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Everything posted by spud7378

  1. should i take this thing back to jiffy before the warrenty runs out? it only a few months old
  2. we should get together this weekend at some point!
  3. chin up big guy, you have made your dad very proud of the young man youve become, so now you have to continue with the way he would want you to grow up! keep playing hockey and just dont be affraid for your mom, just be there to help her through this! she will need you more then ever! im so sorry alex, i know what this is like! im here if you ever need to chat or come to north bay for a fishing get a way!
  4. Great write up and a great laker to add!
  5. Hey everyone, we are looking for a trailer park, north of north bay but to further then new liskeard, if anyone knows of some spots i would love to hear of them and your experiance at them if you stayed there! thanks, kevin
  6. i had a campsite at belwood for a few years, you dont want to leave your boat in the water, thank god my boat at the time was a little tin can, i came up one weekend to find it high and dry sitting in the mud. the trailer park as well has storage and a boat ramp.
  7. @fisherman, any ideas on how to fix the problem? or should i be sending jiffy an email stating the problem? and try to get it fixed before warranty is up? It seems like that both myself and ch312 are having the same problem Also to the guys that are stating use premium fuel, the book says dont, so who is right is it better or will it damage the unit? thanks
  8. my jiffy is only new since xmas, ive had problems with it as well, i found it to be the gas cap, the new ones dont have the needle valve.
  9. This sucks we all just fished with him a few weeks ago, my condolences to his family and his son alex
  10. the loss of a dozen shiners how embaresing, i am a die hard pats fan, but the giants outplayed them in the fourth! NE defence was poor as they have been all year! both O lines were dynamite and both QBS were bang on! great game
  11. sorry guys, it was a 20 foot trailer basicly, and the wheels poped up! and it had holes inside and everything!
  12. This pic reminds me of the movie bambi!!!!!
  13. Hers my next ice hut LOL wow ice huts have come a long way! http://sudbury.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-RVs-campers-trailers-travel-trailers-campers-THE-ICE-CABIN-BY-SALEM-Starting-at-11-995-W0QQAdIdZ319758904
  14. cant eat "caught beside your hut" just sayin LOL talk to ya later buddy!!!!
  15. im moving saturday as well to deeper water the fish dont seem be shallow! great day and a great lunch!!!
  16. great report chad! thanks for the pics! nice to see everyone again this year and cant wait until next year!
  17. jay are you catching some fish yet???? how did lota lota make out with the sleeping quarters!
  18. awesome time had by all, very few fish but i think it was fun day on the ice anyway! when we left the boys were getting set up for the night, then the phone call came that lota lotas tent and belongings were spread over callander bay!!!!!!hope everyone is ok! thanks to blair and chad for putting together another great day!!!
  19. skinny this is a mirtone 73303 pull station, easy to use and reset, instructions are on the inside of the pull station once you pull it but heres a video! hope this helps
  20. the latest on callander bay http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3449320
  21. bring it on a dozen it is!
  22. im a hydro lineman/ electrician, maybe i could help you out with your power? let me know when your ready i could give you a price!
  23. now thats funny
  24. P-A-T-S pats pats pats, Go patriots!!!!!!!! 17-10 NE
  25. awesome report guys, looks like a good time had by all!!!!!
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