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Everything posted by Chance

  1. No he wont...moths to the flame, moths to the flame my friend
  2. Would of been nice to see them do better but as yourself was waiting for the 9th or 10 th spot again. Always next year
  3. Excellent ,good for him,nice to see a young guy with a good start. Reimer made out very well in his debut into the league also. See,point being you are under the misconception that I said the Sens had no farm system. When in fact I simply asked a question.Why with such a system "teeming with talent" to use your words could they possibly be at the bottom of their division in the A while a team who's "cupboards are bare" to once again use your words, be at the top of theirs.I do not deny they have talent in their system but to put them atop of mount olympus and place the Leafs in the valley of the damned is delusional. Then again that is standard fare for leaf bashers.Beat the Kessel trade to death etc etc etc.... You are drawn to the Leafs like moths to a porch light and it irritates you but still you focus daily on them.Remind me who the sheep are again .
  4. Put alot of thought into that one now didnt cha
  5. Given the current discussion that statement cant possibly make sense to you,does it? I will gladly swing once you pitch something of substance.
  6. Detroit and Nashville do look great right now but I just think the Bruins are a bit tougher and ready for the long haul.
  7. They are once again the team to beat.Vancouver tried to bulk up some yesterday but I dont think it will be enough.
  8. Not bursting anything with that argument as it makes no sense at all.You claim to have a great farm team NOW,not then ...NOW.
  9. Rebuild,great catch phrase,unfortunately every year is a rebuild. As far as jealousy goes why would I be jealous of a sports team,strange. Factor in that the team you choose to rant about has a farm team currently at the bottom of their division while the Marlies sit stop of theirs.Funny how the Leafs have nothing in their system yet two senator scouts were at the last three Marlie home games before the trade deadline.
  10. Why are the Sens 7th with all that talent ?
  11. Winning the cup or getting to the finals is good experience.Getting in and playing a round is just a couple more games in the season. At this point all these guys have played in the big game somewhere along the lines.Many have played in championships so another four playoff games wont teach them much.
  12. I still think Reimer can pull it together unless of course he is gun shy from his injury or there are lingering problems.I also believe their defense in the A will be much better than they have now on the big club.One of their glaring problems is Phaneuf,he is unmotivated.He does however have a larger than life attitude and that is why he was given the C .If anything the Leafs would benefit the most by adding a Dustin Brown and Steve Ott and ship out Armstrong.Then go looking for an upgrade on D and get rid of Phaneuf and Komi .Pipe dreams of course but hey why not.
  13. Boston has made some smart moves today !
  14. Fans have been screaming for years for the brass to stop giving up young players and draft picks for quick fixes.Well that is exactly what he is doing and yet some want to go back to the old ways??? Nash would be awesome but not at the cost of two young guys and picks.Why sacrifice youth to maybe and I repeat maybe scrape into the playoffs? I say sit in 9th or 10th and do some tinkering in the summer.
  15. It depends on who Columbus asks for and if they are willing to give them up.The Rangers said no to Del Zotto and the Leafs no to Gardiner.Sounds like columbus drew a line in the sand so its a wait until the summer and see for Nash.
  16. That would depend on which GM
  17. I dont think so as the Jackets are asking for one of their top guys in return.Why break up that sort of chemistry.If I were the Rangers I say go for depth going into the playoffs and support for a great team.
  18. I still think Nash moves today....where oh where could he land ???
  19. Ashton is a good player,agreed but as you mention he wont be NHL ready for a few years, if he plays up to expectations that is.
  20. I dont think Burke decided NOT to make said trades its that he either cant or the price is alot higher than he is willing to pay,in other words ridiculous.Dont read too much into what he or any other GM says at this time of year.
  21. Out of curiosity did Ferraro mention Mitch Korn ? I would love to see him in Toronto and think he would turn things around with Reimer and Gus.
  22. Naw I am much taller,wouldn't mind his pay cheque though.Missed most of the game last night but doesnt sound like I missed much from a Leafs perspective.It sounds like Ferraro said what everyone is well aware of.You only need to watch a handful of games to see both Reimer and Gus have changed styles.Obviously it isnt working for either,no other suspect but the teacher.
  23. Uh hu yeah now ya got it. Its common knowledge throughout the NHL what Allaire does to goalies.Did you honestly think it was some super insider secret that only Allaire and Reimer knew about. Oh and for the record I did not say you were not knowledgeable.I said you had limited hockey knowledge.Not knowing what is common knowledge is also a sign of limited knowledge.
  24. Its all about the money the playoffs generate.Playoff rounds equal revenue and owners love revenue !
  25. A few teams have asked about Armstrong,Komi however,not so much The trouble with Reimer actually stems back to Allaire and his style.Reimer was decent when he came into the NHL as everyone remembers.Allaire got ahold of him on a regular basis and changed his style to suit his teachings.Reimer shrinks in net with his head down.When you have a big athletic goalie you should work on his reactionary skills and use a combintaion approach rather than my way or the highway,adapt kid or see you later.I would rather see Mitch Korn in Toronto than Allaire. LA asked about Grabo in the past so packaging him with Schenn would get Brown,a much needed addition.Take it for what it is worth but Nash is pushing for Toronto as his destination.
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