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Everything posted by J-M

  1. Things should lock up after this weekend and hopefully it stays that way....
  2. Wow, too cool! Very creative.
  3. Yeah, little lake is usually loaded with fishermen at this time itching to get out on some ice! We had our hut on about 6" or more by this time last year on Little Lake. The 14 day looks a bit depressing still...
  4. Interesting article about an NHL player trying to protect his home river - Vancouver Island steelhead need all the protection they can get! Article
  5. Not only numbers, but size too! Any idea's on where this spot might be? I'm guessing NWT? http://www.worldfishingnetwork.com/videos/channels/members/the-best-ice-fishing-on-earth-70026.aspx
  6. Never realized they paired up like that so early in the season. I've only seen them pair up just before spawning. Then again, I've heard of bow's spawning VERY early in the spring like just after ice out in February. Very nice looking fish! Congrats.
  7. If you like to travel to different lakes in Ontario, the fishing Mapbooks aren't too bad. If I've got some extra time on a weekend with my kayak, I'll usually pull out this book and try a new lake close by! The books are divided into regions in Ontario to make it a bit easier. They basically give you bathymetric charts, lake depths, fish species within the lake, hot baits for the lake etc. http://www.backroadmapbooks.com/main/Fishingmapbooks.html Cheers
  8. Very fat fish! Congrats on the PB!
  9. Nice Brown Trout! You don't see too many of those guys on the main Notty. I was also lucky enough to catch one on the main river and it was also silver much like yours. I heard the nearby tributary of the Boyne River has some resident Brown Trout which may have been where this guy ventured from! Who knows, cool catch...
  10. Well done! That's a great day out. Good on ya considering the tougher than average water conditions. Did you fish the afternoon bite? Most of my fish have been in the same size range...
  11. Was at the notty this morning (near Angus), couldn't believe how high the water is! Still up about a foot and a half and running fast. Its starting to clear but still a bit too high. Confidence was low considering the cold morning we had as well... Water is up about 2ft at highway 90. No fishermen in sight.. Hope this helps..
  12. Right on, chunky looking fish! Just curious what bait you got them on? I'm mostly a roe fishermen but want to really start utilizing artificial casting baits...
  13. What a beast! Healthy looking fish, looks like he's been actively gorging
  14. Good idea, I think drifting small minnow's (whatever is native to the area - emerald shiners?) on bottom or just off bottom should trigger some whitefish hits. If not, it might not be the bait offering, they may just be spawning and unwilling to bite. Having said that, they may turn on after they've finished spawning ( if reg.s appy of course Cheers, Joe
  15. Twocoda, very good points. Right now, atlantic salmon are considered an "endangered species" in Lake Ontario. So we can't actually target and fish for atlantics. My quesiton, how long will they be considered an Endangered species before they even let us try to actually target and fish for them? It could be 10, 15, 20 years from now.....
  16. John and Justin, It's nice to see that the Atlantic program is contributing to stream rehab, i am also curious as to where this stream rehab has been completed and what type of projects have been completed? Is there any rehab being done on any other rivers but the Credit?? Also, I am interested in some further figures John, I would like to know what the cost of raising 'stockable' atlantic salmon is costing, if possible, do you have a breakdown of the cost per fish? say like $.50 per fish stocked or something like that? I'm no expert, but I've heard fish rearing and stocking can be quite expensive and I would just like to know what the cost of raising an atlantic salmon would cost? Can anyone help me with this? Thanks
  17. Hi Justin, you mention the Credit has seen a high level of atlantic salmon returns. Just curious if you have any hard numbers to back this up, I'm a numbers person and high levels can mean quite a few different things. If the MNR can produce accurate numbers on atlantic returns which amount to something significant, you won't have a problem convincing us that its working.
  18. Hey Crossover, If you're looking for some additional sources for minnow identification, I found the following website has a pretty extensive list of minnows and ID features with real pictures: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/species_a_to_z/AZFish/tabid/17913/Default.aspx Also, a great book for Fish ID, cost's less than $30 is the "Rom Field Guide to Fish ID" http://www.amazon.com/Field-Guide-Freshwater-Fishes-Ontario/dp/0888544596/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319287577&sr=8-1 Cheers
  19. The Nottawasaga Steelheaders are a great organization and a awesome group of guys who are willing to help out newbies. Its a great way to start if you're getting into steelheading and they do alot of awesome river work. Sorry to hear about your unlucky experience, it happens! I found the Nottawasaga a tough river to fish but once you figure it out, it can be very addicting....
  20. Hey Corey, here's an illustration to help you out, the only thing I would change is the line size when fishing for salmon or even trout in larger waters, you can get away with heavier line; 8-12lb main line and 6-8lb leader line...
  21. Nice Fish! That Chinook looks massive in the first photo. Can't wait for the steelies to start showing up in real numbers..
  22. Those live target baits are insanely realistic. Sometimes I wonder if its a bit overkill in terms of attention to detail, not sure if the fish cares. But, who am i to say, they may prove deadly in clearer water..
  23. I've got a stanton right now which has been a workhorse and hasn't given me an issues. If I were to ever replace this reel, I'd go with an islander....
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