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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. WTG Cliff and Carol nice fishin report love the pics your daughter seems serious about fishin I recommend you donate the Barbie rod to Biteme he said he would love to have one.
  2. Thats what I tell the wife too Wayne.Told her my new GPS could save my life one day get me back in the fog etc........
  3. Congrats on your new ride let the fishin reports begin please no Gobie reports
  4. Well Glenn Mon Ami Unlike Ontario there are trout lakes but most are not close to Montreal the best ones are far away so thats life no big Lake O hear . I would like to buy riggers but can't justify the cost of using them only 2 to 3 times per year. There are trout in the St.Lawrence but getting to them is risky because of rocks and Rapids I have tried the shore spots without success. I will be fishin for Walleye next weekend In Kenny's boat. MTP
  5. Yes Carl the Lakers were much deeper than last year but some were caught in the 15 to 25 ft range. The water temperature was much colder than usual.40 to 47F last year temps were above 50F. Oh well next year. MTP
  6. That time of year came fast once again 2nd day of the trout opener here in La Belle Province of Quebec :my son Ryan and I were ready. This year I invited 2 great friends of mine Kenny and GlennK some of you have met them in Quinte last November. Wake up time was brutal After a quick stop at Timmies the 4 Troutkiteers got into our vehicles and burned our expensive gas Son Ryan just before we start our day on the water a few Tim Horton cookies and some fresh bed head from the snooze he took during our close to 2 hour drive especially since I drove 5kms past our exit. Fish are not biting Dad can I steer the boat.The kid wants to know why I bought a tiller. He would prefer a side console Its all your fault Greencoachdog.He reads these tiller and console wars. Ok forget about this............. Can you believe it we had a stowaway.Bite Me Hello Gunwhale Heaver Kenny and Glennk in Glenns boat. Trolling did not seem to produce met up with some friends who did manage to find a Brown ,Laker ,12 pound pike and some smallies. while casting. I decided to try Jigging with one of Bernie's Jigs chartreuse with a white and pink worm a real mismatch of colours. My son had enough of trolling it was time for a break .This was also an opportunity to pratice using the new bow mount electric motor since I had never owned one. After getting the hang of it quite well I thought I had snagged bottom in 6ft of water. Anyhoo I pull with all my might and up pops this thing.Now son Ryan can't net the slimy hunter because he is peeing in the piss bucket and we started laughing really hard while Mr.Pike is tail dancing.Ryan finally zips up picks up the net and scoops up yet another Pike from yours truly .Why do these things seem to find me. Since October 2007 that is all I have caught Pike more Pike and Pike. Torpedo slimeballs. A quick pic and she was quickly realeased That was all for the day not our best trout opener but a good time with my son and 2 great friends GlennK and kenny.The weather was chilly in the mornin but beautiful all Day. Alot more reading to do but I am getting the hang of it.Hard to recognize fish on this thing. Shot of Mont-Orford Ski resort.Yes snow in late April. A quick stop at timmies my eye lids were barely open after having to wake up a 3am. Shot of Bromont Ski resort.That is glenn and Kenny ahaed of me. Not full of fish folks but I enjoyed my day to the fullest Hello Spring BYE BYE Winter. Enjoy MTP
  7. WTG Dog great to see ya back on the water eventhough you must have been cautious dodging debry. Did you lose weight or does the white glowing body make you slim.Had to wear my sunglasses to read this report EH
  8. Very cool a Pigeon and a turkey
  9. IF gas prices were not spiraling out of control I would be driving a Suburban or a Ford Excursion not a minivan.(quote MTP) My suburban is not that bad on gas wallbash.gif IPB Remember when you said this Dan(Read Above) It was always my dream one day to purchase a Suburban but the oil companies are going to kill that market soon. I filled up the wifes minivan tonight($80.00) at Ultramar for $1.26 per litre on the other side of the street Petro Canada boosted the price up to $1.35 per litre.Its only going to get worse see the news tonite its affecting the price of food world wide and many are going hungry all over the world .Amazing how greed is now contributing more to third world starvation. what goes around comes around
  10. Yes Dog you are doin the right thing keep the lip buttoned pick up the new boat and its time to look for another Mercury dealer. I bought my 2 last boats at my current dealer based on service. 6 yrs ago I had a fiberglass boat with a 55hp Suzuki.One of my customers recommended a Princecraft dealer to me so I gave this guy a try .I show up beginning of April 2002 tell this guy I need the boat in 6 weeks tune up main motor but mostly need to get the kicker running.6 weeks later I show up we are sorry did not have enough time to service your kicker so off to Northern Quebec with no Kicker motor and very fast trolling speeds. Now I am the kind of guy who gives PPL a chance so come the fall one of the parts guys offers me winter storage for the boat indoors but the huge building is being built.So the end of October comes no phone call from the dealer.So I call and he says the building is not finished we will call you well now its early November and no phone call so I say thats it this bozo is history I storm off to Wallymart and buy a huge tarp and store the boat at home for the winter.Now what this guy did not realize is I would have been a future customer for a brand new Princecraft.Well I switched dealers found a place that services Suzukis and now the rest is history .I bought my first Lund in 2004 off the 2nd dealer who has given me amazing service.Picked up my latest boat this week . I see the bozo from the Princecraft dealer once in awhile at the boat show and I remind him why I bought my Lund it was because my dealer served me very well and quickly .Strike 3 for him was when I purchased a boat elsewhere. The moral of the story is treat people well and they will return for repeat business. Thats my 2 cents.Bozo lost out on 2 boat sales MTP
  11. Well thanks for the kind words folks it is the boat I have always wanted I was very surprised at how smooth it really runs. Hopefully next weekend I can put some fish slime in it. MTP Why is it when I click the multi quote button nothing happens.How can I multin quote in just one post
  12. John I have a 50hp Honda.
  13. Nope would not be fair Sonny you have a 60hp four cylinder and I have 50hp 3 cylinder you would surely leave me behind. last year I was running beside you in another 1660 classic with a 60 merc console and we clipping along at 37mph and we barely passed you in the 2 chop .Your boat is faster than 32mph.
  14. Don don't you own a 12 footer with a tiller
  15. Rob not sure about riggers yet I have to drive 90 mins to 120 mins to use them which I would only do 2 to 3 times per year .These places also charge 20 to 30 dollars to wash and park the boat. BTW did you get your new boat yet??????
  16. I bet you would take a Tiller right now over shore fishin eh Dog
  17. well Wayne wish I had more time for fishing .The body of water I was on is closed to all fishing until mid may. I could go out on the Larry but friday I spotted big chunks of ice floating out there.This is the only place trout is open all year long. I will be out in her next weekend for trout opener .Please burn that hat
  18. Oh thats a good thing
  19. Brian I want to see pictures I know it will have to be several pics
  20. WTG guys nice to see you can always find some fins in season. I have to know Bly do those non slip gloves really help you hold slimy Carp
  21. WTG Brandon good to hear you will be using your photography talent and working in a fishing camp what a bonus Good Luck with your New Job
  22. Once again Brandon great shots love the shots of the owl
  23. Brandon get out of the exterminator business bud you are good at photography .Make a livin doing what you love. great pictures
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