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Everything posted by Chance

  1. words of wisdom Bob
  2. Ever wonder what it takes to become a pro?? http://www.youtube.c...player_embedded
  3. Chance


    Been throwing Rapalas for years,great lures,thanks for the head up Roy !!
  4. I sweat like crazy in the wet skins so end up soaked either way.Personally they are not for me.Look for something that repels water yet lets the body breathe.
  5. Done deal...Love the characters and seeing them come to life in a cartoon would be amazing!! You have talent my friend!!!
  6. Good Vid of Dave and Ray Scott http://www.wired2fish.com/Media1147/Scott-and-Mercer-Chat-about-BASS.aspx Ray has some well deserved kind words for Dave at the end.
  7. I run a couple of Lowrance.My main unit is my LCX 113 CHD and I absolutely love it.It all depends what you want in a unit.I suggest going to the upcomming sportsmans show and stopping by the Radioworld booth.Talk to Lawren he will set you straight with all you need to know.
  8. Naw I'd be buying the same boat back for another 10K.Heck for 10K I would consider walking down there...well maybe not
  9. Another good point Bob.I hate like heck getting it hauled for me but I just dont have the time right now.
  10. As in shipping it by rail?An option I never thought of.How would I go about getting a quote??
  11. Try looking in the classified section.You can get a good combo that is less than retail.
  12. Pushing it I can make it in just over a day and a half to get there but there is not alot of enjoyment involved LOL .Most companies want a small fortune so I am contemplating meeting them half way or so.Just trying to find someone relatively cheap but reliable.Most times those two just dont seem to go hand in hand.
  13. Very true..thanks for pointing that out...state.
  14. Hey all, I need my bass boat towed from washington to windsor...does anybody know someone in the biz they can suggest?? Thanks
  15. Never had any issues with hidden costs etc..hopefully where you purchased the boat will price match.
  16. Really ,noobobody else made an offer for him,you might want to check your inside source on that one.If you think the all star game is a measure of anything well I think our conversation is over Oh boy...being paid so much and doing so little.He is paid to score,not kill penalties,not stop pucks,fight or even coach so he seems to be doing his job. Anyhow I am getting bored,leaf bashers area dime a dozen posting awesome threads like "leafs in total freefall"after them not making the playoffs or winning the cup in how many years now Yet they lose a handful of games in a row and somebody cant wait to post about this sudden freefall. Pssst ya might not be aware of this but the Leafs suck and we as leaf fans know this.They havent been contenders in years so really in pointing out the obvious day in and day out it just kind of ,and I do mean kind of ,seems like you are doing nothing more than having a poke at the fans more than the team.Kind of kicking somebody when they are down and have been for many many years. I guess the whole point of that excercise is to feel enjoyment from the pain or dissapointment of others.Unfortunately like I mentioned there is no pain ,most Leaf fans know they are terrible.We always hope for more but in the end we know reality
  17. It says alot about the other four players,the goalie,the coach who decided who to put on when etc etc etc etc.I will try one last time then you are on your own.Kessel skates back holding on to his man by the back of his shirt.His man never touches the puck but the other winger rushes and scores.Kessel ran his lane,picked up his assignment yet another player didnt. Anyhow I am not trying to defend his defensive capabilities.He could use some work but last time I looked he WAS 23,not alot of rookies come into the league with a complete game. To which pain do you refer?I suppose the cute little catch phrase "drink"insert whatever team or person here"kool aid" is eluding to the fact that I along with all other Leaf fans are in complete awe of the leafs and all they do.Nice assumption but not even close.I thought my last post where I wrote the Leafs suck should of been a tip off,guess not.
  18. Why are you reverting back to flaunting the fact the Leafs suck...WE KNOW THIS Hmmm okay ,I will play ,why isnt he a team player???Have you sat with his team mates and heard them say such?Does he sit by himself on the bench??Talk to nobody?? Truth be told you are grasping at straws trying to rationalize why you are glad he is gone and in reality you could use his 19 goals. Answer me this if he is as terrible as you say why was he such a hot commodity amongst all the other GM's??
  19. Once again....a ridiculous stat that means nothing.A player with two NHL shifts under his belt can have a perfect plus minus.Should we then assume he is a great player??+- is NOT an individual earned stat yet is listed as one.
  20. Yeah ...who would want a guy who would be one goal behind your leading goal scorer not to mention second in total points.Do you even look at stats???Lucic has 20 goals kessel has 19 after that next in line is a bit of a drop and you were glad to see him go???Seems like your obsession points more towards being sour.I dont blame you though he can puit the puck in the net.You want to complain take a look at How Horton is doing,remember him, your big aquisition and saviour.Not going to save much with 12 goals.You see every team has their dissapointments however when trying to find one on the Leafs dont point to the guy who will lead YOUR team in scoring at the end of the year. Yes I do know exactly where the Leafs sit this year and also dont really care.You want progress, win the cup ,anything less than that is a failure.As I remember the Bruins didnt win the cup last year so like all the others they failed.
  21. While I do agree with many things you say i disagree about not picking up kessel to build around.I mean why not a back to nback 30 goal scorer who was 22 at the time.Seems like a good pick up to me.You basically said it yourself the Leafs dont NEED a marque player,the fans will still show up.I think most people have a problem with the price that was paid for kessel.I think the price was a tad high but burke wanted him so he paid for him.They ARE trying to build around him so dont judge the whole rebuild around this one trade.If seguin turns out to be gold and so does the other pick then poor trade.if they are so so then great trade,just dont judge the trade now. To say they dont want to win is simply not true from a business point of view.Extend the season sell more tickets,food and beverages at games,shirts ,hats ...you name it.I do think thery treat their fans like crap but to say they dont want to win is just not true.
  22. There have ben some decent teams in that stretch just not great ones.While I do agree they suck I still get a kick out of the kessel bashers.A 23 year old with his goal scoring abilities and people are taking shots at him. +/- Tavares -21 two more than Kessel,is he garbage??? Points Couture 33, a point less than kessel ,is he garbage?? Goals Ovechkin 19 tied with Kessel so I guess he is garbage as well???
  23. And what team do YOU support???
  24. Using the most useless stat in hockey to try and prove a point is silly.You DO know how to calculate it DONT you???
  25. Not sure what I find most amusing your love affair with kessel or the importance you place on the "all star "game. But then again you are correct ,23 year old consecutive 30 goal scorers are a dime a dozen...got any on your team of choice
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