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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. Awesome so far....you're just wailin' on that rod and getting nowhere! That river is raging pretty good too...


    lol, yep, that basically continued for another 40 minutes or so, then the last few minutes we caught on video as well right when it spit the hook.


    Yep, the river is really high so far this year, its not normally anything like that. The strong current makes it pretty difficult to fish, especially if your not familiar with the area.


    Second video is uploading now...

  2. I had a snag that pulled my canoe around for 10 minutes once! Turned out it was a 6lb 3oz smallie. My PB though. Looking forward to your video.


    lol, cool. I've had pike pull the boat before, nothing like the fight of this though.


    Vids will be up soon. First one is loading(slowly) to photobucket, then I need to switch cameras and upload the second video, which I think includes the fish spitting the hook right at the dock?

  3. Well, after a very busy day with my daughter, I decided to go do some shore fishing on the Rainy River. I had to wait until after supper, and the weather was pretty crappy, but I had the itch, so me and the kids went anyways.


    Water temps were 49 degrees, water is still very high. Wind from the east at about 30kmh/hour, about 15 celsius but felt alot cooler. I spooled up a 6'6" rod with some 8lb mono, planning on jig fishing for some pike or bass.


    Got out and got set up, threw on a Northland Gumball jig with a chartruesse Yum Salted grub (awesome here for bass when the water is dirty). First cast to the right, nothing. Second cast to the front, nothing. Third cast, SNAG! Damn, I gave the rod a few quick tugs to see if I could break the snag free, nothing. Then I held the line and walked backwards abit (good way to break line at the knot, saving alot of line), I felt the snag move? O.k., water is high, might be a tree branch, but I better make sure...


    I lift the rod tip slowly after tightening my drag abit, sure enough, it lifts up. This is gonna be good. First thought, big pike, been there before. Wait, it starts to peel line. No doubt now as to what it is, STURGEON!


    I quickly yell to my daughter to get the camera recording, she does a great job getting it set up and we start filming. After 15 minutes of fight, and 5 minutes recording, battery dies, boooo. Cell phone comes out and I call the wife for backup, she packs up the baby and hops in the car with a camera. She gets there, I fight for another 30 minutes or so, this fish is finally tiring! I'm making some good progress now, and have it about 5 feet from the dock.


    We start filming again, get another few minutes of footage, and????


    The fish spits the hook right at the dock.


    Oh well, good times, and the first fish I've ever hooked well over 100lbs. Very sore arms and wrists, and surprised my rod, and even moreso the line, was able to withstand the beating.


    Vids are uploading now, I'll post em in the morning!

  4. Great job man, baits look awesome!


    What did you use to chip off the old paint? and where did you get envirotex?


    I made some homemade cranks this past winter out of some cedar, just shaped, not billed etc yet. I'd love to get some in depth info on this type of remodeling, just looks like alot of fun

  5. hi,


    I've read some great discussions on this board for the last few months and thought I would join. I have been fishing since I was kid and the passion seems to be growing the last few years. I'm looking forward to reading and contributing on this site.

    I live in Toronto and fish mostly for bass, pike, and walleye if I can find them, mostly Southern Ontario and whenever I can escape to the great white north.

    Still learning the site, so bare with me as I haven't figured out how to setup my profile.




    Welcome aboard!

  6. When you suffer from sciatica, of course this might vary from case to cause, but here is some info.


    Stay active, do not take the position of thinking a back related pain/injury requires massive amounts of time in bed/on couch. Get referals from friends and family on a good local chiropractor, and go see him. He will give you stretches and excercises to do, do them daily, after showering to loosen up tense muscles. Use ice when inflammation is present, for 15-20 minutes, every 6 hours or so to reduce swelling. When there isn't swelling, use heat in the same method to help loosen tense muscles and draw oxygen rich blood to the injured area. Don't be silly and do things that cause your back to hurt, within reason. Staty away from Tylenol(acetaminophen) related products as much as possible, instead opt for ibuprofen based products, assuming you dont take blood thinners or related drugs for heart related issues, or have ulcers. Take fish oil daily, 4-6 grams, in divided doses with food.


    sciatica takes time to correct, years in some cases, so get on it now before it gets worse...


    Hope this helps

  7. Does anyone use those topwater frog buzzbaits? I think there from Rebel, with the back legs working like propeller kicking up water. Its not my favourite bass lure but man is it fun, and a producer for anything. If ya dont have one go to crappie tire and grab one . Its a blast!


    lol, I have one of those. On Rainy river at least, it hasn't produced one fish, lol. I always wondered why though, the action looks awesome to me anyways. But If I take it off and toss a live target frog/similar frogs, bam! right away.


    Now that dam spinner is for the kids cause they still think its fun to use, and if it doesn't snag, thats good for daddy too!


    My favorite bass baits...


    Rapala DT 10 minnow pattern

    Rapala Flat rap Firetiger (deadly for pike as well)

    Jig n' pig

    6" salted Yum worms, black silver fleck, texas rigged or wacky style on a 3/8 oz. black jig

    Black and silver slated Yum grubs on 3/8 oz black or pink jig

  8. Hey Folks,


    Just wanted to post a quick topic here. I was reading up on some Spring Pike Tips...

    and came across this thread on the internet...




    The part that struck me the most was the use of WD40?! I've tried doing a search on

    our forum, cause I remember seeing something similar in the past, but the results

    were too much to return anything substantial.


    My question is, has anyone heard of this tactic? Does anyone actually deploy this?!

    What is this stuff really made of?!





