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Everything posted by Kwan

  1. dropshot it tight lines
  2. they also import red snapper, grouper, sole, pickeral, atlantic salmon, sea trout, bc dungeness crabs, lobsters, razor clams, scallops, bullfrogs, carp, butterfish, white perch, lots of tilapia, countless others, and the dreaded big head carp, among others
  3. as long as the slime is salted off, any way to cook them is good =( the walleye season is coming to a close and its getting real cold to fish i wonder what i'll do with my time as for possession limits, its almost impossible to keep a full limit with a sporting license fishing from shore, unless you stockpile them. we've been seeing a lot of perch sized walleye lately as well- its a hectic bait stealing experience
  4. wow
  5. Btw my buddy has the sporting tag
  6. thanks for the heads up. btw ones a bullhead
  7. Hey guys, after all that commotion about keeping fish alive, I'm slightly apologetic and somewhat thankful. Here's some pics from last night's outing They went strait on ice from the stringer edit: in case you were wondering, they are all in the slot size
  8. They better all be legal fish. There's no reason to suspect otherwise. as for scugog white bucket specials, I always fish alongside some Europeans or Canadians who get the bad end of the people blowing their horns at us driving by.
  9. i havent shore fished simcoe in years
  10. Thanks! It is my buddy who is hitting all the walleye when we head out- mine just steal my minnows.
  11. My prayers are with him
  12. i love the hooksets. wish I had the chance to do some fishing like that when i was in thunder bay last year
  13. This is something that I absolutely did not know edit to add: thanks- if i ever got inspected for my catch I guess I would be in a heap of trouble for keeping the air pump running in the cooler
  14. so does this mean that I should be killing the fish before I take it home if i am keeping it for food?
  15. but they go from the lake to the cooler to the sink to the fridge
  16. whoaa
  17. edit: took off the pics. should I be killing the fish if i take it home to eat?
  18. rice lake in bewdley. i wonder how fishing at night at gores landing would be
  19. Jay is on fire 5 lb "its over the slot size" 2 same fish, Jay's new pb, 6 lb.. my pb is still an unknown cause we didn't weigh it like 3 years ago he's shattered his old pb twice these two days i think im done fishing for the next little while
  20. I lost a family member this past summer who battled cancer until the end, so I voted for highlights for hope
  21. Kwan


    same spot, much less people, but it was still a tangle fest at times somebody else caught a ~7lb earlier, and nonstop catfishaction makes it pretty fun haha. hopefully I'll get an eye like that sometime too thx for the replies. somebody also lost a carp that looked like those giant goliath bass 600 lb video on youtube-esque fish. his knot broke as i was trying to net it, but quite honestly it wouldnt fit .. he got it close to shore pretty quick, it woulda been something if he was able to land it as i see the ontario record is 39 pounds. absolute beast the size of a table ... on a micro tube fishing for crappie jaw-dropping
  22. i guess its gloomy right until the rod goes off and bang! and then its gloomy again after putting it back in the water haha
  23. Kwan


    same two as above minnows and gulp on a float
  24. I went out and got slammers in the same color you showed me and started dropshotting. I hope I can get better at it and put some big bass into the boat
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