Meh, anyone dealing like this has the money to evade.
Although id assume some reputations might be hurt(political figures)
I hope this is the first leak in a long line
Thats us too. Been about 2 weeks of rotating cold and flus and awhile back I had pnuemonia. Now the wife has strep
So its been alot of soups or hot dishes.
Last night we did a cabbage soup and its been to long! Wow did I enjoy that!
Were thise kids in their early 20's and randomly asked how my vehicles were?
I know exactly who it was and its not me they need to dodge so to speak
Just got off the phone with george. It was water in the tanks.
And shop around lol. Its a town of 1000. There is 3 mechanics here (that have shops for vehicles)
Vehicle number one is ready to drive home? vehicle two by tomorrow