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Status Updates posted by spincast

  1. brrrrrr -16, with a winchill of -26.

  2. C'mon, been away from the lake for two weeks, slow them winds down about 5, 10k would ya?

  3. callin for east winds tomorrow ..... Pfffffffffthhhttt!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spincast


      gee, that's tempting Wayne; too bad my poison ivy is stopping me from doing such rewarding tasks. Good luck!


    3. Pikeslayer


      Update...Forecast for East winds have subsided Rick. Can you haul your boat to the NS for Sunday?? Gonna be a banner day :) !!!!!

    4. spincast


      south shore today - lots of hooks more ijots than water and nothing in the boat. Forecast for tomoro - maybe Erie?


  4. Calling for NE and E winds Sunday - going anyway. Need some trollin' time

  5. cold front for the weekend, :(

    1. misfish


      Let it snow let it snow. ;0))))

    2. spincast


      LOL - do I hear a tornado in your future?

  6. come on Live2fish85, share the christenening

  7. Day off+nice weather+ boat= :)

    1. spincast


      Day 1: sunburned skunk on St Clair; hopefully day 2 on LPB is more productive

    2. misfish


      How do you get skunked on LSC? Theres so many bass. LOL

    3. spincast


      After labour day I bet I could get skunked in a trout pond. First time trying for Muskie. Guess I still got a lot to learn

  8. Days like today, 4 wheel drive pays.

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Couldn't agree more!!That's all I've had for over 10 years.

  9. denigratiion of others is not a valid method of personal validation

  10. Doc, help me please? I'm in agony here! Can you write me a prescription to cure downriggeritits deprivation? 5, 6 days off oughta cure it

    1. misfish


      Ya, but after that, you will need 2-4 weeks off for rigger elbowitits. Works for me.LOL

    2. spincast


      oh, I feel the pain starting now - Doc, how 'bout it?

  11. Downside of carpet in the boat - takes 3 times as long to powerwash clean as vinyl.

  12. East winds again. Clean Screen again. Slow day again. Mother nature was not celebrating father's day weekend with me....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. spincast


      headed out late. On the water at 9:30, off by 1. 2 lakers 1 shaker self release better than the alternative!

    3. Freshtrax


      Heard tthe north shore was on fire yesterday....damn weatherman kept me at home.

    4. spincast


      Funny you say that - on the way home yesterday, I said next trip is the north shore. Cant believe we didn't find any bows. As for the weather. Hmmph Had I known it would have been a different agenda for the weekend altogether.

  13. Enjoy the Boat fishingguy28 - Now, if the marina can just get my new one ready before next weekend!

    1. misfish


      I like fishing in new boats.;0)

      Grats on the sale Rick.

    2. spincast


      Thanks - OFC first. And yup, you are on the invite list for this year for sure! Had about 200 offers after it hit Kijiji. I think its in good hands though. Anthony is a respectful polite and nice (and oh so excited about his first boat) young man.

  14. Every other day of the week is fine, yeah. But whenever Monday comes - but whenever Monday comes......

    1. misfish


      I thought I was going to be floating about after work, but when I walked out, the wind,,,,well you know,,,,,,,,,she blows

  15. FIL just passed aaway after brief fight with the big C. Only 1 GP left for G and his sister. A sad day in our house.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zamboniwaterboy


      Thinking of you and your family at this time. If there is anything we can do let us know. Condolences.

    3. mercman


      deeply sorry for your loss Rick. Give G a big hug for me.

    4. irishfield


      Condolences for your wife and family Rick. God Speed to your FIL.

  16. Finally - Lady O releases a King. G's got his first fish for team 2.

    1. misfish


      Well done GMan.


  17. finally found a couple kings - 7 came knocking, but only 3 came in

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Sounds like fun.!

    3. Freshtrax


      South or north shore?

    4. spincast


      Jordan. Just a very small piece of water held them.

  18. Finally got a couple a' slimers in the boat today. Felt good to get the white stripe off my back.

    1. misfish


      Very nice bud.

    2. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Good stuff, when's the report?

    3. spincast


      in time. still too poor a showing for a story. Once we get a few stung together.


  19. Finally scared that skunk off with a bulldog

    1. misfish


      Let me guess.Little G caught it. LOL


    2. spincast


      Nope - he was partying to the wee hours last night with a bud (sleepover) and passed. It would have been his fish. Hahaha - I showed him the pic :"COME ON!'

    3. misfish
  20. first black tongue of the year in the boat

    1. Pikeslayer
    2. Pikeslayer


      Did G catch that for ya? ;)

    3. spincast


      LOL - you funny 2 :). No, THIS one was mine. He got yesterdays 'Ho (and yes, it was bigger)

  21. First we take Manhattan....RIP Leonard.

    1. misfish


      Another great has left us. RIP

    2. Terry
    3. misfish


      I heard that he was buried before they announced his death. Maybe his wish to be layed to rest without a big show.

  22. Friday looks to be 2015 initiation.

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