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Everything posted by K-K-DAWG
Hey Guys- Not sure what list has names dropped out?, but Mark and I made the decision to participate in this tournament quite a few months ago (2nd team from Ontario and team # 13) and are locked and loaded to head to Quebec on tuesday. The level of competition at this tournament is second to none and has attracted some of the hottest Bass sticks across Canada. Good luck to all teams entered and participating. http://www.extremeanglertv.com
Yes-sir-ee, the issue is hot off the presses and has been sent to the sub`s and should be in all the retail outlets (chapters, indigo, shoppers, mac`s, etc...) across Canada within 10 days and in selected retail tackle outlets next week- and yes, it has even more Ontario-related-fishing info than last years! Silver Bass, Crappie, Channel Cats, Pike, Muskie (with excellent articles by Thorpe and Saric), largemouth, smallmouth, steelhead, salmon, walleye, brown trout, shore bound angler and much more. Enjoy! http://www.extremeanglertv.com
Issue is in the final stages prior to print run- Late February is the best guess to its release- retail tackle outlets and sub`s get it first along with special orders- see link: http://www.extremeanglertv.com/extreme_annual_09.htm then its available 2 weeks later across Canada and the USA via newsstands like chapters, indigo, shoppers drug mart, Independent conv. stores, etc... the `09 issue is jam packed with great news you can use by some of the best in the bizz- lots of great muskie stuff by Saric and Thorpe, as well as Silver Bass in spring, black crappie in channels on weed clumps, channel cats of southwestern ON, Brown Trout at rivermouths, Steelhead with baits other than roe; Largemouth Bass in the lumberyards, Smallmouth Bass on spoons and how to find them on new lakes; King Salmon on cranks, Walleye ways of northern ON; Walleye on the kawarthas/spring primer, and a great article on shorebound angling, plus the hottest new gear and much more! enjoy, KK http://www.extremeanglertv.com
Hey Maureen, Sorry I could not get back to you earlier...winter months are just as busy for me as summer; Always glad to help and especially for that special little guy and his family; Please email me the details, place, time and so forth and you can rely on us- oh yea, I make sure we bring some more great prizes again. [email protected] KK
Bobby-D is your man. Lives, breathes and fishes the Detroit River from ice out till the end of November. Bob knows the little nook and crannies, current and structure breaks and when the river is going to clear or a mud bath from his many years guiding on the river.
The winners of the Extreme Angler Energy Drink Contest are as follows.. 1st Place- STEVE ROWBOTHAM- Wins a 6 pack of the Harder Hooksets Energy drink and a long sleeve Extreme Angler T-shirt 2nd Place- WANDA COOPER- Wins a 3 pack of the Harder Hooksets energy drink and a pewter Big Mouth Bass keychain 3rd Place- FELIX MAKAREWICZ - Wins a 3 pack of the Harder Hooksets energy drink and a signed copy of the Extreme Angler Annual - Multi Specie Edition Congrats to all... If you are one of the winners, or know any of these folks, have them contact us via email and we`ll give them directions on how to grab the prize packs. http://www.extremeanglertv.com P.S...Don`t forget to get those monster mash pictures to us...we have the New St.Croix MOJO Bass rods as prizes this year...
Here`s to a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy Holiday Season to all the OFC Community from all of us at Extreme Angler TV. Karl Kalonka Extreme Angler TV http://www.extremeanglertv.com
First off, "THANK YOU" for watching the show and supporting The World Fishing Network. Starting with episode #7 we jump to a High Def format for a total of 45 Brand New hardcore fishing episodes throughout the `08 - `09 seasons. There is a lot more action and excitement coming in future episodes. WFN is the real deal. Our audience coverage with WFN and their satellite partners across Canada, the U.S.A. and North America for that matter, could not be achieved with any other broadcaster. A network dedicated to fishermen, enough said! If you want to see us, your going to have to consider getting a digital box from your cable provider. (it`s cheaper than a bag of stick worms per month and the wide assortment of show formats insures there is something for everyone regardless of your skill level) KK http://www.extremeanglertv.com p.s... just updated the monster mash contest prizes (Mojo anyone?)
