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Everything posted by cjgraham

  1. LOTS of unmarked rocks be careful. Lots of pike and bass. gotta work for eyes. There are muskie in there as well
  2. Well its officially summer and the steelies are still going strong. Most people have put away the 12ft+ rods, but mine is still in my trunk. My buddy and I got out to the St Marys river a few days this week, and here are come pics. Its nice having a world class fishery in my downtown, and by the looks of it its better then ever. Thanks to the LSSU Atlantic Salmon stocking program the Atlantic fishery is coming on strong. I've already caught two this year the earliest being the middle of May, and the run doesn't even start till July. I believe they stock close to 300,000 each year (don't quote me on that) but it is really showing . Also catching the odd laker which is always a nice surprise. The beauty of the St Marys rapids is the ice cold water flowing out the gates from the bottom of Lake Superior. Which makes this an awesome year round fishery. If you ever get the chance get up to the Soo. The rapids are no secret so I don't mind showing my catches here. Won't be so informative north of the Soo
  3. It would be in Angus......
  4. If you implement a test then that means less people will fish, and buy licenses. If thats the case that means less money to pay CO's and we all know that there aren't very many around to begin with
  5. It all depends on what habitat they are living in ,and the diet they are eating. A light or dark colored fish doesn't mean it is healthy or unheathy. Take steelies for instance when they head up river the longer they are in the river the darker they get. Fish adjust to the habitat they are in. Also springtime is spawning time. Fish divert most of their energy to reproduction. This also could have something to do with a color change.
  6. You can't beat the hockey stick and clamp
  7. Ask to see his drivers license and get his address off that. That way you can at least track him down, but certified checks do not bounce. The bank garuntees it.
  8. Well my buddy and I got out for the evening on opening day on a lake just east of the Sault. Pretty slow action but managed 2 fish one being a personal best. A 10lb 34" walleye gave me the privilege of taking a picture with it. She was a beaut!! Back in the drink she went to make many more babies. All in all it was a good day.
  9. I shoot a Traditions and love it. If your just getting into it make your life a whole lot easier and get a break open barrel muzzle loader that takes shotgun primers. It makes cleaning a heck of a lot easier, and with the shot gun primer there is less chance of a missfire. I've learned the hard way with deer in my sights and an inline primer that would not go off. Also .50 cal will do the trick with no more then 100 grains of powder.
  10. That means we'll never see a Leafs/Wings Stanley Cup final! oh who am i kidding..........but as always Go Leafs Go!!
  11. That means we'll never see a Leaf/Wings Stanley Cup! Oh who am I kidding......
  12. Are Bass open right now? what zone are you in?
  13. Woooo! Congrats Winnipeg. What do you guys think about the divisions? You think there will be some shuffling or will Atlanta(Winnipeg) stay in the southeast
  14. I think its time to shave the goat Arch. Your making those classy steelies look trashy
  15. You should have skipped today bud

  16. Well it definitely got my heart rate up. The run I got her in led into a deep dark hole at the bend of the river....a good 5k's up from the mouth of Superior. I'm just wondering if it was a resident??? not sure on that but shes back in there safe and sound.
  17. Well I went out today to one of my favorite steelhead rivers just north of the Sault. Caught two bows and then this Hog of a lake trout. i thought I had a huge king on but wow is all I can say....just goes to show you never quite know what you'll get.
  18. I live in the Sault also. If your only purpose is grouse then get a 12 ga. Don't worry about recoil or too much gun. If you get small game load you will barley feel a thing. There are a few options out there and it depends what you like to do. I own a few shottys but my best purchase was a single shot 12 ga for 80 bucks that only weighs 5 pounds. When I head up north to fish the rivers it goes over my shoulder and I can't tell you how many birds I've shot with it.
  19. Hoyts are great bows. I've shot one for the last few years. This year I just bought a Bowtech Guardian and absolutely love it. I would advise testing out a few different bows from the shop find one that suits you, and then buy it online in the States. You'll be surprised how much you'll save.
  20. I know eh you could throw a spawn bag on it and use it as a hook
  21. Well it was another successful trip in the St Marys Rapids today. Lots of steelies amist the cluster of spawning Kings. Then I landed this hog. To me a bit to get him in thought for sure it was an Atlantic and didn't even occur to be that it may be a brown till I showed the pic to my buddy. I didn't even bother looking at the tail since I thought it was an Atlantic. Anyone want to give me some advice as to whether this could be a brown? I would imagine the rare Atlantic would still be lurking but I know there are Browns as well in the St Marys.
  22. I caught a few bows there way back in the day mid summer. I would assume resident being the color. Good first fish! can't wait to get home and join ya!
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