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Everything posted by shan&jay

  1. Just wondering what the ice is like in thunder bay? I am heading up there for 3 weeks for work on a ship that is layed up there for the rest of winter. Is ther any one on the forums from there that might want to meet up? id like to do some ice fishing to kill some time while im there but if i bring an auger and some gear it might put me over my baggage limit, and it might be pointless to even bring it if theres nowhere to fish.
  2. Thanks for saving me from the liquid poo. I will be avoiding that
  3. this thread just inspired me to look into brewing my own beer at home and also made me just run out to the lcbo in search of st ambroise oatmeal stout and mill st tank house, i just got back and they didnt have the oatmeal stout but i picked up st ambroise apricot wheat beer and a variety pack from mill st consisting of tankhouse, stock ale, betelgeuse, organic, coffe porter and lemon tea beer. il report back with my reveiw. recently i really started to like the ciders like strongbow, magners, and williams but found out i have reactions to sulphites so i think i will have to stop drinking those and just have one every once in a while, some of the other beers mentioned sound really good. has anyone tried moosehead cracked canoe? seen it at the lcbo maby il try it next time
  4. i fished it for about an hour the other day i was close by and had my ice fishing gear with me and i found lake wilcox on google maps on my i phone, seems like a nice little spot, i had some hits crappie i think but walked away with a skunk i was about 100ft out right by bethesda rd where i found some frozen holes
  5. I've also been thinking about heading out that way one of the nex few days. Also on foot but not sure which spot to try and will have parking.
  6. What's going on here I just logged in an the first page is full of topics asking how to use a computer. Must me alot of guys quenching there thirst and not fishing like me. Lol I'm finally comin home from work tomorrow an will be off for at least a few months. Il be on a mission for some perch and some pike finally. Here's to hoping the ice is hard and the fish are hungry!
  7. I'm going to be in the market for an out board motor soon, Im likely to buy used but considering new. I've heard lots about Beter deals to be had across the border and since the Canadian dollar is strong I think it will be worth looking into. So I was wondering if anyone can recommend any dealers over the river. I'm not really stuck on one brand but leaning towards Yamaha and evinrude
  8. I'm interested in hearing some responses as well I would like to make it up there this year for the first time
  9. Hey bigugli I sent you a pm. I think you where my scout leader like 15 years ago. Lol. And I remember camping just like you described. Exept my feet where freezing.
  10. Sounds like a great day on the ice. How do you like that shelter? I'm looking to fet a pop up shelter and someone had a Celsius one for sale but I couldn't find any info on them
  11. ...for work and Iv been itching to get out on some ice but I don't have any gear with me unless I make it home one night. Iv also been wondering about the islands but wouldn't want to go by myself
  12. If you need a partner and will be going in the evening let me know. I'm stuck in Toronto for the rest of the week
  13. Think bass pro had them the other day
  14. Nice! Was it busy there? I've been thinking about heading there verry soon
  15. i got screwed by bell a few years ago i called to cancel our services (phone internet and expressvu) and switched to cogeco they kept billing me for the next several months for the services that they cancelled and we where no longer recieving ( ther satelight stopped working the next day!) well calling did nothing and i was stuck paying in the end, if not my credit gets ruined. its too bad these companys keep getting away with this kind of stuff. the sad part is bell isnt even canadian company anymore, but the name bell is what keeps customers
  16. thanks for the info and good maitnence tips arron, now too bad i cant find any for sale, checked to canadian tires 2 tackle shops, even walmart and costco whis had them online all these places where either out of stock or didnt have what i wanted also couldnt come up with much on kijiji either
  17. do you recall what the price was on the clam base camp? did they have any other pop up huts the same size/ style?
  18. thanks for the replies i think i will try to get one with the thicker material but other than that it seems there all the same. fishman i seen your add in the classifieds but its a bit bigger than i need i like how the pop up ones have no floor and they are lightweight and fit into a backpack for easy transportation and storage, but good luck with the sale
  19. Im in the market for an ice shelter and decided a 3 or 4 man pop up style would suit my needs. there are 1/2 a dozen brands that sell what appear to be the same shelter. at the top of my list was the eskimo quickfish3 which ive alread read good reviews on (one was from a old topic from the OFC boards here) Im wondering if anyone can recomend or comment on the quality of the similar shelters? im mainly concerned about the frame not being as strong and cheaper material on the others.
  20. seems pretty pricey for just some connectors hopfully its just an easy fix just changing the o rings
  21. thats what i did termclad. cheapest route id say and im sure it will hold up fine
  22. fished binbrook last week for a few hours from canoe weather wasnt so great prety windy and some rain i managed a few crappies and a little 1lb smallmouth il have to try again when it isnt so windy
  23. lol ya we werent halucinating on peyote though, lol
  24. ya i thought that was a good one, if you look closley, i didnt realize when i was taking the picture but there where actually 2 rainbows one right on top of the other
  25. well ended up at mccrae lake had a fun time. its a beautifull area. despite the weather being really bad on saturday 12 degrees it was down to with constant scatered showers and some heavy winds throughout the day. When we arrived to park it was insane like 70 cars parked down the road, wow popular spot i guess and bad idea on my part to head out somewhere last minite on a long weekend, o well i wasnt gonna turn back now i had just hopped we where able to find a spot to pitch a tent. after our 2 portages in the canoe and making it into the open part of the lake the water was too rough to continue so we turned around and where lucky enough to find a spot at a point between 2 little bays the fishing was ok despite being limited to shore moast of the time do to winds caught moastly 1-2lb largies with a few perch and sunfish in the mix.
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