G-Man, Your very welcome. Glad you enjoyed the day. Only a true "extreme angler" would dare fight those giant smallies with a hand just out of a cast- You not only had the forearm "burn", but sore paw to go with it. Thanks for the laughs too! KK http://www.extremeanglertv.com
Not gonna spam ya with the details in G.D. but May `08 contest winners are in the announcement section...including the 1st winner of FISH WITH TEAM-X. congrats to winners... KK http://www.extremeanglertv.com
Thanks Dave, you beat me to it!! Since Day #1, we have NEVER, nor EVER will stage any catching on our show; if you don`t see the cast- we don`t air the footage..its that simple with us! Does it cost more to keep filming... yes! so what... thats why we have sponsors and supporters to assist with the costs involved. Have we caused some headaches for some other producers because of it?...heck yea! No private lakes or ponds... no sweet spots from lodge owners... public waterways with public boat ramps... artificial baits... as real as it gets! Does it take hours to capture certain footage, for a certain specie with a certain bait or presentation?...sometimes yes! Most shows don`t proclaim they caught all their fish in the half hour you watch it! Thats just not realistic...those days are few and far between. Do you have any idea what it REALLY costs to film, edit, produce and broadcast a show? I welcome all armchair critics to invest and give it a shot. Can`t speak for most, but I personally know Izumi, Bowman, Millertime, and Mercer to name a few, are all about education and entertainment- not staging! They, like us, have a passion for the sport and addiction we call fishing. A few others like Maina/Keith/Parsons and Musky Hunter...we`ll, you can`t stage that stuff..its real! Any experienced angler can tell if the footage is real... believe me, I can tell 99.9% of the time I watch any fishing shows, if the hook set is real, if the fight is real or if any staging has taken place. Anglers who know how to catch...can catch, period! anyone who has ever been on our show, past or present- knows how to catch- period. It does not matter what lake it is, what specie they are after, what season it is...sooner or later, they figure it out and catch! Watch what you like.... turn off what you don`t like...its that simple.
OK, you asked for it....now your gonna get it!! My email in-box is full...my phone message system is full...you have dragged me away from my back-busting workout.... so now your gonna sit up in that chair of yours, lean in real tight to the computer screen and hear `da DAWG`s bark weather you want to or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got your attention eh???? thought so- What kind of world would we live in if there was only ONE fishing show? One lure company? One boat manufacturer? One lake to fish? One specie of fish to fish for? One fishing host? pretty darn boring stuff eh? I personally grew up watching every show mentioned...hence the inspiration to have the guts to try it myself...easy?, far from it. I take my sponsored-logo hat off to each and every fishing show and host our there... Watch the shows you like. Turn off the shows you don`t like. Negative comments by negative people do NOTHING but bring negative attention to our great sport, hobby and passion! To those who like Extreme Angler TV, watch us, order our swag, enter our contests and have said so, "thank you". Our show, and others with the same format are created to ENTERTAIN, EDUCATE & INSPIRE ENTERTAIN...as in entertainment. EDUCATE, meaning teaching YOU, how to do the things we do, on YOUR favorite bodies of water. INSPIRE, ...as in the anglers of tomorrow, the NEXT generation. We should be grateful that we as Canadians have freedom of speech. unlike some of the countries our proud military are presently occupying.... be-heading is not yet a penalty for having an opinion. There.... I have said all I want to say on this subject. now go to our website and buy something expensive already....and lots of them! KK (with a DAWG in his name)
Maureen, On behalf of myself and the rest of Team-X at Extreme Angler TV, "thank you" for inviting us. We we`re more than happy to show our support to this very worthy event- I`m glad some of our media contacts and partners took the time to assist in the promotion and coverage of the event; And a big "hats off" congrats to all of the OFC members who participated and shared a smile, fish talk and some decent fish for our cameraman Ken. I hope the draw prize winners enjoy the great prizes our sponsors donated for the lucky ones in attendance. A detailed report will featured on Extreme Angler TV during season seven. K-Dawg http://www.extremeanglertv.com
Nice going Dude, Both entertaining and informative- You should be proud.... even my girls liked your laugh! K-Dawg http://www.extremeanglertv.com p.s. Welcome to the jungle - Axel Rose.
