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Everything posted by wankerjohn123

  1. Mepps Cyclops in a Silver-Blue... Ya, I got 3 of those in different sizes. Pike on Nip love those. Walleye also.
  2. Bug spray on the lures...check. Ex-Lax in the chili......check. Hide the toilet paper....check. Come on... give me your best ones.
  3. 17 sheep head.. WOW! I usually only pull 1 or 2. Fun fight though. Thanks for the info. Cheers, John
  4. Hey Thanks for the info Nip! Cheers, John
  5. Geeez, sorry to hear about the bad trips... I'm up for a week this Saturday (south shore).. From the sounds of it, might be some hard fishing..
  6. Last time I did that a moose (cow) wanted to mate with me. Guess she got confused......
  7. You said it.. Other trips with other guys, we just stop in Powassan and go grocery shopping then everyone puts in the coin. The 2 guys leaving early Tuesdday just want to each bring food for one day each. Ahhh well, "stuff" happens!!! Best part is my best friend and I for the remainder of the week Tuesday afternoon on. Just 2 on a boat is great! Just hope the fish are biteing. Cheers
  8. P.S. Good luck on your trip! Cheers, John
  9. 4 more sleeps for me until my Nip trip for a week. Trip kinda fell apart... 5 of us going up originally. Then one can't come up until the Wednesday. Then 2 of them have to leave on the Tuesday. The the guy coming up on the Wednesday bailed all together. (Stuck paying $440.00 for him) The guys leaving Tuesday don't want to buy all the food together.. (If you go all together and buy it, you don't double up on stuff). Makes sense no? Geeez, I tell ya.
  10. Harper and Obama on the way to the G20 summit.
  11. You print the temporary one as soon as your done. Mail, it takes a couple weeks.
  12. Ya, Buy Canadian EH!
  13. It really all depends on what brand of Tartar Sauce..... SO USE EXTREME CAUTION!
  14. What I have heard is that they are out deep. (so I have been told). I'm up there on the south shore for a week starting this Saturday. Water is still very low... My brother-in-law just got back and he was there for 4 days and had to fish hard for them. But they got them. When are you going? I'll post a report when I get back.. June 27th And hopefully some nice pictures. Cheers, John
  15. Nice fishing! Great pics.
  16. Awesome... A file folder box from Staples?
  17. http://www.vintagefishingtackle.com/accessories.htm Great site! Thanks!
  18. Hey Roy. Thanks so much for the help... Ya, I was pretty impressed with my mom, she has no idea at all about anything fishing but knows that it's my passion and just grabbed it off the table and asked how much they wanted for it. The lady who sold it to my mom, I think her husband passed away and was selling off old stuff from thier garage. Too bad my mom didn't get the fly rods... The box is scratched and dinged all to hell and some of the the doors are a little tough to open but the flies all seem in great shape and some with very, very small hooks. I always wanted to learn fly fishing, now this has peaked my interest. One thing though I have made quite clear to my wife... when I'm gone, she better give all my fishing gear to my son or to my best fishing buddies. Geeeez. Thanks again, I'll check the link and see what I find. Cheers, John
  19. He guys... thanks for the responses. 46 fly's in the box, some very small and some a bit larger in size. Looks to be about 4 different sizes and the detail is very well done. The garage sale was in Portland Ontario, just outside of Smiths Falls. A friend of mine guessed that they were for Atlantic Salmon but was not so sure. I will take all the flies out and try to get a bigger/nice detailed picture of the them. Thanks for everyone's help.
  20. Hey everyone.... My mom sent me this old Fly fishing box, well it looks old anyway. She paid $10.00 for it at a garage sale. It has 16 doors and lot's of flies that are in pretty good shape. I never been fly fishing, so don't know much about this area of the sport. Just wondering if anyone out there had an idea as to where this box would come from. Or if you seen one like it. I attached a picture of the box and one of the flies. No name or date on it anywhere. Cheers, John
  21. I fish the Nip for a week long trip every year for the past 13 years and still have not seen one of them. But everyone I know who goes up on trips there see them all the time.
  22. Hey... Thanks Chris! Cheers, John
  23. I think everyone's first big catch looks tired... My wife looks tired.
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