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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I`ll say !!! That cant be good for the bottom or the fish habitat either.
  2. oh, soft water !!!! Great year ya had !! thanks for sharing
  3. Hockey is not my cup of tea.Watching guys running around trying to put that little white ball in the basket just confuses me
  4. dang !!! i guess i wont get my parts order tomorrow
  5. they play hockey in the states !!! If you do, at least theres one team up here you can play with. Go habs Go !!!
  6. Its the survey people, you know, ......them, they,....
  7. maybe she wanted to save the tax ??? I used to ship to Ontarion, parts for appliances, and a few times the cistomer contested the charge, but only because they forgot.A call to them reminded them and then it got authorized no problem. After 2 or 3 differnt times, we asked for an authorizing email. Better safe than sorry.
  8. judging by the smoke-steam piston ring failure
  9. CRIPES !!!! call out the army !!!! Its gonna snow Next thing i'm gonna hear is....IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD !!!! Well....thats next year, so enjoy the snow while ya can
  10. thats why we get along so well Skeets !!!
  11. well tha explains alot of whats goin on in here lately
  12. So they drive like asses in Ontario too Aren't you lucky Next time dont let your blood pressure go up. Do like i do, blow him a kiss and make the sign for him to call you
  13. Again, the laws were put there to try and stop the ever present yahoos from throwing empty beer cans and garbage into an open fire, and leaving all this crap on the ice or ground.Charred wood and ashes are completely biodegradable and return to the ground whence they came.Glass, plastic and aluminum dont, and stay there long after the wood residue is gone. We, as concerned people pay again for the stupid few who take advantage. Not a thing we can do about it.
  14. i usually boil mine for 6 hours 36 minutes and 46 seconds.The wife loves it when i boil eggs.Says i have the best boils she has ever seen
  15. Shaun, allow me to be the first to say it looks like you had a great day on the ice!! Thansks for taking the time to share this with me.Awsome pics of what looks like and awesome day. I like the topless fishing. Kinky stuff !!!
  16. Love the rods on the anchor rope.that actually happened when fishing with my dad when i was a kid. I can still see the look on his face . years later he told me what he wanted to say, and we laffed our butts off about it.
  17. I just spit coffee all over my keyboard.......and i'm at work too
  18. Welcome Hoppy !!! it always seems like we dont get any younger eh ? and i bet yer not as grumpy as me somedays
  19. oops, misread the title......thought it said plastic wedding
  20. Bingo, this is what i wanted to know.I assume that you have the option to refuse at this point and cancel the order. I will wait for a local quote before making the decision. Thanks everyone
  21. Ya right !! ya better back that up with pictures
  22. Just sent an email to the rep who sold me the boat.Interested to see how he compares.Thanks Roy, didnt even think about that one
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