Well its officially summer and the steelies are still going strong. Most people have put away the 12ft+ rods, but mine is still in my trunk. My buddy and I got out to the St Marys river a few days this week, and here are come pics. Its nice having a world class fishery in my downtown, and by the looks of it its better then ever. Thanks to the LSSU Atlantic Salmon stocking program the Atlantic fishery is coming on strong. I've already caught two this year the earliest being the middle of May, and the run doesn't even start till July. I believe they stock close to 300,000 each year (don't quote me on that) but it is really showing . Also catching the odd laker which is always a nice surprise. The beauty of the St Marys rapids is the ice cold water flowing out the gates from the bottom of Lake Superior. Which makes this an awesome year round fishery. If you ever get the chance get up to the Soo. The rapids are no secret so I don't mind showing my catches here. Won't be so informative north of the Soo