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Everything posted by Kwan

  1. yeah Hong Kong lol i kind of forgot the O in OFC when I posted this, lol. i put my rod down for 5 minutes with a shrimp on the bottom and he tangled himself up.
  2. And this is what I caught I was also doing this http://s833.photobucket.com/albums/zz256/pkwanf/?action=view¤t=MVI_1230.mp4 cant seem to post video
  3. my friend deep hooked a perch, pulled on the line, ripped all the guts out, threw it in the water, and caught another perch gulp minnows are good
  4. LOL Thx for the replies. I'll be trying for more night walleye soon
  5. I don't think I could fish for 2-3 days without catching anything- I don't have that kind of perseverence!!!! 18 strait days, wow
  6. So that means i put a sinker a few feet away from a hook and stop the sinker with a swivel, then put a sponge on my hook, and i'm practically guaranteed to snag them? whereas if i use a #2 spinner, or put a worm instead of a sponge, i won't snag them? I don't get it. Is 8 lb braid with 8 lb leader on a 6'6 medium enough to handle a salmon?
  7. 4-6 lb test for longer casts and less visible line is my 2 cents. micro tubes under a float is what the guys are doing for shore fish usually (crappie). real tiny hooks for the splitshot rig... just as long as they are sharp... bass from shore is.. not for me but people have their secert rivers and such
  8. Small and slow haha.
  9. great job! lots of nice bass from shore
  10. Hey! So I finally got a picture from Thursday's night fishing and FINALLY got my one and likely only eye for the year. I was so happy as my rod bent over 'cause I thought I had tangled with someone's lure or something. It barfed out a perch Here it is swimming in our sink! and its barf nasty little bugger perch you can figure out the spot if you've been there. It's not that great though, 1 in 10 outtings for this I gutted the eye, chopped up the bones for above and the meat is in below We had some family over on Saturday night, so I tried to nap some before sleeping 'till 4 am, and time to go! Rice Lake in search of largemouth pb breaking bass. well, we couldn't break the weight but had a blast with the active ones we did find not a largie but I'll take it haha same fish theres a largie! heres my friend with another bass off his senko thats been working well. gotta have o-rings though, or else I had my slack line run sideways in the morning, but I lost the fish after having it on for 5 seconds. We went't back to that fallen tree n the evening and my friend picked this one up on his senko we both got a giant perch each lol and its good to finally get my old man on some bass each outing.. best year for all of us for sure sunset cove resort is where we went out from. definately great people great place! we'll definately release more of these in the future. we are releasing too few and this is what we caught in Hong Kong LOL hahahahaha hope you enjoyed
  11. what a monster x2
  12. can they like put out the fire and then ask for the fee after?
  13. I am planning on hitting rice lake with my dad for bass. We're planning on using plastics, so what should I look for in the water? Deep weed lines? Shallow bays? We're probably going from Bewdley or Gores. Is it worth it to head farther up north? I've always been curious about that sunken railway. They say spots between the islands and the railway can hold smallys and wallys... We won't have a sonar working, though
  14. Awesome pics. The cloud definately shapes into your imagination, it is interesting. Shows how nature really speaks to us, according to pre-scientific communities who lived in the forests. That first bass hit a huge lure.
  15. hahahaha
  16. Always happy to hear/see people looking for the best for the Amerindian population in Ontario. It is such a work in progress to help those kids and with all the issues you get with regular street kids times five. You hear of kids getting picked on at school 'cause they got a rotting tooth or can't afford a hair cut or what not. It's a sad situation that gets hushed up in North America by the media. I rather they talk about them more on TV and the news but hey, you'd get all this backlash and it wouldn't be good for publicity 'cause you know, Canada is a great place to live and all and well, I won't get into it any more, its a tough subject and true that a lot of them are in tough positions. Ah well, great walleye. Wish I could catch on this year
  17. what a walleye! I've yet to hook a walleye for a long, long time.. great report!
  18. Heres the release of the first smallie. hope he made it alright didn't get anything too huge.. trying to get more big bass
  19. I am dead tired after fishing Stony once again for smallies and, maybe I'll get a largie once in a while after watching Steve manipulate them with senkos and dropshots.... We got on the water at 7:30ish, and worked a few docks along the shore for maybe 15 minutes.. drove right past a sunken tree lol... good thing I noticed it later, I'll definately fish it in the future. Anyway, about 9 am something thumps my tube and I got one on... All I could think about was that im on 6 lb test and the practise I got with on Couch last week... I yank its head up and it surfaces twice, so I got it close to the boat pretty quick before it blasts off clearing the water clean. a few dives under the boat, and we manage it safely in the net. it got blood on its mouth from the hookset... those Mr Twister jig head hooks are really thick- I guess i shouldn't use them if its gonna damage the fish.... it showed up just about 3 from reading the spring loaded scale. what a fight Moving on, we hit a dock where I applied 100% what I learned from Steve last week- get that thing next to the dock, leave it slack for at least 5 seconds, then check if its there. well, i got no idea how to check it without setting the hook blind, because when i lift the rod, if its there, its useless- the bass spits it out right when i lift to check it out! i think you are supposed to use your fingers to check if somethings on the other end but man its difficult. Anyhow, a 1 lb largie was on, and I lazily dangled it half way out off the side of the boat where it shook itself off- lucky for him, he escaped the steamer. The next few hours was slow for me to say the least, but for Jay who has not been catching bass lately was getting bites consistantly with a senko. Here I am holding his catch for the day and a few more pics to go largie from out of 1 foot of water, apparently popped his head out and looked at him. Jay fed him a juicy garlic senko. now when can get those 3-5 lbers to casually pop their heads out at us to be friends...
  20. what an awesome job on the canadian picture. God bless you for rescuing that fish
  21. freshest sashimi anywhere
  22. one 5 lber per hour on the water
  23. thats some cheap red snapper... green bass go for $9.99 at lucky food mart lol. makes me want to go fishing every time I see those fish tanks... its like, hey its a largie
  24. My buddy got his pb walleye while night fishing on a white jig. just under 4 ....
  25. great report. great job with the black jig- I guess when a bait has been really working you want to get a picture with it in the fish's mouth, haha. that is a lot of bass in the river!
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