Is the walleye bite HOT right now or what? Too bad the season is almost toast.... Myself and a couple of the Team-X guys had a blast tossing hair jigs for these golden fish over the weekend. 3/16 - 1/4 oz black/red, black/yellow hair jigs did the trick for most of the bigger fish; soft curly tail grubs in perch tones accounted for a few add`l fish when the bite slowed down; 6'3" and 6'6" med. action spinning outfits rigged with braid to fluoro leader; 90% of the fish came from 10-14 feet of H20 on slight drops and OUTSIDE edges of the weed- dunked the thick stuff - no walleyes- except for a few fat bronzeback bass and muskie; late morning and early aft had the best bite; most strikes came 6-8 feet down and we`re sharp, can`t miss "line-jumping-strikes" check it out... (gotta go, only 2 days left!!) http://www.extremeanglertv.com/new_flash_r...shreport_29.htm ( all caught, photographed and released) K-Dawg.... gone jig rippin` http://www.extremeanglertv.com
As EXTREME as it gets in this country.... this show screams WE ARE CANADIAN!! Minnow, give these a try for some big simcoe smalljaws... best depth ranges from 25 to 38 feet of H20 better fish on edges and ledges, slight drops and rises Mizmo small jaw tubes we`re HOT!!- (smoke and copper, smoke and blue and Purple Oy) 1/4 oz Tungsten jig heads- braid to fluoro leaders- drop shot was not a big factor the last few days- long-line dragging better option- (I mean really long lining) Mark got some brutes with a re-vised "Carolina rig" and the soft slammers (ask him nicely, and he might show you how to rig `em...lol) All of mine and Chong`s came on the Mizmo tubes; bite ranged from soft-weed-like mush to line/rod jerking strikes- p.s.... had to drop back 4-6 feet of line to fish on strikes for more hook-ups; depended on the weather/wind conditions.... fish turned on when wind stopped, fish got moody when wind blew and temps dropped....(sort of like how we get when it gets cold eh?) 8 - 10:30 am had best bite both days. Hope this helps you out... (don`t forget to bring a shovel to remove the boat ramp snow... having your vehicle slide backwards into freezing cold water isn`t a nice feeling, especially when your sitting in it... trust me, I know first hand..lol) just remember... respect the beast and release `em all!! E.A.T.V. http://www.extremeanglertv.com
opps.... We have to wait for TJ to get back from the pike fishing trip before we can announce the winners name. Today?...tonite?... please stay tuned!
Ok Fishin` Fanatics... the deadline for entries into the MUSKIE PAINTING CONTEST is Monday April 30th `07... the winner will be announced on Thursday May 3rd `07....and have his/her name signed on the artwork by wildlife artist Curtis Atwater. If you have not yet entered this FREE CONTEST....now would be a good time to do so. Check it out at http://www.extremeanglertv.com on the HOME PAGE- click on the Muskie Painting image for info on how to enter. Good luck to all and thanks again for all who entered. K-Dawg .... is gone lake trout fishin`!!!
Only great lakes on this link/site? site doesn`t have inland??? or am I looking in wrong place??
Anybody have the sat. images website or link- need to know if ice is gone from algonquin park? thanks, KK
Thats right fellow fishin` folks.... some really nice goodies up for grabs here. The 2007 Extreme Angler Annual combined with our show, Extreme Angler TV, offers more "branding" hence the name change from Canada`s Ultimate Fishing Annual. Some of the "hottest" sticks in the bizz have contributed in this yrs issue....everything from winter/spring steelhead, to springtime crappie, lake trout, pike and walleye to summer time bass, big water trolling steelhead and muskie to fall "prime-time-for-monsters" and a whole bunch of in-depth interviews with some of the big-money tourney winners from 2006...its all in here! Advanced copy & t-shirt orders are in the mailing system as you read this...selected tackle retailers get it next and in approx 2-10 days, all the major chains across Canada and the USA will have the copies on display... enjoy... but, don`t forget, that "extreme" Muskie painting contest is almost coming to a close...get your free entries in today!!! And season Five starts this saturday across North America at 9 & 11:30 am on OLN. THE HOOKSETS NEVER STOP on EXTREME ANGLER TV K-Dawg http://www.extremeanglertv.com
This week on Extreme Angler TV - WFN - thursday, saturday, sunday Team X on the loose! Bobby-D and Scotty start things up on Lake Erie, trolling with planer boards and worm harnesses in search of late spring walleye - the action is fast a furious with many double and triple headers; then Scott lays a beating on oversized largemouth bass hiding in shallow cane beds; and to top it off, K-Dawg is at it once again, armed with his favorite huntin` stick and bait of pigs he finds some fat greens amongst shallow backbay logs in a game of hide and seek. Guess who wins? The hooksets never stop from beginning to end! http://www.extremeanglertv.com
Week 4 - Extreme Angler TV- Tonite on WFN , and saturday/sunday this weekend; Team X member Mark Kulik puts on a clinic hunting down and catching big black slab sized crappies with the swimming grub technique, Bobby-D is on his home waters catching tasty-sized Detroit River walleyes in spring and K-Dawg hit`s the jackpot with giant largemouth bass hiding in lilypads...the hooksets never stop! http://www.extremeanglertv.com
The winning entries were sent by either the people who won or by a family member or relative (entries were emailed to us); and obviously some have different handles on this site that differ from there actual names. Prize packs included shirt, cap and fishing Rods...