a shot

  12. There are so many questions and secrets about coulours under water, that it took a while for me to understand them using research and experimenting under water. Most of my collected knowledge I introduced into a new book, which should appear next year in the german language for the german market. Some of the things in my book I want to share with you...


    The first important question for anglers is: What can fish see under water? Can they see colours? Is it possible to see colours under water? These and many similar questions pre-occupied every lure-angler thoughts, mine included!


    To understand colour-vision under water, we have to distinguish two factors:


    Which coloured light can reach the fish-eye?

    Which colours can fish see, if they reach the eye?


    see the rest of the article by by Uli Beyer here >>



    Thanks for a very good post! Much appreciated.


    I've fished tons of lakes with varying degrees of water vis., but it wasn't until I fished Rainy River for a few years before I truly learned about how the water color, and above water conditions effected baits.


    I know one thing though, when the water gets "chocolate milk", black works best. But, thats this body of water, it can vary from waterbody to waterbody.


    Again, great post, alot of good, usefull information.

  13. jig and a minnow is always my first option.


    I've had some luck with smaller shallow water cranks retrieved slowly, patterns depend on the water clarity and forage. I've also been slow retrieving a black/blue spinner bait worked against the current, just below the surface.


    None above 30" yet for me though, but these patterns have been producing

  14. If anyone wants to simulate your experience they can tie a jig to a train and hold on to the the rod as it leaves the station. sarcasm.gif don't try this.


    I watched my brother struggle to bring in a 15 pound sturgeon ... I can only imagine one at 100lbs!!!! my god!


    lol, it's funny you say that. In the third video I mentioned that it felt more like having your line tied to two cinder blocks in heavy current, haha.


    Yeah, any sturgeon will put up a crazy fight, even 15lbers. Two years ago I caught my first sturgeon ever, through the ice, on 4lb mono. Had to drill a second hole to get em up, he was about 35-40lbs. That was a crazy fight, and I think he was previously gassed? He came up pretty easy even though he fought like hell at first.


    Damn though, I wish I could post the last video, such a bummer. My daughter(who was filming) had a good quote in there. "Oh my god! Look at it, it's bigger than me!" hahaha

  15. Just looking at this lodge as a possibility of guiding on the English river, wondering if anyone has been there fishing or even work(ed) there.


    Looks like a great fishery and a great chain of lakes, just want to make sure it's the right choice if the opportunity comes to fruition.


    Any input is much appreciated, thanks in advance.

  16. Can't really help with the computer issues but undoubtedly you have a huge sturgeon on.

    Fished Rainy River when i was a kid and was scared of catching a sturgeon by accident. :o


    This really sucks. I think it might just be a camera issue, I just tried viewing the video through the camera, and its the same result. So either I'm screwed, or I need some help to fix this upload.


    The video screws up right at the end of the battle too, but like I said, you can still hear the audio. I'm so bummed right now:(


    Lol at being scared to catch them. For the past two years, I've tried faithfully to avoid the inside of the back eddies where the sturgeon are thick, haha.


    After this experience though, wow, I'd love to catch more. Of course on proper gear though. It was unreal that my rod didn't break, I could literally feel the stress on the rod, all the way to handle of the rod, almost like it was gonna break right at the reel bed.

  17. I need some help here ladies and gents, the last video has issues I'm not sure if I can fix?


    I uploaded the video from my camera to computer. The first few minutes are fine. About 3/4 way through, it freezes, but there is still sound. It goes right until the end of the video, then the frame unfreezes and fast forwards to the end????


    I'm assuming this is why it won't upload to photobucket?


    Please give me some ideas here. It's my biggest fish ever, and I need to save this video!!!!!

  18. "My arms are killing me...can you light me a smoke? I Love it. Is she good with a landing net too? Can't wait to get a look at that monster.


    lol, I wasnt really prepared to film anything that day, so I said some pretty dumb stuff.


    She's good with a net, but we definitely didnt have a net to fit that sturgeon in, plus it couldn't legally leave the water.


    Still having some issues with the third video for some reason? Fourth try trying to upload it and it's still not working?

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