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T Fisher

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Everything posted by T Fisher

  1. Use a spear.
  2. Wait a month and by a new one, but buy a NEW 2009 Merc at not much more $7000. A 2000 90 hp yammy is 10 years old. It's done or close to it.
  3. Gongrat's to a beauty of a fish but a replaca would have sufficed and always looks better IMO.
  4. You must see a Doctor. Any unxplained weight loss must be investigated 15lbs in a month yike's. I would say you're probably are suffering from a intestinal parasite. I can't remember the name of it but it comes from eating uncooked chicken. Have you ever ate wings in a bar and the bone is still red? i'ts also found in some Woman without getting to specific. Solution: H-PACK they looks like horse pills over 8 days they will fix just about all that ails you. You may have the beginnigs of crones / collites you need to go on a strict no beer diet, well cheap beer anyway. Check out there web sites for info. Good luck
  5. WOW !!!!!! Gongrat's nice Buck look's well fed for sure. Hangum high for 2 weeks if you can.
  6. One shot b-4 the hunt will show you if the gun shoots where you are aiming. Your lucky you retrived the gut shot deer. Adrenaline will make the meat as tough as leather. Gongrat's on the Deer.
  7. Must be Irish, bagging a buck the first time out is like wining the 50,000,000 tonight, you bought your ticket yet? Don't forget to share...... Good shooting
  8. If your interested in my peace of heaven, that is the perfect quiet getaway. Fish are plentyful, big Bass, huge Walleye,and Monster Pike. Top it off its real close to the US border PM me for details. Tom
  9. I love reading your daily adventures, Deer hunting can be exciting,boring,exhilarating,exhasting all at the same time. We (my group of 4) are hunting in the Omeme are, south of Lindsay Monday we bagged 2 Does and had 4 others come to and around are stands no more tags. Mr buck has been around scrapes are everywhere but the big guy to smart. We did get a glimps of him but it was after shooting time and the guns were incased. Keep at her you will be rewarded, sometimes a little help goes along way.
  10. Real nice no mess no fuss, fry till golden brown a brown pop ah heaven.
  11. Can anyone tell me if the Crappie have invaded the Scugog River in Lindsay. I'm looking at giving a go this week.
  12. Drop the Williams to the bottom, sand or rock make the lure stand on the treble hook and then lay it down, repeat that 3 times then hold for three seconds and do it all over again. Works even better when you add sent to the spoon.
  13. Very nice always a great day when the family can enjoy fishing together
  14. If you found a Colman propane lantern in front of Goreski's this morning hanging in a tree it was mine. Tom
  15. I'm not the Praying kind, however being a father of two a Girl and a Boy I can understand how you and your family must feel. Be positve hope all works out. Sick kids is 1 hour away from KW.... I'D BE GETTING MY DAUTHER DOWN THERE ASAP.
  16. Fished the Bog today for slab Crappies and put 33 on the ice from 3:45pm to 6ish. They were on fire for two hours then down to one every 15 minutes. We had a big crack and a bang it sounded like it was just behind us, the ice was making more ice that seemed to spook the fish. We fished in 11 ft of water with green weeds that did the trick as the small perch were in abundance with the odd Walleye hovering on bottom. The fish were taken on 1/8th oz white Crappie jig add a maggot and fish @ 5ft over 11 and fill your bucket. P. S. of the 33 Crappie 9 were in the 14inch range.
  17. La baron you say..... think your getting a deal eh! Here's the proof I'd been watching the Vexilar FL18 and a Floater suit for my Son this was last year. Having full intentions of buying both on boxing day to save a few $$$$$ wouldn't you know it the price went up $35 on the suit and $60 on the Vex. The price on both items was change the day b-4 x-mass. But low and behold a week later both items were reduced to ther original price. Ever wonder why they use that old cash register with the old stick on sticker pricing. MAKES YOU WANT TO SAY ????????
  18. Thanks guy's
  19. I am gonna buy one of the above, but having trouble making the plung with both being the same price around $500. Which unit is better for the money. Any imput is appreciated.
  20. Count me in Big bay area has lots of early ice and alot of fish.
  21. I worked with the MNR in lake Nippissing netting fish to see if black Crappie were in the Lake. We netted all kinds of fish Walleye, bass, pike, sunfish,bluegill, sucker,and black crappies but we also netted some monster Musky. If I were a betting man 2 of the musky we netted were well over 60 pounds. Sorry we did not take any measuerments of the fish not to hurt them but a guess would be that one fish was A WORLD RECORED over 70 pounds this fish was full of roe. The old lady is still producing.
  22. I would be looking at Big bay area lots of early ice and plenty fish within walking distance of shore. My brother lives on Big Island (north shore road) and can keep me informed of conditions. Parking can be had on the ice most of the time. Tom
  23. Congrat's on your first buck a real beauty well done.
  24. Buy a JIFFY 3HP they are the best out there BAR NONE.
  25. Im on for supporting the BOG Walleye those 12 and 14inch slabs gonna pay, yes 14inch lot's out there, look for the warmer water small bays, old weed bed cut outs, creek mouth.
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