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Everything posted by Chance

  1. Boyce and Rosehill on waivers,somethins a brewin
  2. I find myself disliking individual players rather than teams.Ribero,Matt Cooke as examples,really its just what they bring to the game.
  3. Depends on the bar.Sometimes its best to go with the crowd and make it out alive
  4. The playoffs are a completely different animal and toughness is the flavour of the day.Karlsson is an amazing player right now but come playoff time he might get eaten alive.The same can be said of the leafs Gunnerson.While not the same quality as Karlsson he is in the same boat when it comes to durability.
  5. Naw I am Canadian first and would cheer for Ottawa , Montreal or whomever but it just isnt happening.
  6. Hey i would love to see a Canadain team win the cup.Just dont see it happening anytime soon,unless of course Vancouver pulls of a miracle.
  7. As I said limited hockey knowledge leads to trying to agitate fans rather than a hockey based discussion.
  8. Ehhh 12th , 9th doesnt really matter.They get in great,if not it wont be a surprise. What I find humorous are the so called "other teams fans" who focus on the Leafs and where they sit in the standings.Oh or should I say Laffs, oh my that is quite clever.Their only true agenda is trying to agitate supporters of the Leafs with the standard mindless drivel. I mean seriously if you want to hold someone up as a shinning example of a great player I highly doubt anyone with hockey knowledge jumps at the name Alfredsson.There are no current Leafs on that list either as I did say seriously.The same can be said for a great team,Sens ...reeeaaalllyy.you want great and stands a chance at winning the cup look at detroit,vancouver,bruins etc.....
  9. What will your excuse be this year?
  10. Yes 67 was a great year ...when was the sens last cup win ??
  11. You missed my point. What I was saying is others poke fun at leaf fans for planning the parade after a win yet here they are talking about their demise after just one loss,nothing more. As for age I think I am correct according to http://nhlnumbers.com/teams?sort=average_age&order=asc&year=2012 Oh and We thank Boston for Kessel,he is having a great year.Calling out Kadri is a bit premature dont cha think?? Kid might be a bust or superstar in a few years hard to tell. Ahh the ole I am in year one of rebuild agrgument...until you win the cup with said rebuild please dont try to brag.As the Leafs have nothing to brag about nor do the Sens. The Leafs rotate younger players in and out because they can afford to.Give them experience yet let them get their game in the "A".Regardless they obviously dont rotate ALL their youth or they would not have one of the youngest teams in the league.Ottawa keeps them up and keeps their farm team weak and in last place.So who has the better farm system?? Dont get me wrong I know the Leafs have a looong way to go but they ARE headed in the right direction.I believe the sens are as well.Along with Vacouver they are our best shot at a cup in the future.
  12. And they laugh at Leaf fans for planning the so called parade after one win. Sure they stunk out the building,Phaneuf being one of the worst but its only one game.Never been a big Phaneuf fan and against the Habs he did his best rendition of Alfredsons effort against Buffalo. The farm "system" is just fine. As I recall they ice the 2nd or 3rd youngest team in the league while Ottawa is ranked 13th.The Marlies are tops of their division while Ottawa's farm team are bottom of theirs.
  13. Great lookin smallie for any lake!Looks like it has started the fall feed early.
  14. i fished it many moons ago and got some decent smallmouth.As i remember there was a HUGE rock in the middle of the lake,great for fish not so good for props.
  15. My prayers go out to you and your family Mike...stay strong.
  16. Thanks merc,didnt know that,I will give Blake a call!
  17. I am looking for a switch for my minn kota 101,does anybody know anyone local to the Hamilton area?? Thanks
  18. I had a few bass boats along the way,most recently a Stratos and now the Ranger 522.If you are looking for a comfortable ride that handles the big water then go with a Ranger.They wont be the fastest things on the water but you will be comfortable.
  19. You can also look into the different coloured markers you can run down the last few feet of your line.Change to any colour you desire.
  20. For some reason I click on the "vote for this vid" and cannot place a vote.Anybody else having this issue?
  21. Another vote on its way Mike.This is an amazing camp and really needs all the support it can get !!!
  22. Thanks Boys, Great info,looking forward to fishing some new waters!!
  23. Thinking of heading out to Maitland on Friday.I havent been there in 30 years,any advice on a good boat launch with decent parking?Worth the trip fish wise (smallies)? All help greatly appreciated !
  24. As long as I am the one "doin the tying on" I would do it.Nothing worse than having the safety man give you a little smirk before you lean over!
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