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Everything posted by DoubleDigits

  1. I don't have a complete bias against the gun. I plan to get my PAL in the next few months. I suspect that the others who have voiced concern about these weapons also aren't anti-gun...
  2. From CNN (emphasis mine) : Investigators now know the gunman used "an assault weapon" to "literally (shoot) an entrance into the building," Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy said Sunday. (...) Using a Bushmaster AR-15 "assault-type rifle," the 20-year-old fired multiple magazines -- each of which contained 30 bullets -- to gun down the adults and children in two classrooms, Connecticut State Police Lt. J. Paul Vance said. He then took out a handgun and shot himself in a classroom as officers approached, officials said. All the victims were shot between three and 11 times
  3. The guy in China stabbed 22 children. There were no fatalities. Zero. There are many good, responsible people who own hand guns and assault weapons for many different weapons. They keep and operate them safely, and would never think about using them to kill people... would it be a shame that these people would be deprived of their lifelong hobby, and even their own private property, if such weapons were to become illegal? Yes, it would be...Just not nearly as much as a shame as whole classrooms of children being slaughtered. Living in society is about making choices and sacrifices for the greater good of everyone...
  4. Its a discussion board, so folks will tend to discuss things. Shock and sympathy is shared by everyone here, and it goes without saying...but it will do nothing to help prevent similar events in the future. When something horrific happens, it seems not only natural, but necessary to think about, discuss and debate the underlying causes and contributing factors, and to offer suggestions about what could be done to prevent future tragedies.
  5. Thank you, and I won't go any further than saying that I appreciate your respectful, reasoned response, and even more so your offer.
  6. Yeah you're probably right. Seriously though, I just thought I would get out ahead of people bashing Quebec, or opining on language laws, all over an obvious joke article. Didn't work.
  7. I know very reasonable people who feel exactly this way, and you sound very reasonable...but, I disagree, and must say that it irks me to hear this issue reduced to a discussion of private property, rights and freedom. The Second Amendment? What do militias and Revolutionary America have to do with these school kids? The conflation of guns and freedom, and the idea that citizens need to defend themselves from tyranny are falsehoods, sold, lock, stock and barrel by the people who make billions from producing WEAPONS (not tools...a hunting rifle is a tool, and to a soldier an AR is a tool, but we are talking about weapons--intended for killing human beings).
  8. I think that the abundance of readily available assault rifles and handguns is the single biggest factor in ensuring that something like this will happen again.
  9. Here: http://www.ontariostewardship.org/councils/bancroft/files/Bancroft_Mazinaw_Stocking_List_2009_2012_2.pdf
  10. Yes. Really. Responding to satire with 'That's ridiculous.', suggests that you weren't in on the joke. Don't worry, you won't be the only one
  11. RC I'm sure you get it, but something tells me that not everyone will
  12. Well, as a Canadian, you're welcome! But...when disaster strikes in the USA, usually the whole world offers assistance. Immediately after Katrina, for instance, over 80 countries around the world offered monetary and resource assistance. More than $854 million was sent or offered to assist with the disaster...Only $40 million was spent on disaster relief, $400 million (in oil) went 'uncollected', and the rest was so bound up in red tape, it never got anywhere.
  13. Indeed they are! I would describe them as having the texture of California Condor, the underlying bamboo flavor of Giant Panda, combined with the unmistakable finish of rare Lake Ontario steelhead.
  14. This reminds me...time for lunch.
  15. The trip can be really boring, especially if mom forgets the Spongebob DVD...
  16. Awesome!! The toughest fish anywhere...
  17. Can we assume that the walleye fingerling in question is the one in your avatar?
  18. The connection between fat content in the spawning fish to high quality yolksacs is interesting. Never heard that. However, the idea that larger fish may have more plentiful, successful spawns, still doesn't make a connection between Big mothers and big offspring.
  19. I say no, it doesn't. I would think trophy fish are a product of other evolutionary traits (behavioural, ie. predilection for certain forage, approaches to feeding, aggressive tendencies etc.) and environmental factors (waterbody size/forage base, angling pressure, the luck of not being caught, etc.) that have come together to allow those individuals to grow to above average size, rather than a 'BIG' gene. Do Bay of Quinte, or Green Bay walleye have a 'big' gene? I don't think so. They just have an excellent forage base, and a lot of water to hide from recreational and commercial fisherman. Edit: Let me revise that: Yes, it probably does have a better chance, since the same genetic/environmental factors that were present for the mother will also likely be present for the fingerling (with the exception of luck, of course, who knows?). But this is not an argument for the 'Big ones make Big ones' theory. Any fish in a waterbody that holds the potential to produce big fish, has the potential to grow big.
  20. I've heard this sentiment many times...and am well aware of the higher toxin levels in older fish. I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to seafood, and the best meal of fish I ate this year was fried cheeks and fillet of an 8 lb walleye...superior texture and flavor to the 'eater' walleye, smallmouth, lake trout and perch that i cooked and ate over the course of the year...and presumably better than a mouthful of dirt. Not advocating any harvest practice or another, just saying...
  21. Thanks Joey
  22. Lol...the only salt i saw all week was on a margarita.
  23. No big heavies this year, but my girl and i managed to scare up a few. Same as last year, she took the biggest one. Bring on the ice!!!!
  24. Read Allan Carr's 'Easy Way to Stop Smoking' Follow the instructions, don't cut down, smoke and read and quit.
  25. As a counter to the 'Its not called catching...' sentiment: 'Fishing without the fish is like football without the football' - Rex Hunt
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