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Everything posted by K-K-DAWG

  1. The Extreme FisherGirl Contest duration has completed and was a great success. Here are the weekly winners who will be awarded the FisherGirl Prize Packages from the contest- ALISHA WEGMAN JOAN WHALEN GENEVIEVE LAFRAMBOISE KERRY HOPKINS Congrats girls and enjoy the prize packs...
  2. The 2007 EXTREME ANGLER ANNUAL- Multi specie edition will be released to retailers and news stands in early February... if your interested, like the many who have already ordered, we have a ADVANCED order form on our website that includes a Extreme Angler T-shirt (in either white or black) and the 2007 magazine for only $13.95 plus S&H. This is our BIGGEST ISSUE EVER...and is jam packed with a ton of useful information for Canadian Anglers written by some of the hottest anglers in the country! Everything from spring crappie, steelhead, lake trout, jumbo perch and whitefish to summertime trolling for walleye, muskies & trout, casting for pike, jigging for `cats, pitchin` & flippin` jigs, craws and tubes for oversized bucketmouth bass to fall smallmouth on spoons and tubes, lakers and whitefish on roe bags, huge autumn walleyes and pre-ice slab-sized Crappie. You can read more about it on our website - http://www.extremeanglertv.com/hardcorereads.html
  3. We have a winner for the month of January 2007 in the Extreme Angler TV website contest- MONSTER MASH- But, we don`t know who this winner is or how to contact her? Her name is JESSICA, and she has WON the Solar Bat polarized sunglassses we give away each month and it looks like she really knows how to catch big bass! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Here`s what she looks like.... http://www.extremeanglertv.com
  4. Well, Well Mr Devine....I`m stuck in the office editing shows and your out and about catching those tasty `eyes...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...shame, er,... good for you. Speaking of Erie, just finished editing the show with you and Uncle Scotty slamming all those walleyes back in May- what a fishery! Anyone who likes catching walleyes, is gonna love that show!... And it all begins January 11 `07 on WFN. dawg`s gone to bed!! www.extremeanglertv.com
  5. WOW!!...There must be alot of muskie fishermen out there because the entries are NON-STOP! Finding the answer to the contest question does take a bit of effort, but its an easy one, especially for you bass anglers....hint, hint. Good luck to all and keep those entries coming! K-Dawg
  6. Hey T.J, Thanks for the invite, your site looks like a great place for anglers to share the "addiction or passion"as some like to call it; Our show, EXTREME ANGLER TV has grown in popularity very quickly with viewers and supporters alike ... season five starts in January on WFN, and we have introduced an even WIDER variety of species to our 100% ALL-CANADIAN CONTENT menu for a greater appeal to more multi-specie-angler tastes; Mixed in with the monster bass, we we`re fortunate (lucky...lol) enough to capture some incredible footage at locations most canadian anglers can drive to; here`s a sample of what viewers can expect in `07: Spring Lake Trout Jigging spoons Detroit River walleyes on the curly tail grub Tube drag bronzebacks Lake Erie summer steelhead on the troll Oversized largemouths hiding in the wood Slab sized crappies in spring Topwater smallmouth on poppers Big bronzebass in shallow largie water Open water whitefish on the spoon Jumbo yellow perch on plastics Trophy bigmouth bass hiding in deep trees Black crappie in fall on weed clumps Walleyes on the worm harness Lake Erie`s "super-sized smallmouths" Frog bass gone wild Stick-worm largemouth November smallies on the kawartha shoals Shallow Docks = Big Bass and so much more! And, our All-Fishing publication, Canada`s EXTREME ANGLER ANNUAL, looks like it`s going to be our biggest issue ever, released nationally across Canada and the northern USA in January. It`s jammed packed with multi-specie topics, how-tos, when-tos, and with-whats, written by some of the hottest anglers in the bizz....and best of all written for and by Canadian anglers. check us out http://www.extremeanglertv.com gotta go...thanks again for the invite till next time, KK
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