    I've seen the use of WD-40 plenty of times, but years ago. I could be wrong, but I was under the assumption that it was made of fish oils, or at least it was used in a blend of ingredients.


    but after some searching, it seems to be mineral oil, liquified pertroleum gas and hexane.



    What is WD-40


    This is from the WD-40 MSDS


    Aliphatic compound

    Any organic chemical compound in which the carbon atoms are joined in straight chains, as in hexane (C6H14), or in branched chains, as in 2-methylpentane (CH3CH(CH3)CH2CH2CH 3).


    Hydrocarbon 50%

    Any of a class of chemical compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon (for example, the alkanes and alkenes). Hydrocarbons are obtained industrially principally from petroleum and coal tar.


    Physical Properties of Petroleum-Based Oil 25%

    Petroleum-based oil describes a broad range of natural hydrocarbon-based substances and refined petroleum products, each having a different chemical composition. As a result, each type of crude oil and refined product has distinct physical properties, that affect the way oil spreads and breaks down, the hazard it may pose to marine and human life, and the likelihood that it will pose a threat to natural and man-made resources. For example, light refined products, such as gasoline and kerosene, spread on water surfaces and penetrate porous soils quickly. Fire and toxic hazards are high, but the products evaporate quickly and leave little residue. Alternatively, heavier refined oil products may pose a lesser fire and toxic hazard and do not spread on water as readily. Heavier oils are more persistent, however, and may present a greater remediation challenge.


    LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon 18% Same as above just with a lower vapor pressure (LVP).


    Carbon Dioxide 3%, inert gas that is used as a propellant, Also used in beer and soda. This is the main cause for Beer farts.


    Non-Hazardous Ingredients <10% Typically proprietary ingredients.


    It’s NOT Fish Oil!

  9. I just did some research on it and I think the camp is some sort of resort now. We had a blast there doing add jobs around the area for the MNR.....cleaning portages, cleaning dumps, planting trees, etc. The fishing was great there. I remember being amazed at the amount of pike in the area. You could pretty much toss out an old boot on the end of your line and they would hammer it! LOL


    I'll try to dig out some old pics and scan them.


    cool man, much appreciated!


    My first big pike was from that lake, I was literally scared of it. I don't even know if pops has any pics, but I was maybe 10 years old and my dad helped me land a pike that was around 43". I was scared just to be in the boat with it, lol.

  10. Awesome pics. I love that area of Ontario. I spent a few months out that way when I was 17 (I'm 39 now) working as a "Junior Ranger". We were based around the Fort Frances area on Cuttle Lake. Best summer I've had with the most amazing walleye and pike fishing I've ever experienced. You are definitely lucky!


    haha, cool you say that. I believe that camp is now closed, but I grew up fishing Cuttle with my dad and grampa. Back then it was an awesome lake, but then slowed down quite abit in the early 90's. Now we make sure to hit it once a year in honour of my Gramps. We still do good on the smaller walleye, but its nothing like the good ol' days.


    There are alot of great lakes in that area, Pickwick, Straw lake etc. All the lakes down cedar narrows, especially up around 80-90km up the road, killer fishing

  11. Hey those are some nice pics looks like some beautiful land you got around you. Nice fish as well and yea those Lamprey are a pain in the:asshat:.


    Thanks! and yep, it's a great place to live (here is a few nature shots while on the topic)















  12. Well, water levels are still high on Rainy River with fluctuating temps, so I've decided to slow down on the shore fishing and get the boat ready to hit the water.


    I was going through some pics from last year and found a few gems, might as well get them outta the way and get on with a new season!


    We've been seeing these guys more and more, lil' muskie



    Feeding on sucker minnows



    It might look rigged, but it wasn't. Shallow water bass fishing hooking crawfish



    Finally Dad, that new x-rap! Gotta love the anglers of tomorrow




    Finally beat my mentor! lol, just a small local derby, 24.75" takes it this year




    Braided line snag pulls up some new tackle! lol



    Pike strike in the sand bay! This guy had some weight, unfortunately I can't find the pics of the fish???



    lil' guy in the shallows, 8" of water



    The catch of the day on Clearwater, Dad wins today



    Skis made outta drift wood, lol, the kids always entertain



    The newest addition to the family takes a trip to the rapids!



    These were all over last year, never seen one the year before, but got at least 50 last year alone


  13. Osama was shot in the head and I'm going to guess more than once considering they were ordered to kill. It would not be a pretty photo for the news although I'm sure they'll either end up releasing it or it'll get leaked (The one out there right now is fake).


    The explanation I read on cnn.com was because they did not want his body brought back to US soil, in fear that others will use his grave as a worshiping ground. Makes complete sense to me.


    I see your point, but we are a desensitized world these days. 10 years ago I watched people jump from a burning building live on television, a few bullet holes is really no different. I also watched JFK's brain spatter across a car.


    I think showing the evidence right away would be more good than harm, but thats just my opinion.

  14. So I'm watching CNN an hour ago, and they throw in this line" The DNA evidence shows this to be Osama Bin Laden. His body was disposed of at sea" then carried on the discussion casually.


    This is not gonna be accepted very well, I hope they are going to prove this action actually took place. I'm not one for conspiracies etc, but 3000 families would like some sort of evidence/explanation I'm sure.

  15. does anyone know a good site with free streaming??? Id really like to watch this.


    Good luck finding a good stream for this, they really buckle down on the big events.


    Usually you'll have to have at least 3 on the go just to get a half decent viewing of the fights

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