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Everything posted by fishforfun

  1. Wait till you fill one I've paid $12 plus tax!
  2. I have 2 on the sail boat, the big tanks are a bit much to hang off a rail. Bought both at Home hardware in Wiarton. Perhaps give your Home hardware a call to see if they can get you one.
  3. Thought it was on my end this morning. Glad you survived Wayne.
  4. Have a 1965 Johnson sea horse her at the house, we haven't used it for 2 years but it ran 50-1 since the late 70's no issues.
  5. Good topic Roy and I hear you! Having been a volunteer in minor sports for over 32 yrs now I see a different side. A 10 yr old player who has what it takes to be there but the parents don't, do I cut him? Sports, hockey in particular are very expensive the kids good, the parents are broke? My teams fundraise but I find garage sales and dances etc more appropriate. When you watch Canada at the world juniors believe me 1or 2 have been helped along the way. So the kid with $200 Nikes may think he's helping himself but really he's helping his team mate, a reality that we don't want kids to know, rich and poor are adult problems not something that kids need to be reminded of the ones with no money are struggling enough.
  6. Get a soft sided cooler big enough to hold your eggs milk etc put them in it and then into the cooler with the beer. Double wrapped and good to go.
  7. I'd do it again in a heart beat! Definately a dream trip.
  8. I've used Big Jons, Canons and Walkers all are nice riggers. Auto stop is a nice feature especially lone handing. Do you know anyone with a Lund that has riggers? I would want them to be aesthetically pleasing as well as mechanically.
  9. Have a good one Wayne!! Soft water's not far away now, then it's time to play with the new boat
  10. Jughead definition of a weapon: A weapon is an item that is intended for use in combat - to injure, kill, disarm or incapacitate an opponent or victim, or to otherwise render resources non-functional or unavailable. Hunters aren't engaged in combat they are hunting with a firearm. Sorry but the word weapon is thrown around far too much in these discussions and just aids the anti's in there mission.
  11. The Shawanaga pic was a tough one too, so directly to the right would be Dillon and Shebeshkebong Bay? As for the panned out shot still no go and to think we boated out of Wye Heritage 20 yrs ago!
  12. Total shot in the dark, port Severn?
  13. Ok got me don't recognize it at all Sailors don't spend a lot of time on docks LOL.
  14. Not a visible land mark but from our fall troll Present and Snake? It gets a lot tougher when arial photos are north of Parry Sound then the memory is put to the test with so many bays and Islands!
  15. Spratt point.
  16. Beckwith Island, spent many nights swinging on the hook there.
  17. Dang had to climb in the attic and get my Richardsons chart book out! Rob knows his stuff other than fishing with you in the fall haven't boated this end of the bay in 10 years.
  18. Beausoleil Island, Fairy Lake.
  19. Big fence with razor wire Roys or any mod LOL. No must be Maureens.
  20. The grain elevators in Midland.
  21. Like Lew said when it hit it was fast, white outs here in Georgetown.
  22. Heck we've got near white out conditions here in G'town. So I will spend the next few hrs cancelling hockey games all over the province. Why not, gives me something to do between calls
  23. Is that the entrance to Go home Bay?
  24. Longest #8, just like the fact he landed that on a sailboat
  25. I thought there was a beer strike! Thak god
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