Some snowmobiles were out, there wasn't too much of a trail from the 7th line at that point yet, hopefully there will be, it will be interesting trying to get the hut off with a crapload of snow lol
I put my permanent hut out this year, out by big cedar. The one I built last year when we had no ice lol. Me and the boy were out Saturday, fishing was slow but we ended getting stuck with the ATV for about 20 mins trying to leave the hut, tons of just powder snow and just spinning. I was finally able to just go backwards for a while til I hit some better stuff lol. It's going to be brutal out there now with the additional foot of snow or so.
Went down to Lefroy, just south of me and there are some guys fishing, yikes... I wouldn't be out there. In my bay on the 7th line of Innisfil it was an inch or so a week ago and it's been warmer since. We might get a 2 week season with the weather outlook.
It's certainly been a later start to the seasons the last bunch and does go longer, but still... Guess I'll take the little boat to Angus between Xmas and new years a few times.
My bay at 7th line of Innisfil, is finally decent, me and my boy went this past Monday, man it was super windy. The wind ripped out a peg for the pop out and popped the side into us lol. But we managed to catch a feed of Perch. Looks like we might have a bit of a season, getting colder again.
There's been a bunch of later seasons in the past decade were we don't get ice until far after new years and it stays longer, but I just can't see that this year, unless it's 0 degrees in April lol
Pretty sad... My bay on the 7th line on Simcoe wasn't good until last weekend and now its super unsafe and getting worse. The next 10 day forecast doesn't look promising at all. Come on open water then!